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Jesus, can somebody get Adrian Walker a book on expository writing, stat?

I challenge you to find anything insightful or memorable in Adrian Walker's confused column today, in which he breaks the shocking news that we have a primary today and that the Patriots lost on Sunday.

Walker also manages to declare that the Massachusetts primary is both important and unimportant, that Mitt Romney is "one of the state's most popular politicians" and that "the four major candidates couldn't get enough of Massachusetts over the final 72 hours," which is probably causing heads to roll in the Globe newsroom, since nobody there reported on all of Mitt Romney's active campaigning in Massachusetts over the past three days.



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Yo, Adrian, check out the Mighty Mormon's itinerary
over the last few days (from boston.com)

"(Romney) has flown from Nashville to Atlanta to Oklahoma City
to Long Beach, Calif., and has now arrived here, at a Holiday
Inn in Charleston at 6 a.m. where he will do TV interviews
this morning and greet convention delegates, and then fly home
to vote at Belmont Town Hall at about 2 p.m."

Barnicle isn't cited in the byline, so it may even
be true!

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He is just not a very talented writer. He is there for a
reason. I am just glad Derrick Z. Jackson does not have
that column.

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so, why not put him back into that Page B1 slot?

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Back when he was on B1 and wrote (sometimes infuriating) columns that made you think. Now, when he's not doing his yearly college-athlete dropout stuff, he seems to mostly write about stuff like his family's vacations.

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I think he's entirely predictable. Give me the
lead sentence and I can give you the rest of the

It's got to be a tough place to work, and it isn't
surprising that they all seem to be mailing it in.
Feels like they're all sitting around waiting for
either the buyout package or the layoff notice.

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I agree that Adrian Walker does not deserve the column he is just as bad as Mike Barnicle was. What is the reason you believe he is there? Also I wish Derrick Z. Jackson has his own column now there is a man who write great articles. Why don't you like Derrick Jackson?

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I'm just as tired of Derrick Jackson's predictable

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