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Hello, sweetheart, get me Adrian Walker

Adrian Walker does it again: Re-write a news story from the day before. Today, Walker ponders the possibility that Mitt Romney could lose Massachusetts on Tuesday. Globe readers might be forgiven if they get the feeling they read the same exact thing the day before. Because they did. Now, there's something to be said for columnists who explain the news, who give us valuable insight into the key events that shape our lives, yada, yada, but Walker never does that. He just keeps turning out forgettable regurgitations.



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...the whole storyline is factually incorrect. All polling for Massachusetts, including one released yesterday, has Mittens up by over 20 points.

Pretty lazy writer there.

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I think by now we are all fairly certain why Adrian
Walker has gainful employment at the Boston Globe.

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Walker can write well; it's just that, like Brian McGrory back in the day, he mostly chooses not to.

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