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Stop feeding the goddamn ducks, Lynn tells stubborn old coot

The Daily Item reports the 80-year-old duck feeder refuses to stop, no matter how large the bill, she says God is on her side.

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It's good to know my medicare and social security taxes are helping this lady stay alive and buy bird food and feel like she has some reason to exist.

It's like that commercial with the old bastard whining about how he won't be able to stay in his fancy nursing home if Congress takes away his Medicare. "What am I supposed to do???" Well, if you haven't saved enough to take care of yourself, and your family doesn't want to take you in...maybe it's time for you to just fucking die already?

I know that back in the '60s America was on top of the world and we decided our seniors should live forever, but it ain't like that anymore. You're 80 years old and contribute nothing to society. Please die.

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I didn't think you could aspire to the lofty goal you set for yourself as the title of your post, but I'll be damned if you didn't. Congratulations!

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... for "worth less than zero"?

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What's even more amazing is that (as of this post) five people agree with 'spenser'

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I've decided after seeing public opinion polls over the past couple years centered around political questions that there's a group of 21% of the public (give or take about 5%) that you can get to agree on SOMETHING no matter how crazy or sad. It's NOT always the same 21% for certain, but it's always about 21% of the whole. Alien anal probes? Sure thing. Obama death panels? Why not. The Lynn bird lady should die? 21%

6/34 (his 6 plus my 28) is about 4% less than 21%. Sounds about right.

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Adam, please remove posts that request people die.

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You would make Paul Ryan and Ronald Reagan proud.

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Actually I think he's auditioning to get on one of the Obamacare death panels.

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of Ayn Rand hanging in the bedroom.

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When Rand eventally had to confront disability, cancer, and mortality she applied for and received public assistance. Not that she probably wasn't entitled to it, but she used a different name to prevent having to say that she was wrong about the need for a safety net.

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Why do you wish a person to die? Get help. Seriously - find a good therapist who can help you uncover why you would wish anyone to die. I doubt if you were born with this kind of self-centered contempt for other people. Your cold, hard hearted contempt says a lot about you.

Get help before you cause terrible harm to yourself or another person.

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If she doesn't sniff the bread out where it's scattered for the birds and squirrels she's picking it out of the water, or eating it after it goes through the goose if you know what I mean.

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Could someone also get the morons who feed the pigeons in the Southeast corner of the Common to freaking quit it? Yes, just what we need, a flock of pigeons that hangs out there all the time. Sometimes I dream about poisoned birdseed. And they're so fat/tame that they practically get underfoot every time you're around there. Not to mention the crap.

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I don't get these people that feel a need to "feed the birds". Especially in urban areas of mostly pigeons. Birds are more than capable of taking care of themselves. There are people that do it in my neighborhood as well. Throwing shredded up scraps of bread and old bagels onto sidewalks is also likely feeding rats, mice and other unneeded vermin. The bread throwers never seem to think of that.

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A lot of people find it relaxing and the animals are pretty cute, so it might trigger that 'aw, gotta take care of it' urge. My mother has several bird feeders around her house and spends her free time just enjoying watching the birds and their antics.

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Properly maintained bird feeders on private property which attract a variety of bird species are a different story than people who toss bread and other food scraps onto city streets for pigeons and other urban vermin.

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They're not pigeons, they're doves. Don't you like doves?

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In her own special way to the people she calls:
"Come buy my bags full of crumbs
Come feed the little birds, show them you care
And you'll be glad if you do!"

Maybe they're all just Mary Poppins fans.

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Did you ever have a gramma who wouldn't eat but insisted on stuffing you with terrible food?

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Must be an Irish thing...

My Italian Granda stuffed me with delicious food!

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