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Our favorite Canadian-American leaves for New York


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Thank God it's not the yanks!

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This deal will raise eyebrows and will have us all wondering why Jason Bay left Boston for just an additional $6 million.


It wasn't out of our reach...but its also a lot more than Bay is worth. It was smart to let him walk, even though I loved the guy.


There has been a lot of talk in the sport that the Red Sox were hesitant to do a long-term deal with Bay because they were concerned about the health of his shoulders.
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...whatever the hell that means? Anyone?

My jock-sniffing co worker says that Bay got $6 million more PLUS the Vested Option. He then confessed to not knowing what the hell it meant either, but his educated guess is that Bay could get an additional year with the Mets at the same rate if he met certain playing time incentive milestones.

If anyone out there can corroborate or correct, please do.

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Hi everyone,

Sam, your friend is pretty accurate.

So Bay received a four-year deal with a vesting option for a fifth year. Basically, this means that Bay will need to meet a certain list of requirements in the third or fourth years of the deal (or both). While the contract details aren't finalized or made public, these requirements could be a minimum amount of plate appearances, at-bats, games played, etc. Basically, the Mets want to have the right to buy out Bay's fifth year if he becomes unhealthy, misses games, and/or hits the DL in the third or fourth years of the deal.

Bay could have reached a similar deal in Boston, but for some reason (whether he was mad at Theo, ownership, or both) he decided he wouldn't sign here at all.

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