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Brighton has a tree ninja, who goes around at night sawing trees just enough to make them die
By adamg on Sun, 04/28/2013 - 6:57pm
Mr. Miguez reports the guy has been going around Brighton for years, condemning trees to death:
Sometimes he uses an axe, other times a saw. My landlord says his favorite tactic is to take a claw-hammer and strip a circle of bark off the tree all the way around the trunk. This destroys the tree's ability to draw water up from the ground, and it eventually dies.
Free tagging:
Sadness. From my Master Gardener classes, I recall the standard arborcide set of girdling, driving copper nails into the trunk, or spreading salt on the soil. The quickest, surest, nastiest is the girdle of cutting around the trunk to stop the vascular flow.
I take it personally. What bozo would murder trees?
A bozo who would also murder people. The tree is defenseless. It's not even sentient. How does this man react to somebody who can fight him back?
I sure don't want to find out. I'm not going to call for an execution for killing trees, but maybe a good $2,000 fine will teach him that he has an abhorrent personality that a civilized community won't abide.
Pump the brakes
To be sure, meaningless destruction of other people's property is repugnant, but that's all we're talking about here. Trees can be replaced, at a cost.
This guy may be sick and twisted, but doesn't necessarily mean he's a people murderer.
Destruction of property
Sorry, no - it's not just destruction of property. Trees may not be sentient, but it's still the deliberate killing of a living thing. That's extremely disturbing.
Call the druids and Olmsted
Call the druids and Olmsted fans. This punk ass bitch needs to be videotaped in the act, turned into the police, and administered a behavioral modifying beat-down should the justice system fail us all.
Grammar Counts
You want to a tree killer INTO the police?! Or do you want to turn him IN TO the police? :)
Just not enough ammo
The pure number of people who need to shoot to death in this world, is just mind staggering.
I know someone who called the
I know someone who called the cops on him last week. Presumably because of the heightened state of alert since the marathon bombings, six cops showed up really fast -- but apparently failed to apprehend him.
This used to drive me crazy
Back in like 07 or so, they planted a bunch of new trees on Winship and this fucker stripped the back off of all of them and then later on went on to cut them in half. Some houses had tin wrapped around the trunks of their trees. At least I know wht the story was about that now.
I wonder
there was a guy who was chopping off the burl knots on trees in the Fens that was caught sometime last year... sounds like possibly the same deal
Those guys were out for some
Those guys were out for some cash. This guy is just a psycopath -- and this is why we can't have nice things.
or would he be...
...an arboropath?
This makes me very sad and
This makes me very sad and angry - trees do so much good for us and our city, and this person clearly hates us. Or is crazy, or both.
Tree murder
I agree - I find tree murder oddly upsetting. The city planted 5 young trees on Pratt Street about 15 years ago, and someone deliberately drove a car over one to break it and kill it.
Who the fuck does this? I'm
Who the fuck does this? I'm imaging it's the same kid who spends their childhood mutilating Barbie dolls and puppies.