Former state rep, Menino aide, thinking about running for mayor
The Globe reports Charlotte Golar Richie of Dorchester is thinking of running for mayor because, well, why not?
If elected, she would be our first black woman mayor from Brooklyn. If she runs, she'll be competing against, among others, Mike Ross, who would be our first Jewish mayor, Will Dorcena, who would be our first Haitian-American mayor, Felix Arroyo, who would be our first Hispanic mayor, Bill Walczak, who would be our first Polish-American mayor, Charles Clemons, who would be our first mayor to own an unlicensed radio station, Rob Consalvo, who would be our first Italian-American mayor to succeed another Italian-American mayor, and John Connolly, Dan Conley and Marty Walsh, any of whom would be our first Irish-American mayor in 20 years. Also thinking about a run: Ayanna Pressley, who would be our first black woman mayor from Chicago.
What about Michael Flaherty,
What about Michael Flaherty, Darnell Williams, Steve Murphy, Ayanna Pressley, Charles Yancey, Will Dickerson and Ralph Martin?
You forgot Steve Lynch
Flaherty's already said he's running for the council, though.
How about Matt O'Malley?
He strikes me as ambitious, smart, and the mayor's office seems like his life's goal. Is he just waiting until the next time around?
O'Malley's sitting this one out
He's already announced he's running for re-election - and he's endorsed Connolly.
I saw that he had endorsed
I saw that he had endorsed Connolly and was curious as to why he had removed himself from the running so quickly. Again, it may be that he figures his own chances are slim this time around because of age and experience. The few times I've chatted with him over the years (during his unsuccessful run for City Council the first time around when he was about 12 and then later when he ran successfully) he has impressed me as very committed to the city and to public service and as a very sharp guy. I haven't paid close attention to the work he's done on the council, but I would be very surprised to find he was a hack, in the sense I imagine it to mean -- lazy, slow-witted and grasping.
Has no "Real" work experience and has only been in office for what 4 years. Mumbles has a better shot at running for POTUS than O'Malley does for Mayor. Plus what has he accomplished and/or how has he stood up against.
Push over at birth, hack in the making!
What are you talking about
He put up a good fight trying to install speed-bumps on dead-end streets!
Lynch would be a great US
Lynch would be a great US Senator but mayor he will never be. Flaherty should run for mayor!
Flaherty is pro
Flaherty is pro discrimination. he is not a leader, has never made a statement that was not politically motivated. He calls himself Irish. That is not true. He is from US. His Family have a history of been free leaders living off the Government. he should get a job and stop being a sponger
Non-Innovation City
I would vote for anyone of the above as long as they will let Verizon install FIOS in the City.
Nobody's stopping Verizon
Nobody's stopping Verizon from installing FIOS. The City has simply said, "you can't cherry-pick: if you want to install FIOS, install it city-wide, not just in a few high-profit-margin downtown neighborhoods."
city fiber
If the city was smart years ago and had built its own fiber network it could form a utility that offered low-price fiber to the home broadband to residents.
Lots of city buildings are connected to a fiber backbone, but only a tiny bit of the fiber (going from City Hall to Fire Alarm in the Fenway) is owned by the city. The rest is owned by Comcast and the city is allowed to use it under Comcast's franchise agreement. However, Comcast gives the city as little as they can get away with and they try to keep the city's use to a minimum. Of course the city is also pretty reluctant to share its toys, but it has gotten a bit better at this.
Given that what we have right now is a duopoly with crappy service and high prices, we should make broadband a public utility like electricity.
Same reason
That Gucci does not have a store on Dot Ave.
Are you serious?
Ask Verizon why there is no FIOS in Boston. All because of one person. And when it does come, I hope they don't do Hyde Park.
Michael Kineavy for Mayor!
Michael Kineavy for Mayor!
I emphatically second that!
I emphatically second that!
Where is Kevin McCrea???
Is there an adult citizen of
Is there an adult citizen of Boston who ISN'T running for Mayor?
I want Cripes
to run for mayor so we can say Vote for Cripes.
Sounds promising
She is one of the people I was hoping would run. It was a shame when she left public service several years ago. I met her just once but that was enough to think she'd be great as an elected leader.
Dave Portnoy is running. Stop pretending that he will go away if you ignore him.
I thought..
he lived in Milton?
Vote for Stevil
Our first German-American ex-Yankee fan mayor from a little podunk town in NY.
Stickers will be available at your local polling station.
Beers and brats in every pot. Go, Stevil!
Beers and brats in every pot. Go, Stevil!
Jewish Americans
Are there, or have there even been any prominent Jewish American politicians in Boston?
Isadore Muchnick
Isadore Muchnick and Jackie Robinson, as read into the Congressional Record by Barney Frank, who got his start as an aide to Kevin White.
Brandeis was from Boston.
Julius Ansel
Mike Ross, who would be our
First Jewish mayor from Newton.