It's happened numerous times in my recent memory. Last time it happened, the state had to close the bridge until they could make emergency repairs. I hope this one isn't as bad.
Well, that explains the cops and truck parked on the ramp to the BU Bridge traffic circle last night around 5:30 PM. I didn't notice anything particularly different or broken on the bridge. In fact, it wasn't until I read this story that I even realized the reason he was in the right lane with the cops and all was because he'd hit the bridge.
Unlike the semi heading for MicroCenter that wiped out on the bridge and took a chunk out of the concrete, this one appeared to have barely scraped the bottom.
They've been closing lanes around the BU Bridge all week, due to the ongoing bridge construction project and some road resurfacing work. I walk through there nightly, and it's been a cluster[frack] all week long.
Magazine Street *again* ?
It's happened numerous times in my recent memory. Last time it happened, the state had to close the bridge until they could make emergency repairs. I hope this one isn't as bad.
Well, that explains the cops and truck parked on the ramp to the BU Bridge traffic circle last night around 5:30 PM. I didn't notice anything particularly different or broken on the bridge. In fact, it wasn't until I read this story that I even realized the reason he was in the right lane with the cops and all was because he'd hit the bridge.
Unlike the semi heading for MicroCenter that wiped out on the bridge and took a chunk out of the concrete, this one appeared to have barely scraped the bottom.
(some) cops were probably unrelated to the crash
They've been closing lanes around the BU Bridge all week, due to the ongoing bridge construction project and some road resurfacing work. I walk through there nightly, and it's been a cluster[frack] all week long.
BU bridge southbound is
BU bridge southbound is closed tonight and tomorrow night BTW. 7pm-5am
someone watch out for him
He's probably in pieces.
Cowardly confetti conspirator! His collision must have crumpled the hopes of commuters.
Okay, who picked "October
Okay, who picked "October 30" in the pool?