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Does Homeland Security know about this?

If you do something stupid like stand in front of the Federal Reserve Bank in this post-9/11 world and aim a camera at the building, don't be surprised if some angry federale leaps out at you and demands you stop immediately. That's why God gave us Google Street View:

Mark Baard has posted a bunch of Google Street View photos of local federal offices.

But where are the incriminating photos?



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And you know what, it does nothing to prevent terrorism.

It's just an easy way for the government to flex is muscles and a way for them to shift blame if anything does happen; "well we had these protective procedures in place". Much like random bag check on the T (oh, no explosives have been found, so it much be working!)

Run, Flee, your all going to Die!

...Give me a break.

Also, how would the police at the fed building have any jurisdiction if you took a photo, say, from across the street on public property at south station? I really want to know how this is legal, cause everything points to it being an illegal, cover our ass, policy that should be challenged much like the T's no photo policy.

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