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Mystery flash, boom rattle Roslindale, but cause no apparent damage
By adamg on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 9:28pm
Boston firefighters and police rushed to 52 Zeller St. tonight after residents reported a flash and a loud boom. But as Jonathan Bohan reports, after walking over there:
People out looking, cops have no idea what it was, something burning, nothing visible.
heard it in JP
Someone's meth lab blew up.
Someone's meth lab blew up.
heard it in Dorchester Fields
heard it in Dorchester Fields Corner
Nick Lane and the other
Nick Lane and the other Cortexikids have been tricked into trying destroy the two worlds in order to create a new one where David Robert Jones controls matter and physics.
Dr. Bishop and Secretary Bishop agreed to turn off the Machine and close the bridge between our worlds, in order to thwart that plan and preserve what we each now have. In Peter we trust.
Back to the Harvard lab where it all began as our misfits try repair the damage.
So, Breaking Bad, Fringe...
how about Lost? Maybe they went back to the island?
Funny, the quaint blue phone booth seems to have vanished ...
Ball Lightning?
Not common in this area, but it does happen.
May also have been a meteorite. I think that would have been visible before it reached the area, though.
Boom+ flash+ smell = (usually) transformer explosion
Could be. I saw one explode
Could be. I saw one explode rather up close in the Bronx last summer. It was quite the sight, sound, and smell. We are all watching the scene until the cops threw us out of the area and told us to go home.
I don't think so
It smelled too strongly like organic material, kind of pleasant, actually. Someone did mention that the transformer at the end of Zeller had blown several months back, but no one seems to have lost power last night.
Maybe a fvart
fresh vegetarian fart
probably rules that out
No blackout and sweet smell eliminates transformer. Maybe it was a meth lab. Any updates?
It just happened again at
It just happened again at about 8:50 (Sunday night). I live on Ardale Street, Zeller Street is basically through my back yard. Any more word on what it actually is (other than a really like a loud boom that shakes the house...)?