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Fellow passengers rescue woman who fell on tracks at Kendall station

A Minnesota visitor who fell on the Red Line tracks at Kendall Square last night was helped out by other passengers, the MBTA reports. According to an MBTA Transit Police report on the incident, shortly before 7 p.m.:

[The woman's husband] stated they were talking with some friends on the inbound platform and [she] was walking backward. He stated that she continued to walk backward into the pit and fell into it. He then jumped into the pit to help get her out and other passengers assisted in lifting her onto the platform. [She] reported injury to the neck, hips, and dizziness.


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Some assembly required

Gloucester got its big-ass wind turbine today. In pieces.


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Simmons College fence jumper sought

Simmons College suspectWhat kind of aftershave do you think he wears?

Simmons College Police report one of their officers spotted this guy in the process of trying to gain entry to a dorm Friday night by climbing through a window:

When approached by police, subject fled jumping over a fence onto Brookline Avenue.

Sightings welcome at 617-521-1112.


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Suggestion for life-loving mountain bikers: Stay out of Weston

Boston Biker reports bow-and-arrow hunting becomes legal for the next 2 1/2 months on Weston conservation land - through which run some trails often ridden by mountain bikers.

Seriously watch out!


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Is there no condition for which a clinical study can't be advertised on the Red Line?

Apparently not.

Via Boston Reddit, which manages to turn it into a Yo Momma crack.


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Rains relent for Roslindale parade

Kid and parade

Just as the Roslindale Day parade was starting in Roslindale Square, the rain let up. By the time the parade was halfway through Belgrade and Walworth, the sun was coming out.

The Somerville High marching band marched in Roslindale:

There were politicians and there were babies, and sometimes they met:

Kid and Brown

Scott Brown was accompanied by supporters, including one with four legs. Elizabeth Warren was a no-show, but she also had plenty of supporters, including her own canine supporters:


Lots of dancers, of course:

Kid and parade


Pom poms

Belgrade Avenue was reflected in one marcher's tuba:


The Roslindale library's book fairy spread joy and bookmarks along the route:

Book lady

Need a pencil?

Kid and parade



EMS honor guard:



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Outrage as Sox players express admiration for Raul Ibanez home run

You'd almost think Cody Ross and Will Middlebrooks pissed on home plate at Fenway or something last night. Both were watching the Yankees/Tigers game and both tweeted their amazement/admiration for Raul Ibanez's ninth-inning home run.

And parts of Red Sox Nation lost their collective mind.

Last night, Ross tweeted, simply:


Middlebrooks was even more effusive:

This is simply insane... #raul

Raul Ibanez is the St Louis Cardinals funneled into one man.

How dare they!

Alex B, a Boston native now living in Ft. Lauderdale, tweeted at Middlebrooks:

Life is norhing without loyalty. Hope Sox shitcan u

And then to both Middlebrooks and Ross:

hmm odd how real Red Sox like Pedey and Papi aren't on the yankees jock like you two

I am a baseball fan. Sorry

Just lost half my followers Smh

Since I've ruffled so many feathers tonight lets stay with the trend and tell me who's going to win the election?

Middlebrooks also replied:

??? For watching baseball? lmao get a life RT @abart76: @middlebrooks Life is norhing without loyalty. Hope Sox shitcan u

Na man. New rule. We cant watch. Turn off your tv now. RT @IamCodyRoss: I am a baseball fan. Sorry

I love baseball. Love playing. Love watching. Love seeing guys come up clutch in big situations. It's why we all play the game.

Some fans jumped to the players' defense. Take Kevin Daly, who tweeted:

I was born and bred in Boston & have lived & breathed Sox since day 1. But it's OK to be a baseball fan as well.

And Colin Steele:

You guys did nothing wrong. Don’t let a few morons represent the rest of us fans.


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14-year-old arrested for Dorchester stabbing death

Boston Police report arresting the Dorchester male - too young to have his name released - for the stabbing death of Cherby LaJoie, 39, on Oct. 6 on Charles Street. Police say the teen stabbed LaJoie multiple times early that morning.

LaJoie was himself once charged with shooting a teen to death in 1996, but his 1999 trial ended with a hung jury.


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Larry Bird and Skeletor enjoying a break

Why the Internet was invented.

Angry Dan wonders if maybe the Museum of Bad Art should put in a bid, to replace its stolen Velvet Crying Elvis.


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Truck turns sardine can on Memorial Drive

Sardine can truck

Roving UHub photographer Daniel Weintraub stopped roving long enough to snap a photo of the truck with the newly peeled back roof on Memorial Drive around 11:30 this morning (also note the scaffolding for the oculus installation on MIT's Great Dome, and yes, that is mentioned partially because ye editor likes saying "oculus").


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