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People with T-shirts wrapped around their heads express support for Greenway mural

El Planeta does some person-in-the-street interviewing about that mural, finds some folks willing to wrap T-shirts around their heads to express their support (article is in Spanish, starts with a review of the mural and the controversy).



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If so, it sounds like you have your work cut out for you in the next issue of Pax Centurion.

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...and I'm sure if we go and ask in Brookline, Cambridge, Framingham, Worcester,Chelsea,Quincy,Everett, Lynn,Lawrence...We will have a lot of similar responses. Double your bet?

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Google Translate did a decent job with word order and selection if you want to read it in English.

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1)A lot of people thought it was out of place, ugly, or inappropriate use of such a space to promote an art exhibit.

2)A *very* small number of people thought "zOMG GLORIFICATION OF DEM TOWELHEAD TERRISTS!"

3)A very LARGE number of Mighty Whiteys (half of whom would immediately report a guy in a turban taking pictures of an MBTA train) ran to the rescue, and gave the very small number of people exactly what they were looking for: attention.

4)Blogs, newspapers, and pundits like Dan Kennedy are now sticking their thumbs up their asses, writing stories and posts about "the huge controversy" over the murals and playing Captain Obvious: usefully pointing out to the rest of us that those people who think the mural is of a terrorist are racist/haters/bigots. Thanks, guys! I had no idea.


More people associated it with the Simpsons than with "terrorists" because of the skin colors chosen and a slight similarity in style.

There was no huge controversy. There still isn't.

Art is subjective. Chances are you'll get a 1/3rd split between "indifferent" "ugly" and "awesome" on almost any piece of artwork.

That tips much farther towards "ugly" with contemporary art (and rightly so.)

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I thought it kind of looked like an old Russian lady in a babushka. Either way, it's probably better than blank space.

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Yeah haha all these youths don't know what real art is, them and their ugly modern art ewwww

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It is interesting that most people interviewed for the article mentioned that the colors of the mural are nice and vibrant.

You can visit the exhibit of Os Gemeos at the ICA through Nov. 25, 2012. It is a good way to discover some illustrations from the artists.

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Check it out.

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This makes it sound like you actually went to the exhibit. I didn't see that one - odd.

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