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Mike Capuano scrappy congressman relishes underdog status

This video follows US Senate candidate Mike Capuano one recent Saturday, October 24 from his home in Somerville to campaign events in West Roxbury and Milford.

[size=8]alt to video

Mike has held other events across the state, map here, and Tele-Town Halls where callers have an opportunity to ask a question. The next event is tonight Tuesday, November 17 at 6:00 PM. Call (888) 886-6602 and enter the password: 13726#

In a recent public poll, Mike Capuano polled as the candidate most like Ted Kennedy whose seat he wants to earn by winning the primary December 8 and the election January 19.

Among core Democratic voters who knew the primary date, 31 percent felt Capuano was most similar to the late senator, followed by 15 percent who named Coakley.link

Mike's candidacy for US Senate has been endorsed by The Honorable Nancy Pelosi and seven of the ten US Congressmen from the Massachusetts delegation including Barney Frank, Stephen Lynch, Jim McGovern, Richard E. Neal, John Olver, and John Tierney. (You count only six Congressmen on the list? You didn't think Mike would endorse one of his opponents instead of himself did you?) However these seven US Congressmen like you get one vote, so if you support Mike Capuano for US Senate, vote for him on December 8.

Wednesday, November 18 is the last day to register to be eligible to vote in the Primary Election on December 8. How to here. Where to here.



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And scritch him behind his ears.

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Everyone's dog looks like their owner... would you say Mike's dog is a Saint Bernard? If not then what?

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chinese hairless emoticon -:Q

Seriously - nice comment about the "humanity" - but there's another -ity word that realistically has to take precedence - it's called "priority" - living downtown I see homeless people all the time - full blooded, born in the USA Americans - many veterans - shouldn't we be taking care of them first (and a bit of hyperbole - how many of the 12 million illegal immigrants are living in public housing?)

Also - what a lovely theatrical piece of political grandstanding with the bankers - as we all know - the government was 100% aware of what was going on in the banks and did nothing to stop it- all you had to do was read the cover of every news and business magazine in the country. In fact they bipartisanly encouraged it. Capuano even sits on the U.S. House Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises - it was directly 100% HIS job to know what was going on and protect us from exactly what happened - he and the rest failed to do that. What he leaves out is that EVERY banker sitting in front of him obeyed the rules he and his fellow committee members wrote! Where is the coverage by our courageous local press of that?

Just one more example of something for everyone and no way to pay for it. It's one thing to say you are going to give away the candy store - but I'd like to see him and those who agree with him give away their candy before they ask the rest of us for ours.

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of playing Alan Greenspan are up

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As I said - the Fed under Greenspan had probably the best view of the whole thing - even better than Capuano - and did nothing.

Care to make a contrary argument rather than just call names and claim "your facts aren't true" as if saying it makes it correct?

Question 1 - what laws or regulations did the bankers break

Question 2 - How was the head of JP Morgan, for example, supposed to know what the head of Citigroup, Wachovia or any one of thousands of smaller banks were doing - and vice versa.

Without that information how could the bankers POSSIBLY know the risks to the system - and even if they did - what could they have done about it - even the best run, most conservative banks like JP Morgan, Wells Fargo and Goldman had to take emergency action to avert disaster.

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Its hard to make something illegal...

Also if they are so smart they should have seen it coming. I for one always questioned home prices as many sensible people did. We asked why we would buy a house today under the assumption that 5 years from now it would be worth more and I could refinance and go on like that forever. What happens when the price did not go up? If houses were doubling in price every decade , that should be a warning sign. Sure the "math" added up but how about the common sense?

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Heaven forfend that we actually think hard about who we want now ... or dare consider that we can make changes that move this becalmed sledge forward. Yikes!

At this point, I'm quietly wishing that we could keep Kirk - but then I realize that he's only asking the hard questions and kicking up a fuss because he's a temp.

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What I like about him is he says "I have a chance of winning" most candidates always say "I will win!"

When he says he is not plain gray, does that mean Martha Coakley is? I think she is...

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