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Will trade swine-flu vaccine for Bon Jovi tickets

This cannot possibly be true, can it?

Via Sambot.

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Oh yes ... I'll get you my vaccine, and then I'll go stand in a large crowd of people who came from all over the area.

Bad idea.

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Yes, but it's not even her vaccine(s)! Her posting makes no sense. She'll give away vaccines for her youngest six kids, but the oldest kid gets to keep his/hers?...because that 11 year old will be...what? Babysitting?

Also, how does she even have vaccines in her hand to trade? I thought they were shots, administered by a health official... would she have to bring in the seller and explain that she sacrificed her children's health for Bon Jovi tickets?

Or am I just way too gullible today and this is all a joke?

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The vaccine isn't handed out. It is administered by a health care professional. The dosage needs to be measured by a health care professional.

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