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Downtown bank robbed by same guy who robbed it last month

Boston Police are looking for a short white guy with red hair, initially described as looking like "a leprechaun," who held up the Sovereign Bank branch at 125 Summer St. around 4:15 p.m. He was last seen running toward the front entrance of South Station in a white T-shirt and black cap - where he may have boarded a commuter-rail train to either Stoughton or Framingham. At least one train was stopped at Back Bay while officers searched for him, without success.

The guy was apparently the same one who held up the branch on Dec. 16.

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What no picture?

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No, they thought using some sort of crude stereotype as a description was sufficient.

Would've loved to see what comparisons they would have made if the perp were a sketchy Guatemalo ("uh, he looked pretty much like every other illegal... sort of like a landscaper, or a caveman").

Of course, we only get offended by racially/ethnically insensitive comments if they're about select, politically favored 'special' groups like blacks or Hispanics. Such is the state of our hyper-hypocritical politically correct society.

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Here's an amateur sketch of the perp.

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I guess you can make racist statements about someone's features if they appear to be Irish.

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... (and nationality) of the person making the leprechaun statement.....

Yeah, I thought not.

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Bigotry against Irish seems to be tolerated by some around here, unfortunately.

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Is not a race.

See also "white".

Ethnically insensitive stereotype, yes. Racist, no.

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if i call a person from ghana, haiti, or south carolina a #$%%^@ or a *##& im am only being racially insensitive? not a racist?

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Who gives a shit?

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I'm black, I'm white, I'm Mexican, I'm Polish, I'm Indian, I'm German, I'm French. For fuck's sake, we're all people.

One of my favorites stories involves a friend I have. Upon return from a trip to Bermuda, this friend asked me if the people in Bermuda were African American... Well, I had to break it to her, Bermuda isn't part of America, it's a British colony. Furthermore, I let this friend know not all blacks are American.

I knew a Chinese guy once who had Italian parents...guess how many people had a hard time figuring that one out...

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Who looks like a person.

Really effective.

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I'm a white male and I'm being oppressed by having to think before I write or speak!


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i hear he's been "short" on the rent a few times lately ( i also hear he has a terrible drinking problem). when they do catch him do you think they will toss him in the paddy wagon?

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Released his eyewitness sketch:


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From a bank robbery last month on Federal Street.

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Yes, it was my husband that got pulled off the train in Back Bay. Yes he is Irish, however he is 6 feet tall with black hair and looks nothing like a freaking Leprechaun. Thankfully he was let back on the train after being surrounded and questioned by men with Ak 47's. However, Channel 7 reported he was taken into custody, which he wasn't because the police grabbed the wrong guy. I blogged about it last night before I realized it was going to hit the news


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