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Open letter to Mayor Menino about disastrous snow handling this winter


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I was looking on the iPhone app today; several of the tickets that have been open for several days regarding "space savers left out long after the storm" have been closed today, presumably because the space savers are no longer in violation since it's now snowing.


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They're closing some of the unshoveled sidewalk complaints the same way. As long as there's a storm every three days, they can close every single complaint within 24 hours.

Their closure efficiency rate must be excellent. Somebody's getting a bonus!

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I was assuming there was some logic to this. They also closed my complaint of my recycling not being picked up, except that it's STILL OUT THERE. No, they're just closing all the complaints for the hell of it.

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This is a great letter and hope that Mayor Menino et al actually does something about these issues. The parking space savers has gotten me so frustrated I have been searching for a way to complain where someone will actually listen so i was glad to come accross this letter.

I live in charlestown and the space saving has gotten ridiculous! I want to walk up to people with space savers and ask them how much the rent is because if it's reasonable i'll rent as well!!

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