...and wait for someone to tell me why Smokey McGee being old and from New Bedford has any bearing on whether a cop gets involved or not.
That's the BNY Mellon building. They've usually been pretty good about letting kids skate there. The kids who owned the skate shop on Province Street used to make that loop all the time and the security let them go without hassle.
As someone who used to take a lot of his lunch breaks in Pi Alley and the surrounding area, I think skaters were the least of anyone's problems. The reverb guitar guy playing Dust In The Wind seven times a day near Borders or the homeless junkies getting into shouting matches before fighting each other in the street near the old State House were far more annoying.
P.S. The old guy from New Bedford knows he's not supposed to be smoking there.
and probably a Vet himself, but he kept his cool. No choke holds and no destruction of private property. He could have arrested them, but instead confiscated their boards and made them go get them.
Skaters punks do destroy public and private property, and typically act like it's their god given right to do so, cause hell, where else they gonna go?
It always grinds me when I see memorials and nice areas destroyed because some asshole decided he wanted to use the edge for skateboarding. Talk about entitlement.
If that is your standard for a cop keeping his cool, I would hate to live in an America where you were paid to train cops. Let's recount - old guy smoking a butt does not like kids skating near him, he tattles to cop, cop responds to and escalates situation by coming in dropping eff bombs and destroying the kids property. And that is a cop "keeping his cool?"
As others have said, no one looks good here. But it is a sad statement that the youngest (and supposedly most immature) of the bunch at least keep their composure. Until their camera gets destroyed.
Oh, and I work in Government Center and walk through that area every day. No visible damage from skaters as far as I can see.
these kids are awful... I wish the cop would have just taken their boards in the first place. I tried to hold onto my board once and the cop threw me on the ground and ripped it out of my hands; he gave me a ticket but I convinced him to let me keep my board (they cost about $125-150) and got the ticket dismissed. I learned my lesson though... when a cop tells you to stop skating you leave. You don't try to act tough with your crackly pubescent voice and your longboards your mom bought so you can try to be a youtube hero.
It's really getting pathetic in Boston though... all the good spots are skate-stopped or gone, and the others have cops that will ticket and even arrest you for trespassing as opposed to just a few years ago when they'd hardly bother to kick you out. Kids like this give skaters a bad name, when really it's just another form of sport/exercise like riding bikes, frisbee, jogging etc. It's not like the 80s/90s when skateboarding made you a part of some rebellious counterculture
HOLY CRAP! not only are these kids whiny and entitled, but they're stupid too. Just go somewhere else for a little, and come back later. your siq footage of you failing to land a kickflip 50 times can wait an hour. i do not sympathize with the cop or the vet either, both also entitled fucking assholes, but man alive! you're not gonna start an s-board revolution with your super cool footage of some asshole cop harassin' some bros just tryin' to have a fun time. "i can't believe that that bitter old townie cop SWORE at us while on duty! This shit stuff is gonna be a youtube sensation!"
was supposed to have a skate park open by now, but it becamee last priority when the economy went to shit. It's been in limbo since 2004/5.
Sucks there's not nearly enough parks or ok'd places in this city; but it also doesn't give skaters the right to destroy property, which is exactly what happens with repeated grinding. Which is typically all the novices can handle doing.
of course he will be suspended but he will be the hero to seniors everywhere. These skaters have destroyed public property and defaced local public plazas causing thousands of taxpayers money to repair the damage.
If you're going to try and talk about entitlement (or, as you laughably called it, "self entitlement"), maybe you should consider whether or not 16-year-old kids should be entitled to a harmless hobby that hurts no one.
Sorry, but if your first thought upon seeing some drunk vagrant calling kids "motherfuckers" and some powertripping meathead cop harassing them as a result is that the kids deserve it then you count as a crotchety old dork no matter how old you actually are. Same if you actually give a shit about a bench or a ledge having some scuff marks. Start caring about something worthwhile and spend less time applauding he proverbial old man for shouting, "hey you kids, get off my lawn!"
Until you're willing to base your arguments in reality, it's not worth debating over whether we should give two shits about these kids.
Grinding a skateboard does damage to the underlying structure that's being used as a prop for their hobby. Therefore it's not harmless. If they want to make their own props, go ahead, nobody's stopping them. But using a company's landscaping or public street furniture for their hobby is damaging and thus, not harmless.
Accepting that what they are doing is destructive would be a first step towards anyone else caring about whether they were themselves being harmed by the cop or veteran. Otherwise, why would you expect a sympathetic ear when you, yourself, are entirely unsympathetic to them?
maybe you should consider whether or not 16-year-old kids should be entitled to a harmless hobby that hurts no one.
Did I ever go after that? I actually love hobbies like boarding, BMX and trail biking. I also support public places to do it.
But that's not the issue at hand. Skaters have no right to destroy public property just because they don't have anywhere else to go. Nor do they have the right to act like Dicks out in public.
I really don't think any party is 100% right above, but the boarders should have just moved on. Especially if BNY allows them to skate there regularly, cause now they might be rethinking their policy.
this cop is such a clown ... he comes over to yell at the kids for disrespecting the veteran, and within 2 seconds is a disrespectful ass to the skateboarders. way to lead by example
it should be noted that there is a gap in film between the vet talking to the kids, who was rather disrespectful himself, and the cop coming over .. so who knows what else happened there, but the cop is the one who escalated it unnecessarily
So you've got the old vet, the skaters and the cop - which party is expected to behave professionally? Oh yeah the guy wearing the badge and collecting a paycheck. If a cop can't even keep his cool when dealing with a bunch of suburban middle schoolers he has no business working for the city. This guy is like a mall cop on steroids. Imagine what he'd do if confronted with actual criminals?
I'm for the cop but he should have taken their boards away in the beginning. The kids are obviously teenage assholes with a camera - why else would they film themselves harassing an old man obviously hard on his luck.
Skateboards ruin public property by putting chinks in the the granite / marble stairs walls etc that they do their tricks on. If the kids weren't dicks they wouldn't have a problem.
In a civilized society, if you're bothering someone, you go somewhere else. Is everyone here an entitled punk ass brat who grew up with mommy and daddy telling you every little fart you push out is precious? The old guy was getting hassled. Give him a break. I don't care how rude he is - his language was rude but your actions were rude. Oh, I forgot, half of you poorly educated graduates of the pointless narcissism factories of self-esteem they call schools these days don't know the basic rule is to respect your elders. Especially a vet. A vet is someone, by the way, who either volunteered or was drafted into doing something that his democracy asked him to do -- not always when they thought it was a good idea or pleasant to do. In other words, they sacrificed something. To anyone under 25 "sacrifice" is doing without your favorite smoothie for the day. But, you're forgiven, everyone under 25's motto is "MOMMY MOMMY, MAKE THE BAD MAN GO AWAY --WAAAAAA" 89% of the jackasses I see every day under 25 are worthless console monkeys who can't even name 3 states without consulting Google -- but they have tons of trophies at home in mommies basement from the years they showed up and drooled and whined their way through a ceremony.
In a civilized society, if you're bothering someone, you go somewhere else.
Really? Last week, I was "bothering someone" in Central Square. I was walking down the street with my dog; a woman was screaming that I was using the dog to control her thoughts. Was it my responsibility to go somewhere else?
respect your elders. Especially a vet
I fail to see how the man's age or veterans status gives him a pass for calling the kids "motherfuckers" and generally being an ass.
the first situation you describe which appears to be a poor unfortunate woman who may be exhibiting signs of mental illness has nothing to do with the previous posters argument. You were not banging your board, disturbing the peace but walking a dog and ran up against someone who is clearly "not all there."
Second, there was a time when elders did have respect from the younger set because, well, they were elders. And being a vet does carry street cred because, well, usually vets go and fight wars and put there lives on the line and most of do not.
People (like this old man) also have a right to basic peace and quiet and if you are bothering someone in a situation like this and that person makes you aware that you are bothering them, then, yes, you should remove yourself and bang your boards somewhere else. No bigee.
There are skate parks; I don't try to conduct business in them. I was hoping the recession would flush these PITA's away from the financial district. No such luck. Somebody, somewhere is providing food and shelter to these precious snowflakes. Perhaps that person can remind the "bois" what it meant to be "tuned up" when behaving as provocatively as they did in this video. Iconoclasts often have to pay a price, otherwise they are just self-absorbed assholes.
Personally, I would have introduced the kid to an old Station 14 tradition called "The Tune Up at the Reservoir". Get cute with the video? Okey, dokey. The earth revolves around the sun, not you. Get thee to a skate park.
You're not going to introduce anything to anyone and you know it. I've seen guys like you get real quiet once they realize the "punk kid" they think they're going to intimidate is a grown man that's not going to take any crap from a cranky old man.
Why does everyone assume the homeless guy wasn't the instigator of the problem? In my experience, it's likely the kids were already skating there and homeless dude decided to make a point by sitting down in that specific spot to prevent them from skating there. The kids may have asked him nicely to sit at the next bench over so they could continue skating and got a "MF'er" in return. He probably has the same attitude towards skaters that's prevalent in these comments and acted upon them.
The cop didn't threaten to confiscate their boards, he threatened to take them home, as in steal them. This is what most cops do when they take a board, it's never logged in at the station. You need to arrest someone for a crime or at least issue a ticket in order to confiscate. It's technically armed robbery, but that's never going to be pursued against a cop. I know because it happened to me years ago. The cops exact words to me as he put my board in the trunk of his personal car were "it's a shame I don't skate because I have a garage full of these things". They know most kids will just let it go, so they get away with it. I called the station and ended up speaking with his supervisor. The board was never logged in, the guy took it home. The supervisor made him call me and describe the board so he could pick it out and return it to me. I picked it up two days later at the A-1 station desk.
Finally, I find it interesting how many people are fine with a cop acting unprofessional and thuggish as long it's directed towards a group they dislike. GET OFF MA LAWN!
The homeless man (is he homeless?) is not sitting in a skate board park, ok? So let us reverse this and say that the kids were technically illegally boarding there and some person wanted to sit down and relax. And why in heavens name should he move so the kids can illegally board? Never mind all the assumptions you are making "he probably has the same attitude..." how in heaven's name do you know?! Ah, but I also read that you had a run in with the law and the bad man took your board home, allegedly. That explains everything.
he started out by reminding the sk8rbois that they were being disrespectful, a little fresh. then the one with the mouth starts getting all " i know my rights" with him. he gets pissed and starts collecting the boards. the kid tried to grab the board back, big no no. he is lucky the cop didnt lock him up or worse. these kids think they know everything and have the right to do whatever they want. they are lucky its not 1982, there would not have been a camera present and somebody would be spending some time in the dentist chair this morning. that kid is a whiny little twerp.
Right on, bostnkid! I miss the good ol' days when cops could beat the shit out of people and steal their stuff. What the f*** is the matter with people nowadays thinking they have "rights"?
If anyone is looking for us, bstnkid and I will be in the other room, masturbating to the Rodney King beating video.
I used to skate board in town all the time, and when a police officer came and told me to leave, I didn't talk back, or tell him why I shouldn't leave, I left. These kids got exactly what they deserved. I'm tired of punk kids with a complete and total lack of respect. You're really going to try to grab things from a uniformed police officer? You think that is acceptable behavior?
Give me a break. Every one of them deserved to be arrested. If they just shut their mouths and left when they were told to nothing would have happened here. But now we have all of these lovely people on here saying how it was the police officers fault, blah blah blah. You're skate boarding illegally. You were asked to leave. Leave. Don't run your mouth. Don't tell the officer why you shouldn't leave so you can look cool in front of your friends. Grab your stuff, and leave.
What's wrong with skateboarding? And why do the skateboarders have to go away because the grumpy old guy told them to? A way out of line reaction, probably familiar to skateboarders. Maybe BPD can try to catch the people in my neighborhood who are stealing bikes out of backyards or the guy who punched my friend in the eye at a local dive bar.
I'm really depressed by the number of people on here defending the cop.
We pay these guys $200,000 per year. They're supposed to be professional, even to unlikeable assholes.
Thinking that cops should be allowed to break the law to teach a lesson to people you don't like, is a sign of the authoritarian personality; when that attitude becomes widespread among the public we have the stage set for a police state.
Benches are for sitting. The skateboarders disturb someone else's right to sit peacefully, and therefore they don't belong there. End of story. They couldn't respect that, and EVEN when a cop told them so, they had to mouth off. Go play where you're welcome. Learn to play by the rules or bear the consequences. Good for that vet for standing up for his rights. And for the cop for backing him up.
i guarantee that kid's never been busted. i am older than that cop, and still when a cop tells me to move along i comply with his order, lawful or not. i just don't like the feel of handcuffs very much, nor the sticky backseat of a cruiser, nor the fluid-stained benches of a paddywagon (apologies to my irish friends)...
Love the cop! Loud motorcycles with no/racing exhaust are obnoxious. So too are most skateboards which are loud. Quieter (softer) wheels, bearings with synthetic grease, and decks (QuietWood TM, for example) would go a long way towards improving public acceptance. The technology exists. Use the quiet board in pedestrian populated places, the loud, faster one elsewhere. If you need a loud board to let pedestrians know you are coming, you are riding too fast and unsafely.
Seeing something like this on tape reminds me, that for most intents and purposes, that there is no Boston Police Department. I'd like to believe otherwise, but that our society would give this guy authority and a job makes me realize that we've all failed. Absolutely no excuse for the officer here to pick a fight with the skateboarders. Picking fights with citizens is not among the duties of a Boston police officer.
I mean, you have a whole generation of kids who view cops as enemies. That's a fundamental impasse, right? It's a cyclical effect too...I'm certain that this cop knows that he won't get the time of day from kids in the 'hood. So he pursues the path of least resistance, using a group of skateboarders to carry out his revenge against people who bullied him when he was a kid.
I respect veterans too...but that does not give them carte blanche to call anybody a "motherfucker," especially not a minor. Of course, I can only go by what I saw in the video.
The only thing that any skateboarder did wrong was to initiate physical contact by putting his hand on the cop. The cop started the verbal confrontation, the boarder started the physical one. The cop should be suspended for a week with no pay, the boarder who touched the cop jailed for one day. Judge Will has spoken.
First, the federal court didn't actually strike the Massachusetts wiretapping law, although it had some harsh words about people getting arrested in public, First Amendment, etc., etc.
What they were actually ruling on was whether the police officers in the Glik case could have the case thrown out basically because they were doing their job as government employees. The court said no - First Amendment, etc. - and sent it back to state court. And then the city agreed that, oops, yeah, First Amendment, and here's a check for $170,000, Mr. Glik.
But in any case, the Glik case involved somebody who was not a participant in the action the police were taking and who did not insert himself into the action (beyond turning on his phone camera). Would that apply in this case?
Abusive cops are a much worse threat to quality-of-life than douchebag sk8bois.
Here's how a grownup might have handled it:
Cop: "Hey, this is private property and the owners don't want you skateboarding here."
At that point, either the kids leave, or they press the point, at which point the cop says, "If you don't leave, I'll arrest you for trespassing, disorderly conduct, etc."
I filmed this entire video. I didn't think he would resort to trashing our property when I explained to him that i didn't think he should be swearing in public. There were little children around. He's supposed to be the model citizen, he didn't keep his cool. I was respectful to him until he trashed my camera equipment.
Nice hidden camera you spoiled little twit. A good smack in the mouth is what you need for harassing a vet and a police officer, both who signed up for jobs that could end their lives at any moment. Judging by that officers age, do you know how many shooting and stabbing victims he's seen in his career? Remember, this is Boston and not Newton or Wellesley, where you live without any worries of being robbed or mugged. But guess what, if, God forbid you do get robbed, mugged or worse, guess who will respond to help you or even save your life? Ponder that while you're "grinding your axles" on taxpayer property. Oh wait, you're too young and stupid to ponder anything yet, hence the necessity for the dope slap upside your head.
I don't care about the skater kids -- whether they're assholes or not. I care about whether the cop, who's making big bucks on my tax dollar, is acting like a law enforcement professional or like a petty, fucked-up bully.
yeah they make a decent base salary and they can pick up a lot more with details? ever had a cop in your family? they are never home. the ones that make the big bucks work 80-100 hours a week. oh yeah, they could also get murdered everyday trying to save your stupid ass.
And spare me the "they could get killed on the job" BS. Police officer has a lot lower chance of being killed on the job than plenty of other jobs. Convenience store clerk tops the list.
And finally, of what relevance is any of this to the requirement that a cop act like the professional law enforcement official that he's supposed to be?
As much as I dislike skaters fucking up very expensive stone-work/property (to those of you who don't think they do, notice the scab marks around the places that had been "skater-proofed" after enough damage had been done), the police officer in this instance acted like a complete prick. I also agree with previous replies that the millenial kids have not had enough smacks to the teeth/ass to teach them their place on the continuum of civility.
It's not a paid police officer's job to teach them this lesson by acting outside the scope of their duty. BPD officers get paid plenty, and robbing doofy 16 year old kids of their skateboards without an official and documented arrest/detainment is absolutely not within the scope of their duty. Let's not mention, as in this instance, the raging ape move of throwing the kids' shit all over the pavement without a second thought and plainly out of spite. If this cop had done this to somoene who upset a "vet" based on hearsay, and the cop decided to just arbitrarily take their legally-carried gun away and wreck some of their shit in the process, I suspect that some of the responders here would be shitting dense bricks of "injustice" and "violation of mah rights!!1"
The cop was being an asshole. I question his judgement, and by extension, the judgement of the Boston police force as a whole. We have had enough students shot in the face/killed and "detained" to death to see that BPD officers should start paying out of pocket for their monkey behavior directly. As a taxpayer in Boston, I don't particularly want to see another seven-figure settlement coming out of the city coffers to clear up the BPD lax bros' chimping. Shit like this will just keep happening over and over again: http://www.facebook.com/animalsasleaders/posts/101...
Community policing my ass. This is plainly a case of the 9/11 syndrome, where the officer decided to puff up his chest at some kids he already didn't like because they... *gasp* maybe had some words with a "vet." If the "vet" had pulled the same and lit up his butts on the State House steps, he would be the motherfucker.
I use to skateboard downtown, back bay, all over, when I was a teenager. Use to skate in NYC/Manhattan also, and was a bike messenger. I know, skateboarders and bike couriers are 'cool' and a 'hip' part of the urban scene. That said, I'm a grown up now [early 30s], and I can see where that cop is coming from.
1) If the cop tells you to move along with your skateboard, you move along. There's plenty of other places to skate.
Did he use 'unprofessional' language? Yeah, but so what? He doesn't operate in a corporate boardroom and isn't a drone at an HR department. His job requires different skills. I often wish more people would speak and behave less 'professional' [i.e. insincere, plastic, robotic, passive aggressive]. Maybe people would more clearly understand each other.
If he spoke that way out of the blue to an otherwise respectable citizen, then yeah, I'd have a problem with that. Does that happen? Yes, it's happened to me, and I was BS with the cop. But that's not the case here.
2) The 'old man' is probably a homeless vet from the nearby shelter. Cut the 'old man' a little slack. His life regardless of the reasons why, is hard enough. Probably harder than 99% of the lives of people reading this.
3) How many on here have been or are a cop? How many have had to deal with the probably endless, mind numbing stupid, even violent sh*t that human beings engage in daily, like many cops do? They're human, and get worn down by it just like anybody else.
Teenagers can be obnoxious. I know, I was one once.
1) You want cops to talk like this... because they're not in a board room? Their job is to protect and serve, not pitch a profanity-laden hissyfit at a bunch of kids for - horror of horrors - skateboarding. Maybe he should apply his "different skills" to dealing with someone who is actually causing a crime, rather than someone who is doing something harmless that bothers entitled, soulless assholes.
2) I don't give a shit if some asshole on the street may have fought in some war I would have been against if I was alive when it happened. Fuck this cop for trying to guilt people into feeling like they owe this scumbag anything.
3) Cops obviously have to deal with a lot of irritating/horrible stuff. That doesn't give them a license to occasionally take it out on a bunch of 16-year-olds from the suburbs. Sorry.
wake me up
By Sock_Puppet
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 6:01pm
Wake me up when the inquiry for unprofessional conduct begins.
i'd hit the snooze bar
By NaranjaLine
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 6:09pm
...and wait for someone to tell me why Smokey McGee being old and from New Bedford has any bearing on whether a cop gets involved or not.
That's the BNY Mellon building. They've usually been pretty good about letting kids skate there. The kids who owned the skate shop on Province Street used to make that loop all the time and the security let them go without hassle.
As someone who used to take a lot of his lunch breaks in Pi Alley and the surrounding area, I think skaters were the least of anyone's problems. The reverb guitar guy playing Dust In The Wind seven times a day near Borders or the homeless junkies getting into shouting matches before fighting each other in the street near the old State House were far more annoying.
P.S. The old guy from New Bedford knows he's not supposed to be smoking there.
I see some unpaid
By anon
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 6:20pm
I see some unpaid administrative leave in his future...
After Calling the Kid's Mom...
By Matt, N End
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 6:09pm
Mom told the cop to get a fucking life.
Which side
By anon
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 6:12pm
I don't know which side was more obnoxious. Nobody wins. Cop overreacted though.
Cop was pissed
By anon²
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 8:17pm
and probably a Vet himself, but he kept his cool. No choke holds and no destruction of private property. He could have arrested them, but instead confiscated their boards and made them go get them.
Skaters punks do destroy public and private property, and typically act like it's their god given right to do so, cause hell, where else they gonna go?
It always grinds me when I see memorials and nice areas destroyed because some asshole decided he wanted to use the edge for skateboarding. Talk about entitlement.
Tax Refund?
By anon
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 8:57pm
Isn't this idiot PAID to NOT lose his cool? To BE THE GROWNUP in the situation?
How much was spent to train the ass? How much is he paid to act like a jugallo thug with a big important uniform?
I want my money back.
So the standard now is that a
By anon
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 12:39am
So the standard now is that a cop does okay if he doesn't illegally assault a civilian?
Kept his cool?!
By fairlee76
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 8:47am
If that is your standard for a cop keeping his cool, I would hate to live in an America where you were paid to train cops. Let's recount - old guy smoking a butt does not like kids skating near him, he tattles to cop, cop responds to and escalates situation by coming in dropping eff bombs and destroying the kids property. And that is a cop "keeping his cool?"
As others have said, no one looks good here. But it is a sad statement that the youngest (and supposedly most immature) of the bunch at least keep their composure. Until their camera gets destroyed.
Oh, and I work in Government Center and walk through that area every day. No visible damage from skaters as far as I can see.
eyes checked?
By anon²
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 10:49am
sure, skaters do damage stuff when they grind edges and rails; and no their camera didn't get trashed or property destroyed.
I'm no fan of skateboarders,
By anon
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 6:31pm
I'm no fan of skateboarders, but I dislike bullies with badges even more. I'm sure he's back in Southie beating his kids by now.
Are you sure that's a Southie
By Cripes
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 7:03pm
Are you sure that's a Southie accent?
By BPlusPlayer
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 8:03pm
I'm getting a little sick of the knocks on Southie around here especially when it has nothing to do with the topic.
these kids are awful... I
By antsoutsideofmypants
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 7:12pm
these kids are awful... I wish the cop would have just taken their boards in the first place. I tried to hold onto my board once and the cop threw me on the ground and ripped it out of my hands; he gave me a ticket but I convinced him to let me keep my board (they cost about $125-150) and got the ticket dismissed. I learned my lesson though... when a cop tells you to stop skating you leave. You don't try to act tough with your crackly pubescent voice and your longboards your mom bought so you can try to be a youtube hero.
It's really getting pathetic in Boston though... all the good spots are skate-stopped or gone, and the others have cops that will ticket and even arrest you for trespassing as opposed to just a few years ago when they'd hardly bother to kick you out. Kids like this give skaters a bad name, when really it's just another form of sport/exercise like riding bikes, frisbee, jogging etc. It's not like the 80s/90s when skateboarding made you a part of some rebellious counterculture
thank you, ants
By evan
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 8:22pm
HOLY CRAP! not only are these kids whiny and entitled, but they're stupid too. Just go somewhere else for a little, and come back later. your siq footage of you failing to land a kickflip 50 times can wait an hour. i do not sympathize with the cop or the vet either, both also entitled fucking assholes, but man alive! you're not gonna start an s-board revolution with your super cool footage of some asshole cop harassin' some bros just tryin' to have a fun time. "i can't believe that that bitter old townie cop SWORE at us while on duty! This
shitstuff is gonna be a youtube sensation!"Cambridge
By anon²
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 10:46am
was supposed to have a skate park open by now, but it becamee last priority when the economy went to shit. It's been in limbo since 2004/5.
Sucks there's not nearly enough parks or ok'd places in this city; but it also doesn't give skaters the right to destroy property, which is exactly what happens with repeated grinding. Which is typically all the novices can handle doing.
the cop did the right thing
By anon
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 8:10pm
of course he will be suspended but he will be the hero to seniors everywhere. These skaters have destroyed public property and defaced local public plazas causing thousands of taxpayers money to repair the damage.
By anon²
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 8:12pm
Boarder punks are the worst of the worst.
Nah. Crotchety old dorks like
By anon
Fri, 06/22/2012 - 1:43pm
Nah. Crotchety old dorks like you are easily worse.
By anon²
Sat, 06/23/2012 - 12:19pm
I'm not old. Nor a dork. Brogrammer geek maybe?
Just not a fan of self entitled punks of any kind. Be they yuppies or sk8rbois
If you're going to try and
By anon
Wed, 06/27/2012 - 12:35pm
If you're going to try and talk about entitlement (or, as you laughably called it, "self entitlement"), maybe you should consider whether or not 16-year-old kids should be entitled to a harmless hobby that hurts no one.
Sorry, but if your first thought upon seeing some drunk vagrant calling kids "motherfuckers" and some powertripping meathead cop harassing them as a result is that the kids deserve it then you count as a crotchety old dork no matter how old you actually are. Same if you actually give a shit about a bench or a ledge having some scuff marks. Start caring about something worthwhile and spend less time applauding he proverbial old man for shouting, "hey you kids, get off my lawn!"
Come back to reality first
By Kaz
Wed, 06/27/2012 - 1:06pm
Until you're willing to base your arguments in reality, it's not worth debating over whether we should give two shits about these kids.
Grinding a skateboard does damage to the underlying structure that's being used as a prop for their hobby. Therefore it's not harmless. If they want to make their own props, go ahead, nobody's stopping them. But using a company's landscaping or public street furniture for their hobby is damaging and thus, not harmless.
Accepting that what they are doing is destructive would be a first step towards anyone else caring about whether they were themselves being harmed by the cop or veteran. Otherwise, why would you expect a sympathetic ear when you, yourself, are entirely unsympathetic to them?
By anon²
Wed, 06/27/2012 - 8:23pm
Did I ever go after that? I actually love hobbies like boarding, BMX and trail biking. I also support public places to do it.
But that's not the issue at hand. Skaters have no right to destroy public property just because they don't have anywhere else to go. Nor do they have the right to act like Dicks out in public.
I really don't think any party is 100% right above, but the boarders should have just moved on. Especially if BNY allows them to skate there regularly, cause now they might be rethinking their policy.
no respect
By anon
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 8:16pm
this cop is such a clown ... he comes over to yell at the kids for disrespecting the veteran, and within 2 seconds is a disrespectful ass to the skateboarders. way to lead by example
it should be noted that there is a gap in film between the vet talking to the kids, who was rather disrespectful himself, and the cop coming over .. so who knows what else happened there, but the cop is the one who escalated it unnecessarily
:::graduates high school::: :::Earns a double pension:::
By anon
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 8:36pm
$10k bet
By anon²
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 10:42am
the cop used to skate. I know a kid that used to have blue hair and was sponsored, and is now a LEO.
He would have grabbed the board, done a kickflip, then told em to GTFO and respect the elders.
A little thin skinned?
By anon
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 8:36pm
Since when did skaters get all offended when people swore at them?
the cop entered the situation in an unprofessional manner
By cscott
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 9:24pm
So you've got the old vet, the skaters and the cop - which party is expected to behave professionally? Oh yeah the guy wearing the badge and collecting a paycheck. If a cop can't even keep his cool when dealing with a bunch of suburban middle schoolers he has no business working for the city. This guy is like a mall cop on steroids. Imagine what he'd do if confronted with actual criminals?
I'm for the cop but he should
By anon
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 9:35pm
I'm for the cop but he should have taken their boards away in the beginning. The kids are obviously teenage assholes with a camera - why else would they film themselves harassing an old man obviously hard on his luck.
Skateboards ruin public property by putting chinks in the the granite / marble stairs walls etc that they do their tricks on. If the kids weren't dicks they wouldn't have a problem.
Is everyone posting here an immature punk ass teen?
By anon
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 9:51pm
In a civilized society, if you're bothering someone, you go somewhere else. Is everyone here an entitled punk ass brat who grew up with mommy and daddy telling you every little fart you push out is precious? The old guy was getting hassled. Give him a break. I don't care how rude he is - his language was rude but your actions were rude. Oh, I forgot, half of you poorly educated graduates of the pointless narcissism factories of self-esteem they call schools these days don't know the basic rule is to respect your elders. Especially a vet. A vet is someone, by the way, who either volunteered or was drafted into doing something that his democracy asked him to do -- not always when they thought it was a good idea or pleasant to do. In other words, they sacrificed something. To anyone under 25 "sacrifice" is doing without your favorite smoothie for the day. But, you're forgiven, everyone under 25's motto is "MOMMY MOMMY, MAKE THE BAD MAN GO AWAY --WAAAAAA" 89% of the jackasses I see every day under 25 are worthless console monkeys who can't even name 3 states without consulting Google -- but they have tons of trophies at home in mommies basement from the years they showed up and drooled and whined their way through a ceremony.
By eeka
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 10:06pm
By anon
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 11:37pm
Really? Last week, I was "bothering someone" in Central Square. I was walking down the street with my dog; a woman was screaming that I was using the dog to control her thoughts. Was it my responsibility to go somewhere else?
I fail to see how the man's age or veterans status gives him a pass for calling the kids "motherfuckers" and generally being an ass.
First of all
By whyaduck
Wed, 06/20/2012 - 8:42am
the first situation you describe which appears to be a poor unfortunate woman who may be exhibiting signs of mental illness has nothing to do with the previous posters argument. You were not banging your board, disturbing the peace but walking a dog and ran up against someone who is clearly "not all there."
Second, there was a time when elders did have respect from the younger set because, well, they were elders. And being a vet does carry street cred because, well, usually vets go and fight wars and put there lives on the line and most of do not.
People (like this old man) also have a right to basic peace and quiet and if you are bothering someone in a situation like this and that person makes you aware that you are bothering them, then, yes, you should remove yourself and bang your boards somewhere else. No bigee.
spot on
By agingcynic
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 8:26am
There are skate parks; I don't try to conduct business in them. I was hoping the recession would flush these PITA's away from the financial district. No such luck. Somebody, somewhere is providing food and shelter to these precious snowflakes. Perhaps that person can remind the "bois" what it meant to be "tuned up" when behaving as provocatively as they did in this video. Iconoclasts often have to pay a price, otherwise they are just self-absorbed assholes.
spot on
By aging cynic
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 8:35am
Personally, I would have introduced the kid to an old Station 14 tradition called "The Tune Up at the Reservoir". Get cute with the video? Okey, dokey. The earth revolves around the sun, not you. Get thee to a skate park.
Nice internet bravado tough guy
By JP-Stonybrook
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 9:09am
You're not going to introduce anything to anyone and you know it. I've seen guys like you get real quiet once they realize the "punk kid" they think they're going to intimidate is a grown man that's not going to take any crap from a cranky old man.
You damn kids get off my
By thesandal
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 11:03am
You damn kids get off my lawn!
Hooray for video cameras
By anon
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 11:39pm
Cheap, ubiquitous video cameras and the means to put video onto the Internet are real game changers. No wonder bad cops hate video.
Yeah, incidents of cops
By Saul
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 5:49pm
Yeah, incidents of cops abusing their authority really have slowed down since cameraphones came out.
Sampling bias?
By anon
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 6:20pm
We don't know, do we? We certainly hear about it a lot more; that's a good thing.
Good Job Mr. Policeman
By JohnCostello
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 11:40pm
Good job by the cop. Hey kid, you are lucky all teeth are in your head today.
For all those making fun of the "Southie" accent here or the lack of a supposed college degree. Really?
Seems more like an
By anon
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 12:42am
Seems more like an unprofessional bully cop trying to be a big man.
So much fail
By JP-Stonybrook
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 7:36am
Why does everyone assume the homeless guy wasn't the instigator of the problem? In my experience, it's likely the kids were already skating there and homeless dude decided to make a point by sitting down in that specific spot to prevent them from skating there. The kids may have asked him nicely to sit at the next bench over so they could continue skating and got a "MF'er" in return. He probably has the same attitude towards skaters that's prevalent in these comments and acted upon them.
The cop didn't threaten to confiscate their boards, he threatened to take them home, as in steal them. This is what most cops do when they take a board, it's never logged in at the station. You need to arrest someone for a crime or at least issue a ticket in order to confiscate. It's technically armed robbery, but that's never going to be pursued against a cop. I know because it happened to me years ago. The cops exact words to me as he put my board in the trunk of his personal car were "it's a shame I don't skate because I have a garage full of these things". They know most kids will just let it go, so they get away with it. I called the station and ended up speaking with his supervisor. The board was never logged in, the guy took it home. The supervisor made him call me and describe the board so he could pick it out and return it to me. I picked it up two days later at the A-1 station desk.
Finally, I find it interesting how many people are fine with a cop acting unprofessional and thuggish as long it's directed towards a group they dislike. GET OFF MA LAWN!
Oh. Boy.
By whyaduck
Wed, 06/20/2012 - 8:49am
The homeless man (is he homeless?) is not sitting in a skate board park, ok? So let us reverse this and say that the kids were technically illegally boarding there and some person wanted to sit down and relax. And why in heavens name should he move so the kids can illegally board? Never mind all the assumptions you are making "he probably has the same attitude..." how in heaven's name do you know?! Ah, but I also read that you had a run in with the law and the bad man took your board home, allegedly. That explains everything.
Curse you, Avril Lavigne
By scollaysq
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 8:20am
All I see kids being kids, a very cranky old man, and a cop that crossed a line.
And I've had that song stuck in my head since yesterday.
By carreening
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 8:27am
Did I miss the law change that allows cops to just take personal property?
my new favorite cop
By bostnkid
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 9:17am
he started out by reminding the sk8rbois that they were being disrespectful, a little fresh. then the one with the mouth starts getting all " i know my rights" with him. he gets pissed and starts collecting the boards. the kid tried to grab the board back, big no no. he is lucky the cop didnt lock him up or worse. these kids think they know everything and have the right to do whatever they want. they are lucky its not 1982, there would not have been a camera present and somebody would be spending some time in the dentist chair this morning. that kid is a whiny little twerp.
Right on, bostnkid! I miss
By obedient_citizen
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 11:10am
Right on, bostnkid! I miss the good ol' days when cops could beat the shit out of people and steal their stuff. What the f*** is the matter with people nowadays thinking they have "rights"?
If anyone is looking for us, bstnkid and I will be in the other room, masturbating to the Rodney King beating video.
Obnoxious Punks
By capt.Obvious
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 9:58am
I used to skate board in town all the time, and when a police officer came and told me to leave, I didn't talk back, or tell him why I shouldn't leave, I left. These kids got exactly what they deserved. I'm tired of punk kids with a complete and total lack of respect. You're really going to try to grab things from a uniformed police officer? You think that is acceptable behavior?
Give me a break. Every one of them deserved to be arrested. If they just shut their mouths and left when they were told to nothing would have happened here. But now we have all of these lovely people on here saying how it was the police officers fault, blah blah blah. You're skate boarding illegally. You were asked to leave. Leave. Don't run your mouth. Don't tell the officer why you shouldn't leave so you can look cool in front of your friends. Grab your stuff, and leave.
what a jerk of a cop.
By Kathode
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 9:59am
What's wrong with skateboarding? And why do the skateboarders have to go away because the grumpy old guy told them to? A way out of line reaction, probably familiar to skateboarders. Maybe BPD can try to catch the people in my neighborhood who are stealing bikes out of backyards or the guy who punched my friend in the eye at a local dive bar.
Authoritarian much?
By anon
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 10:25am
I'm really depressed by the number of people on here defending the cop.
We pay these guys $200,000 per year. They're supposed to be professional, even to unlikeable assholes.
Thinking that cops should be allowed to break the law to teach a lesson to people you don't like, is a sign of the authoritarian personality; when that attitude becomes widespread among the public we have the stage set for a police state.
show respect, get respect
By jack
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 10:49am
Benches are for sitting. The skateboarders disturb someone else's right to sit peacefully, and therefore they don't belong there. End of story. They couldn't respect that, and EVEN when a cop told them so, they had to mouth off. Go play where you're welcome. Learn to play by the rules or bear the consequences. Good for that vet for standing up for his rights. And for the cop for backing him up.
Good thing he's not a cop in
By anon
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 11:01am
Good thing he's not a cop in Middleborough.
scared str8
By misterbrick
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 11:15am
i guarantee that kid's never been busted. i am older than that cop, and still when a cop tells me to move along i comply with his order, lawful or not. i just don't like the feel of handcuffs very much, nor the sticky backseat of a cruiser, nor the fluid-stained benches of a paddywagon (apologies to my irish friends)...
Punks on boards instead of bikes this time
By Mark02474
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 11:14am
Love the cop! Loud motorcycles with no/racing exhaust are obnoxious. So too are most skateboards which are loud. Quieter (softer) wheels, bearings with synthetic grease, and decks (QuietWood TM, for example) would go a long way towards improving public acceptance. The technology exists. Use the quiet board in pedestrian populated places, the loud, faster one elsewhere. If you need a loud board to let pedestrians know you are coming, you are riding too fast and unsafely.
Judge LaTulippe's verdict
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 1:29pm
Seeing something like this on tape reminds me, that for most intents and purposes, that there is no Boston Police Department. I'd like to believe otherwise, but that our society would give this guy authority and a job makes me realize that we've all failed. Absolutely no excuse for the officer here to pick a fight with the skateboarders. Picking fights with citizens is not among the duties of a Boston police officer.
I mean, you have a whole generation of kids who view cops as enemies. That's a fundamental impasse, right? It's a cyclical effect too...I'm certain that this cop knows that he won't get the time of day from kids in the 'hood. So he pursues the path of least resistance, using a group of skateboarders to carry out his revenge against people who bullied him when he was a kid.
I respect veterans too...but that does not give them carte blanche to call anybody a "motherfucker," especially not a minor. Of course, I can only go by what I saw in the video.
The only thing that any skateboarder did wrong was to initiate physical contact by putting his hand on the cop. The cop started the verbal confrontation, the boarder started the physical one. The cop should be suspended for a week with no pay, the boarder who touched the cop jailed for one day. Judge Will has spoken.
hope that video recording wasn't secret
By anon
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 5:13pm
hope it was obvious to the officer that his voice was being recorded ....
It's OK to tape cops now...
By anon
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 10:50pm
I believe that law has been struck down in Federal Court.....citizens have the right to tape Police officers on duty.
hidden cameras vs. obvious filming
By misterbrick
Wed, 06/20/2012 - 10:24am
I thought there was an expectation that the filming had to be obvious and in a public space?
Interesting question
By adamg
Wed, 06/20/2012 - 10:34am
First, the federal court didn't actually strike the Massachusetts wiretapping law, although it had some harsh words about people getting arrested in public, First Amendment, etc., etc.
What they were actually ruling on was whether the police officers in the Glik case could have the case thrown out basically because they were doing their job as government employees. The court said no - First Amendment, etc. - and sent it back to state court. And then the city agreed that, oops, yeah, First Amendment, and here's a check for $170,000, Mr. Glik.
But in any case, the Glik case involved somebody who was not a participant in the action the police were taking and who did not insert himself into the action (beyond turning on his phone camera). Would that apply in this case?
By anon
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 8:04pm
millennials. Just move. But like the guy above said, they don't know what it's like to be told "no" anymore.
Skateboarders have become latest nuisance in this city. Then when you call them out, they come at you with their board in hand, ready to swing.
Skaters are a problem
By anon
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 9:29pm
Abusive cops are a much worse threat to quality-of-life than douchebag sk8bois.
Here's how a grownup might have handled it:
Cop: "Hey, this is private property and the owners don't want you skateboarding here."
At that point, either the kids leave, or they press the point, at which point the cop says, "If you don't leave, I'll arrest you for trespassing, disorderly conduct, etc."
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 8:43pm
I filmed this entire video. I didn't think he would resort to trashing our property when I explained to him that i didn't think he should be swearing in public. There were little children around. He's supposed to be the model citizen, he didn't keep his cool. I was respectful to him until he trashed my camera equipment.
So, you gonna carry this water?
By anon
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 9:25pm
Nothing is gonna get done unless you carry this through, get it onto his record, etc.
Wed, 06/20/2012 - 2:00pm
It's been sent in already.
By anon
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 10:16pm
Nice hidden camera you spoiled little twit. A good smack in the mouth is what you need for harassing a vet and a police officer, both who signed up for jobs that could end their lives at any moment. Judging by that officers age, do you know how many shooting and stabbing victims he's seen in his career? Remember, this is Boston and not Newton or Wellesley, where you live without any worries of being robbed or mugged. But guess what, if, God forbid you do get robbed, mugged or worse, guess who will respond to help you or even save your life? Ponder that while you're "grinding your axles" on taxpayer property. Oh wait, you're too young and stupid to ponder anything yet, hence the necessity for the dope slap upside your head.
Buzz off
By anon
Wed, 06/20/2012 - 1:40am
and take your police-state mentality with you.
I don't care about the skater kids -- whether they're assholes or not. I care about whether the cop, who's making big bucks on my tax dollar, is acting like a law enforcement professional or like a petty, fucked-up bully.
cops making big bucks lol
By bostnkid
Wed, 06/20/2012 - 8:57am
yeah they make a decent base salary and they can pick up a lot more with details? ever had a cop in your family? they are never home. the ones that make the big bucks work 80-100 hours a week. oh yeah, they could also get murdered everyday trying to save your stupid ass.
Big bucks LOL indeed
By anon
Wed, 06/20/2012 - 9:50am
Yeah, big bucks indeed.
And spare me the "they could get killed on the job" BS. Police officer has a lot lower chance of being killed on the job than plenty of other jobs. Convenience store clerk tops the list.
And finally, of what relevance is any of this to the requirement that a cop act like the professional law enforcement official that he's supposed to be?
Out of the 2100 or so officers
By anon
Wed, 06/20/2012 - 9:52am
....1475 of them make over $100,000 a year (plus benefits). 375 of them make over $150,000.
Taxpayer property?
By Will LaTulippe
Wed, 06/20/2012 - 1:45am
Did we not establish that the kids were skating on private property?
So much butthurt.
By anon
Wed, 06/20/2012 - 2:02am
As much as I dislike skaters fucking up very expensive stone-work/property (to those of you who don't think they do, notice the scab marks around the places that had been "skater-proofed" after enough damage had been done), the police officer in this instance acted like a complete prick. I also agree with previous replies that the millenial kids have not had enough smacks to the teeth/ass to teach them their place on the continuum of civility.
It's not a paid police officer's job to teach them this lesson by acting outside the scope of their duty. BPD officers get paid plenty, and robbing doofy 16 year old kids of their skateboards without an official and documented arrest/detainment is absolutely not within the scope of their duty. Let's not mention, as in this instance, the raging ape move of throwing the kids' shit all over the pavement without a second thought and plainly out of spite. If this cop had done this to somoene who upset a "vet" based on hearsay, and the cop decided to just arbitrarily take their legally-carried gun away and wreck some of their shit in the process, I suspect that some of the responders here would be shitting dense bricks of "injustice" and "violation of mah rights!!1"
The cop was being an asshole. I question his judgement, and by extension, the judgement of the Boston police force as a whole. We have had enough students shot in the face/killed and "detained" to death to see that BPD officers should start paying out of pocket for their monkey behavior directly. As a taxpayer in Boston, I don't particularly want to see another seven-figure settlement coming out of the city coffers to clear up the BPD lax bros' chimping. Shit like this will just keep happening over and over again: http://www.facebook.com/animalsasleaders/posts/101...
Community policing my ass. This is plainly a case of the 9/11 syndrome, where the officer decided to puff up his chest at some kids he already didn't like because they... *gasp* maybe had some words with a "vet." If the "vet" had pulled the same and lit up his butts on the State House steps, he would be the motherfucker.
Why don't cops get respect?
By anon
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 9:22pm
....because for most young people, their first encounter with the police goes like this.
If cops want respect, they have to earn it.
Ask any young person what they think of cops, and you will get an ear full.
Does anyone know who this shithead cop is?
Anyone wonder why cops get no respect......?
By anon
Tue, 06/19/2012 - 9:26pm
...because their first encounter with a cop went something like this.
If cops want respect, they have to earn it.
As any young person what they think of cops, and you will get an ear full.
Does anyone know who this shithead cop is?
I use to skateboard downtown,
By anon
Wed, 06/20/2012 - 7:10am
I use to skateboard downtown, back bay, all over, when I was a teenager. Use to skate in NYC/Manhattan also, and was a bike messenger. I know, skateboarders and bike couriers are 'cool' and a 'hip' part of the urban scene. That said, I'm a grown up now [early 30s], and I can see where that cop is coming from.
1) If the cop tells you to move along with your skateboard, you move along. There's plenty of other places to skate.
Did he use 'unprofessional' language? Yeah, but so what? He doesn't operate in a corporate boardroom and isn't a drone at an HR department. His job requires different skills. I often wish more people would speak and behave less 'professional' [i.e. insincere, plastic, robotic, passive aggressive]. Maybe people would more clearly understand each other.
If he spoke that way out of the blue to an otherwise respectable citizen, then yeah, I'd have a problem with that. Does that happen? Yes, it's happened to me, and I was BS with the cop. But that's not the case here.
2) The 'old man' is probably a homeless vet from the nearby shelter. Cut the 'old man' a little slack. His life regardless of the reasons why, is hard enough. Probably harder than 99% of the lives of people reading this.
3) How many on here have been or are a cop? How many have had to deal with the probably endless, mind numbing stupid, even violent sh*t that human beings engage in daily, like many cops do? They're human, and get worn down by it just like anybody else.
Teenagers can be obnoxious. I know, I was one once.
1) You want cops to talk like
By anon
Fri, 06/22/2012 - 1:56pm
1) You want cops to talk like this... because they're not in a board room? Their job is to protect and serve, not pitch a profanity-laden hissyfit at a bunch of kids for - horror of horrors - skateboarding. Maybe he should apply his "different skills" to dealing with someone who is actually causing a crime, rather than someone who is doing something harmless that bothers entitled, soulless assholes.
2) I don't give a shit if some asshole on the street may have fought in some war I would have been against if I was alive when it happened. Fuck this cop for trying to guilt people into feeling like they owe this scumbag anything.
3) Cops obviously have to deal with a lot of irritating/horrible stuff. That doesn't give them a license to occasionally take it out on a bunch of 16-year-olds from the suburbs. Sorry.