Only two more to go.
Mike Timlin, all is forgiven! And Wells, aside from the first inning, shows why the Sox signed him. Oh, and dear Yankees: Thanks for all the fielding, especially you, Jason.
Meanwhile, out in the way western suburbs, i.e., Pittsburgh, Dr. Suzie reports:
Watching baseball is more of a challenge if you are holding an (almost) sleeping baby. Josie is usually sound asleep by eight, but like her mother, unable to sleep when the Red Sox are on television. Or maybe, she is unable to sleep when her mother is cursing like a sailor. Either way, she is a Red Sox fan, which is a relief, as my biggest fear during pregnancy was that I would birth a Yankees fan. One shudders to think. ...
To our east, as in Berlin, Sage reports trouble finding a place to watch the games:
... And here, all kinds of people walk around wearing Yankees hats. I think I already mentioned this, but I find it deeply disturbing. More evidence of an insidious evil empire.