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BRA to developer: Your skyscraper project sucks and your mother dresses you funny

The BRA fires back at Don Chiofaro over his proposal to tear down that garage near the Aquarium (the one with the weird red ribbon thing) and replace it with a skyscraper:

... We are fully supportive of the redevelopment of this site as it is not living up to its full potential. And the guidelines are not anti-development, rather they recommend lower heights along the water's edge with taller heights along the city side of the Greenway. The $16 billion in public investment makes the public a shareholder in the value that we have created for the private landowners along the Greenway - we don't want to devalue our asset by putting another barrier along the waterfront.



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Chiofaro can give his garage to the BRA in exchange for the hole in Downtown Crossing, upon which he can build whatever he wants. They'd have to take the hole by eminent domain, of course. It just seems wrong that this guy is supposedly dying to build something while those other crumbbums seem to have developed an allergy to building.
Or maybe the BRA should just hang it up. Declare victory and disband.
Redevelopment accomplished.

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yer intha tank

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I would just wait 4 years, when we have a new mayor that doesn't have a personal feud with the developer. At least then a compromise could be made.

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In a real democracy, this would not be simply a war between three tyrants. Whatever happens on that site, good or bad, will be done through an illegitimate decision-making process. That is because 1) voters are stupid and lazy, and 2) bloop bloop bloop: In Boston, huge numbers of voters work for the government and are in the tank for their boss.

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MUST ...... PROTECT ........ OVERRATED...... MEDIAN.... STRIP ....... FROM......SHADE ...... AND .......CITY ....FROM..... URBANITY

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How about saving Boston from being turned into the equivalent of a suburban office park?

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Have you been to Manhattan? Because I'm really not seeing how a single 600' skyscraper would contribute AT ALL to the "Manhattanization" of Boston. Considering how Manhattan has 84 buildings over 600', compared to Boston's 5.

I'd like one of these anti-Manhattanization fanatics to actually spell it out for the rest of us...

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Are u friggen kidding me,, these people have been holding this city back almost like they actually r in charge of keeping Boston down,, really we r a city that doesn't get nothing done and we r a city that's scared of change and everyone else is moving forward,, maybe that's why our kids leave when there 19, and then they don't come back,, it's easier to live other places and things get done,, we r always worried about shadows and birds and this and that,, man what a complete embarrassment, will someone grow a spine and just change. Sheesh,, ps I live just outside the city,, and everytime they ask anything being built other than car lots or CVS's,,,, he said I should just move bc all the old people rule everything there,, do u think seeing all those redsox fans in fl or cal r bc they moved away,, an estimated 1.6 mil people,, crazzxzy,, Boston was a major city in the early and mid 1900's,, but now we continue to be afraid,, and we r stuck,, it's sad we keep fallen further and further behind and now we r a smaller city than most,, keep it up

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