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The Globe has me all confused

UPDATE: I'm even more confused now that I know the Globe is publishing TWO fashion mags - fb and Lola.

Even more so than usual, anyway.

Our copy of the Globe today seemed a bit bulky. When we ripped open the plastic, we found a copy of FB, one of the triumvirate of newish local magazines featuring impossibly slender women (is there some company that sells stock drawings of chic women weighing 25 pounds?) and pages on which the editors managed to shoehorn roughly 10 words of text in between the 50x-magnified photos of shiny things.

So does this mean the Roslindale/Hyde Park borderlands are suddenly chic and hip and as sexy as one can be when looking at photos of models who appear to be grimacing because they haven't eaten a real meal in two years? Or should we take the dour, conspiratorial view and assume the Globe dumped all these copies in our neighborhood because they signed a deal with FB without telling them they'd only distribute them in the shlubbier neighborhoods, the better to make room for the Globe's own L-O-L-A-Lola mag? And why is the Globe distributing a competitor to its own fashion banshee anyway? (UPDATE: Because the Globe publishes both, that's why, duh) It all makes you sad, especially because I'm-glad-I'm-a-man-and-so-is-Lola's 99% content-free Web site has an intriguing editor's note about how the editor lost all her glamour when she turned 13, but that now that she has it back, she's devoting an entire issue to it:

On our quest, it seemed only natural to visit Wellesley, the Jackie O of suburbs, on our monthly Field Trip. This is a town that captures the sensations of seduction and indulgence, the classic, unapologetic New England village of the imagination.

I told a colleague who lives in Wellesley about this and he seemed a bit surprised to learn he lived in the classic unapologetic New England village of the imagination, and so I didn't feel comfortable asking him when the last time was that he captured the sensations of seduction and indulgence that come from living in the Jackie O of suburbs.

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When my fellow JP residents capture the sensation of this snub, the barrels will be flying!

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It's so vapid, I couldn't even remember its name.

It's fb, as in "fashion boston" (lower-case is the new black).

And Jesus, I see on the masthead it's published by Boston Globe Media. So that explains why the Globe's distributing it. It doesn't explain why the Globe is publishing two fashion magazines.

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I think the real question is why the Boston Glob continues to publish anything but fashion magazines, fluf stories about ice fishing and where to kiss, etc. I find it impressive that you recieved news with your fashion magazines this morning, as I predict the NYT company will soon do away with it all together.

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Today's news is tomorrow's fishwrap. boston.com
is giving you tomorrow's news today. What other
legitimate news organization can make that claim?

According to chat news at boston.com:

Psychic Joanne Gerber answers your love-related
questions, Feb. 14 at noon.

Someone alert the Pulitzer committee!

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That glossy crap sticks to my fish.

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