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Motorist slams into the back of an MBTA bus on Rte. 9 in Brookline; is pulled out of his car unconscious

Car after collision with 60 bus

Riders in an inbound 60 bus were jolted when the driver of a Toyota minivan slammed into it on Rte. 9 just before Chestnut Hill Avenue around 3:30 p.m.

"We all went flying," one rider reports, adding the bus driver was shaken up.

The rider, who took photos of the crash aftermath, reports the minivan's airbags deployed and that the driver was taken out of the vehicle unconscious.

Despite the force of the impact, which appears to have totaled the Toyota, the bus did not appear physically much the worse for wear. Still, everybody was ordered off the bus - but the T brought in a replacement within 15 minutes, the rider reports.

However, the T was still reporting 25-minute delays on the route, which runs between Chestnut Hill and Kenmore Square, as of 5 p.m.



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Did he slam into the bus consciously?


That may take a little while to figure out, and the information may never become public.

The EMTs and the ER staff have other priorities, unless the answer to that question affects patient care. Even if they do learn the answer, it may be the sort of personal medical information that's protected under HIPAA. (Did they do a blood test and discover evidence of a diabetic coma? Private information. Scan to detect signs of a stroke? Private information.)

Fortunately, it's not information we need: whether the driver was conscious doesn't affect how safe that bus is.

It's cute that you think that was a serious question.


Oof, my late father in law did this with at BAT (Brockton Area Transit) bus many years ago. I think his license was gratefully taken away shortly thereafter…

Would the police have access to driver’s mobile phone record in a case like this?

Also, older drivers in Ma who are not at fault in accidents are getting their licenses taken away.

Maybe if the rest of the MBTA was built so well we wouldn’t have all these problems.
