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The Scott Brown Era

The halcyon days of Massachusetts' elected representatives driving the federal government's agenda is back according to Gretchen Carlson, a graduate of Stanford University and hostess of Fox News' Fox and Friends:

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Gregory Koger, Explaining The American Filibuster

Fresh Air Jan 25, 2010:

Political scientist Gregory Koger's new book, Filibustering: A Political History of Obstruction in the House and Senate, addresses the institutionalization of the filibuster — and describes congressional loopholes by way of which fast thinking and hard work can beat the numbers. Koger teaches American politics at the University of Miami. He joins host Terry Gross for a conversation about what has happened to simple majority rule.



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James O'Keefe of ACORN fame arrested for alleged felony wiretapping of Sen Landrieu's office

Ok what the frick is going on?? Didn't Republicans learn anything from the humiliation of Richard Nixon and the plumbers prison sentences for breaking and entering the Watergate Hotel and wire tapping the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate Scandal?



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Coakley reflects on loss (video)

[size=8]Link to VIDEO[/size][/center]

"People want elected officials who are accessible ..."


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Scott Brown: Independent, Lock-Step Republican or Pig in a Poke?

We chose him: What did we get and how will Scott Brown affect decisions coming out of the Senate? The purpose of this blog post is to document the issue positions Brown campaigned on, to get to know him better, and to use as a reference for when he starts taking votes. Your contributions in the comments are greatly appreciated.


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What MA voters told us about the Senate health bill and change? Not enough!

Last night, Democrats lost Ted Kennedy's Senate seat in a bitter special election. This is a sad day for all of us who loved Ted Kennedy. But to make it even worse, conservative Democrats and Washington talking heads are claiming that the loss happened because Congress was "too far to the left." They are wrong again and we can prove it.


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Election Day Punditry - US Senate edition

Obama showed up Sunday and rallied for Coakley to energize his supporters and signal that the race could still be won. If not, Obama takes one for the team. Obama pragmatic reason for putting himself on the line in this race is the 60th vote in the senate, and important vote due to the persistent and unrelenting Republican obstructionism in the Senate, and for health care although a defeat of Coakley does not necessarily signal a defeat of health care. There's budget reconciliation or stuffing he Senate Bill down the throats of Congress.


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Open Letter to John Walsh, Chairman MA Democratic Party

Mr. John Walsh, Chairman
MA Democratic Party

Dear Mr Chairman,

Many registered Democratic Party voters as well as liberal and moderate independents are not pleased with our party's candidate for US Senate.

Rest assured, Martha Coakley has my vote Tuesday as well as the votes of many voters like me but it is a vote I cast with reservations.


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Teabaggers Redux: Brown supporters filibuster Obama at Coakley campaign event

[size=9]alt to video[/size]

This is best the opposition can do. Controversy politics and yelling down their political opponent. It's not really free speech some of these Brown supporters value; it's yelling down their opponents. I thought we decided in August that was no way to have debate about important issues. And how much do these people care about their candidate that they can't be bothered to go to his event instead?


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Fighting over the remains



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Vote Coakley Tuesday. Primary Coakley in 2012

[float=right]IMAGE(http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk143/nfsagan/Vote-Coakley-Tuesday.jpg)[/float][justify]There simply is too much at stake to vote my conscience on Tuesday, which would be to write-in Mike Capuano or Alan Khazie. [/justify]


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Clinton stumps for Coakley (with video)


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For UHub Reader Dave: On Staying Classy


For background, you can follow along here.


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Soliciting direct reasons to vote Coakley

[float=right]IMAGE(http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk143/nfsagan/coakley4.jpg)[/float]A lot is being said and written about the effect of a Coakley loss (or win) on Tuesday including:


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Gerald Amirault on WEEI (yes Coakley came up)

"When you're accused of something as heinous as child molestation, people are very reluctant to do anything.

And it takes years and years and years for the media to catch up with something like this. And once they did and once the Wall Street Journal starting taking an interest in my case, which is a very conservative law and order type of a newspaper, it kind of put up the antennas for everyone else ...


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Republicans distort and exaggerate to manufacture controversy in Senate race

John McCormack of The Weakling Standard blogs about getting "shoved in to a metal railing" by a Coakley staffer Tuesday night after the fund raiser in DC.

Michael Graham exaggerates and distorts the incident reporting in The Corner Blog at the National Review that a "Coakley staffer" was "shoving" McCormack "to the ground" "and then repeatedly shoving him again and again." Who will tell Graham that 'repeatedly' and 'again and again' is redundant? Is Graham a simpleton or an a**hat? Don't answer that, I'm not done yet. Graham claims this incident is the turning point of the campaign.

But everything changed yesterday.


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If Martha Coakley had half the gusto of David Kravitz

David Kravitz, an editor of Blue Mass Group takes on EaBo, an editor of Red Mass Group, with gusto:


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The pragmatism of voting your conscience for US Senate

"The debate basically cemented my extremely reluctant vote for Coakley, with hopes that either she grows into the job or that someone better beats her in the Democratic primary in two years."
- David Yamada 1/12/2010 9:46AM

I suspect a lot of liberals feel the way David Yamada does. I do but I come to a different conclusion about how I should vote. Follow me on this, I’ll explain.

A lot of liberals are extremely reluctant to vote for Coakley and they do so only by holding out hope that she would become a much better Senator than we have any evidence of or reason to believe. Yes ‘ouch’ but true in my estimation.


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Coakley's campaign leaves voters in the dark

The problem with the low-key cautious campaign that race leaders with large leads frequently choose to run is that the public does not get to know their candidate very well.


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