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Brookline firefighters contain apartment-building fire

Stephen Walsh posts photos from a fire at 1477 Beacon St. around 9:15 this morning:

.. Aggresive inside attacks contained the fire to the 6th floor. ...


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Cops don't always have a sense of humor at 1:15 in the morning

Boston Police report closing out a shindig at 56 Ridgemont St. in Brighton early Saturday morning.

Responding to noise complaints from nearby residents, responding officers arrived just in time to see beer bottles flying out of a second-floor window:

As officers attempted to enter the 2nd floor apartment, an individual, later identified as Jason Tucker, locked the door and refused to allow the officers to enter the apartment. When officers instructed the individual to open the door, the suspect laughed, turned his back on the officers and proceeded to go up stairs.

The resourceful officers found another way inside, where police say they found 100 people partying away. Although most left, four refused, at which point they were given a ride over to the nearby Brighton police station, along with the two listed occupants of the unit.

Innocent, etc.


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Thugs don't realize what sort of shape the Globe is in these days

Boston Police report a pair of armed knuckleheads held up - and possibly shot up - a Globe delivery truck around 10:15 this morning at Harrison Avenue and E. Lenox St. in the South End. They got away with some money, some of it in the form of coins. The driver was not shot, but was taken to Boston Medical Center with some injuries sustained during the robbery.

The robbers were described as two black men wearing black hoodies.

Sun, 04/05/2009 - 06:15
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Calling Dr. Moreau: Time to merge the Globe and Herald?

It may seem like a twisted suggestion out of Dr. Moreau's "Island of Lost Souls" -- an action that seems to violate nature itself -- but in this new era of extraordinary business machinations, why aren't we talking about finding a way to merge the Globe and the Herald?

Perhaps a single, merged, Boston daily would help to bring together various tribes of this city that do not interact, listen, and communicate with one another. The Globe and the Herald have their separate readerships and distinct editorial voices, but might it be healthier to encourage that diversity of news, perspective, and opinion under the roof of one (hopefully viable) paper intensely devoted to quality coverage of the metropolitan region?

In another Universal Hub thread, some of us have been talking about a "Boston edition" of the New York Times, should the Globe go under. Theoretically, it could work, in that the local and regional reporters could be moved into a new NYT Boston metro bureau. However, this would be a terrible blow to the civic health of Boston. Boston may not be the hub of the universe, but it's the capital city of an entire region, and it's much more than a New York satellite.

Boston may no longer be able to support two daily newspapers. If the Globe folds, its readership will not flock to the Herald. If the Herald went belly up, its readers would not be buying the Globe. Right now it's the Globe's turn to be on the chopping block, but the Herald has been there and could be again. The constituencies of both the Globe and Herald need a daily paper, and yet the future for both papers is perilous.

It would take some acrobatic negotiations to do this -- perhaps with a brand-new ownership group -- but I'm sure it could be done.


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Dance battle at North Station

It's Lawrence vs. Boston:


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Globe demands just a prelude to a sale?

The Outraged Liberal begins to think the $20-million threat is really just an attempt to tidy up Globe finances a bit before offloading the paper to a local buyer:

... The Globe is not worthless -- no matter what the critics think -- even if it is a far less valuable than what the Times paid. There is the land, the presses and boston.com, the sixth most popular web destination with 5.2 million hits a month. ... Sulzberger's legacy is tied up in this debacle of his own making. I think he's looking for an exit strategy that will enable him to dump the Globe and the Red Sox and forget about Boston.

And when that happens, the feeling will no doubt be mutual.


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Developer withdraws plans for East Cambridge building neighbors hated

Mark Jaquith reports that the Beal Companies have withdrawn their application to build a 10-story research building just 50 feet from some homes.

'Imagine having a building the size of Holyoke Center in your back yard'.


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Brookline luxo-condos sold at auction

Anthony Longo reports on today's auction of 46 units at Longwood Towers in Brookline. All the units went for less than their last asking price (and he provides details on each unit), but:

The developer wins by unloading 46 units and setting the tempo for the remaining units in the project. All in all I think a great day for all.


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The Globe's here - with a wonderfully timed new ad campaign

Dan Kennedy points us to a brand new Globe ad campaign that apparently warns us that without cuts, the Globe will only be able to feature one story at a time. Or something like that.


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Despite the grim situation at the Boston Globe, at least one reporter still knows how to have some fun.

Today's article on Breyers ice cream plant in Framingham closing ends with this sentence:

"Unilever's other brands include Ben & Jerry's, Dove, and Vaseline."


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