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warrior_02131's blog

Roslindale Day Parade protest about greening Roslindale

Now that there has been a green issues forum that most of the candidates for Mayor attended, I have to feel some vindication about my idea to press for these things several years ago. A prophet is not appreciated in his hometown. The placement of solar and/or wind power generators on the roofs of City of Boston owned buildings was suggested, and I brought that issue up on Twitter several months ago.

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Roslindale Day Parade protest about greening Roslindale

Now that there has been a green issues forum that most of the candidates for Mayor attended, I have to feel some vindication about my idea to press for these things several years ago. A prophet is not appreciated in his hometown. The placement of solar and/or wind power generators on the roofs of City of Boston owned buildings was suggested, and I brought that issue up on Twitter several months ago.

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