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T passengers as freight cargo


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My favorite: "If you see something, say something!"

Yeah, that would work out. I'm sure the Bulgerite
behind the glass would be wicked responsive.

Can you imagine how this system of surly employees,
non-functional stations, and broken PA systems
("train...gurgle gurgle gurgle Pahk Street gurgle gurgle
gurgle...ologize for incovenence..")
would respond to a REAL problem?

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I don't see what the T's current problems have to do with anyone named Bulger. It would be just as (il)logical to blame them on Bill Weld.

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It's an old joke. Back when Billy Bulger
was president of the State Senate, before
he "retired" on a $196,000 public-funded
pension, the MBTA was his personal patronage
dumping ground. Thus the translation of
the acronym.

I realize that he's no longer officially in
power, but am guessing that the world-wide-search
that led to the hiring of many current T "workers"
led through his office.

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Lolita Parker Jr. was on one of those trains and took these photos. (Thanks, Bostonist.)

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Somehow I entirely missed that this photo essay was first mentioned on Universal Hub. Sorry, Adam!

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He's exactly right. The problem with the MBTA is not that problems sometimes happen. Its that MBTA never seems to have any sensible response to them. Not even for planned service interuptions, much less emergency incidents like what happened on the Red Line Friday. Or the Orange Line Friday. Or the Orange Line a couple weeks ago. Or countless other times. Their reaction seems to gleefully ignore the implications on passengers. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a service interruption where there were no MBTA officials directing people. Passengers are told to go upstairs for a shuttle bus, only to get upstairs and find nothing and hopefully see other people walking around the corner to where the buses actually are. Or service interuptions are planned out with little forethought. Its not that problems happen. Its that the MBTA just makes problems worse.

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