Charlestown - Charlestown one square mile of mixed up, lost souls. A community that once took pride in watching out for each other. A neighborhood where respect and pride came in the name of a gentle smile, a tip of the cap. That neighborhood is gone forever. Is that for better or for worse? Depends who's answering the question. The stuffed shirts at City Hall will tell you Charlestown is entering the twenty-first century and its great for Boston, that is the upscale development of Charlestown, a once proud Irish American community that took pride in policing itself, has all these do gooders and know-it all taking control of this one square mile of heaven, as some of the older "Townies" would call it.
The old Townies the ones that refuse to sell out to the spoiled stuck up snobs from suburbia are pleasantly pleased, that's what Mayor Menino would tell you. Facts are the old Townies and the new Tooines are always butting heads over such minute things as parking, MBTA bus schedules and so forth.
I long for the day I'd walk out my front door and have a neighbor say good morning. I have many Toonies on my street, always in a hurry or have a look of stressfulness frozen upon their face. Seems like the Toonies couldn't be bothered with a simple "hello". Thats what I miss alot. Just a wink of an eye or a simple nod. Between the snobs from suburbia and the rejects that have been planted in the "projects" theirs not much promise or hope for the few and I mean few Townie kids growing up around here. Let me step back a step to the rejects that lay their head in the Boston Housing Development.
The City of Boston has had this agenda of diversing Charlestown and making it an equal opportunity community. Tough break on the locals. The "Town" has been infested with every low-life from across the city and shipped their law breaking attitude to this fine community. If you walk on Bunker Hill street south of Polk street, you better be very aware of your surroundings and be on the opposite side of the street from BHA, otherwise you'll get robbed by those fine "people" who hang their hats in the projects or you'll be arrested by Boston Police or Boston Housing police for being on BHA property. Only residents of BHA are allowed on "their" side of Bunker. Imagine growing up in this fine TOWN and you can't even walk on the side of the streets the projects are on or else. Now that I think of it I wish the BPD would enforce that law on the Townie side of Bunker. But the only laws that are enforced are the ones to arrest innocent Townie kids. Believe these kids don't need any extra help getting arrested they do a fine job of their own.
Its best for these kids to stay away from BHA anyways, it seems the Orchard Park mentality has been brought to Walford way and other surrounding drug havens. Seems the low-life brought an exuberence of Heroin and filtered it into this fine community. Heroin, Crack Cocaine, Oxycontin are just a few of the problems that surround this younger generation of Townies. Heroin and crack cocaine is so bad I've seen young Townie girls hooking up with a couple of those bloodsuckers that creepy crawl out of the progect courtyard at all hours of the nite, these poor girls get hooked and those cock roaches from BHA prey upon them like vultures in the desert picking away at whats left of their self esteem. Not just the girls who lose their souls to the devil its the Boys too. I've walked the neighborhood many a night only to see some of my friends kids with this zombie faraway look in their eyes. Just a lost soul look. I think about the parents and the heart ache they're going through. Most parents have that Townie pride stiff upper lip as they say, always smiling always courteous. Like everything is ok. Maybe everything is, I mean what can we do as parents. We can preach, scold, discipline till were blue in the face but once our bundle of joy leaves the house, their fair game for every other pusher out there. I try and tell anyone who listens "its much harder and takes a lot more nerve to say no than it is to join the game and hook-up with the ex-players of Blue Hill Ave”.
We as a community must reach out find a way to intervene somehow get to these kids, even if it’s only one kid at a time. One is better than none. If we don’t the low life’s from BHA will swoop down and take another lost soul, break another heart, disrupt another Townie family. We as Townies must act. We only have one another, we don’t have any government and by no means we surely don’t have help from the BPD. The BPD goes around harassing any Townie kid it can (granted some kids are problems BUT SOME AREN’T). The kids have no rights, no equal rights at all. The BPD goes as far as it can to bust one of our own while turning a blind eye to any and all minorities whether it be a minor incident or major one, ESPECIALLY if the incident concerns a Townie getting bothered by a minority. BPD wants to arrest the Charlestown kids for incidents they clearly know were committed by the squatters in the projects. There’s been many incidents involving young Charlestown girls, attempted muggings, assaults, the police were called took down much of the information and then when the victim described her attackers which were minorities BPD wanted the victim to claim it was fellow Townies as in Caucasian or Irish descent. BPD put pressure on victim to fabricate her story which she refused to do, “No officer it was 5 or 6 spanish gentlemen not white kids officer.” “Are you sure”, responded Boston’s finest. “YES I’m SURE” replied the young Townie girl.
I was raised like so many other kids in the neighborhood NEVER TRUST THE POLICE, and that was back when the cops would at least say hello, or the officers would try and be friendly. Not this day and age, if you’re a Townie kid you must be a hood, punk, junkie, bank robber the police have separate folders for us. To bad they don’t have one for themselves. Let’s see first amendment violator, civil rights violator, make a false arrest violator and worry about correcting paper work in six months or so violator. Who cares if the kid was in another town, so what about his permanent record, DON’T LET THE FACTS OR TRUTH STAND IN THE WAY OF A GOOD COLLAR, officer. I could go on an on but anyone who doesn’t get what the cops are up to must have been in a coma for the last 30 years or so. Just read the papers, local or national.
Like I’ve stated the younger Townies don’t have much of a future with the Toonies snubbing their noses at the locals or the rejects from the projects running wild up and down our streets. The Toonies and the cock roaches from the projects, who knows what the worse of the two groups are. Their both strictly out for themselves. That’s pretty funny when you think of it, these bleeding heart liberals are all for treating the “so-called minorities like first class citizens”, but the minute their purse gets snatched they sing a different tune. These yuppies can act like their going to save our world when in reality they haven’t got the faintest of a clue. The bloodsuckers from BHA would just as well rape and rob them as they would break bread with the so called frauds of upper class.
The Toonies have their little kennel clubs or coffee clubs where they hang out, bring out their pooch stand around and try and impress each other on their wealth or education. Most of these frauds are trust fund babies, they have to be considering the money they put down for a slice of heaven in this one square mile. They’re a funny breed the Toonies, they have no help if there’s an uprising in BHA (like there is every summer) so when their accosted they bitch and moan about it by saying “can you believe this or that happened I’m appalled”. These are the same frauds who want to extend kindness to those bloodsuckers on Walford way. Only to learn that the smart way is to not give these leeches the time of day. The Toonies are all alone, except for each other, and they deserve everything they get. The Old Townies like myself are stuck with the snobs and the cock roaches from BHA, but at least if any of the old Townies have problems with either group, they can lean on each other and most certainly will be helped by another Townie whatever the case maybe.
Every day you read about Toonies taking over vacant lots, lots that life long Townies tried to purchase many, many moons ago only to be shunned by the City Hall hacks. Somehow these Toonies make all these hush, hush back room deals. It’s amazing at what money can buy, as in fill the envelope to your favorite politician then all of a sudden deals that were rejected are now being approved. I long for the days when a big mouth from suburbia came here acting all big and mouthy only to be sent home with a fat lip and soiled undies. Ah those were the days my friends I thought they’d never end. Those were the days!.........
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
By Peter
Thu, 03/06/2008 - 9:51pm
I watched the same thing happen in the South End, where I grew up. I wish there was some advice or wisdom I could impart. I will say it seems like when the yuppies get old enough to have kids they move away ("Only the poor raise kids in the city!" kind of metality). But they are soon replaced.
Things just aren't as they used to be. Changes not for the better. The old Boston is gone.
The Code of Silence Lives on, though
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 03/06/2008 - 10:07pm
It's just moved to the "Stop Snitchin'" neighborhoods.
You can be too nostalgic and blind to the downside of a neighborhood's past. I know when I tell people that I work in Charlestown, I hear a lot of stories from people who grew up there or lived there as working-class young adults - some still have family there. While some remember "tight knit" neighborhoods, I have yet to meet anybody with only glowing happy memories of the place. More of them remember things like their neighbors threatening them if they reported their purses were stolen because they were related to somebody who was doing the stealing, or other lovely memories of crime and fear of the local talent.
Right on
By Marc
Fri, 03/07/2008 - 12:50am
I hear you. My parents' generation from Everett, Revere, and Chelsea all regarded Charlestown in the way you describe, as a bad neck of the woods where people smiled at their neighbors in public but worked in sympathy with the local sociopaths.
Reminds me of the Sopranos episode "Unidentified Black Males" (s5e9), which weaves together a bunch of different sub-plots where the wrong-doings of the "tight knit community" get blamed on "those people".
By 02129resident
Fri, 03/07/2008 - 6:47am
another fucking moron Townie, just what the world needs...
So in your narrow mind, Charlestown was a lovely little village when it was an all-white, poor Irish enclave? Bullshit, there's no distinction between white on white crime that happened back then to the same nonsense that is happening today, whether in Charlestown or elsewhere.
If you want to lament for days gone and truly feel your "town" has lost something, why don't you go hang out across the street from Mishawum, which is still predominately white and occupied by the bastard offspring of your former minions. It won't take long to see kids as young as 8 years old hanging out until the wee hours of the morning, selling dope, harassing passersby and having absolutely no parental involvement.
Where were the loveable
By Karen
Fri, 03/07/2008 - 8:38am
Where were the loveable townies and their townie pride when Terry Burhoe got killed in 1981? Where were they when Kevin Walsh got killed 25 years later?
They were right there when it happened and they didn't say boo. No wonder no one respects them.
By mudder
Fri, 03/07/2008 - 11:36am
I remember those tragedies, but my question was, why were the BPD shaking down all the neighborhood kids after the bed-head incident, it seems they were going after the wrong people. The BPD had seven neighborhood kids lying on their stomachs on the corner of Bunker and Monument Ave. shaking them down...........Those were bed-heads friends, they were just hanging out, no reason for harassment.....
You mean another *drugged-out* fucking moron Townie
By DoodleBean
Fri, 03/07/2008 - 8:46am
'Cuz simple idiocy can hardly explain such delusional phrases as this:
Unless, of course, mudder meant "...watching out for each other and punishing those who didn't conform with threats, beatings or worse."
And then there is this racist gem:
I thought the piece was satirical at first, but it doesn't even hold together as that.
Adam G ought to be ashamed to be giving a forum to such a drugged-out, racist moron!
By mudder
Fri, 03/07/2008 - 10:58am
You proved my point with your racist name calling, and also whats your problem with Mishawum, you want to move their and get free rent and a free microwave, just like they do at BHA??
Also i've never seen any 8 yr. olds in front of Speedys after hours, but I have seen them south of Polk street late at nite. I guess the truth hurts, again you proved my point.....
Mudder...Quick question. If
By Anonymous
Mon, 03/24/2008 - 2:23pm
Mudder...Quick question.
If a Black guy was in need of help and an Asian guy was in need of help...would you help or would you just call the EAGLE?!?!
Are you racist?
battle of bunkerhill
By lifelong 4 gene...
Tue, 03/25/2008 - 3:34pm
today no one is safe, not to glorify the past, but most of the victims of "tragedies" of the past were living a certain lifestyle. everyone knew the players and if you were not involved you felt safe{if your playing the game don't be surprised by the outcome] today random violence can happen to anyone. there are alot more innocent victims today.
Can you back that up with
By stephencaldwell
Tue, 03/25/2008 - 3:36pm
Can you back that up with facts?
charlestown history backs up
By Anonymous
Tue, 03/25/2008 - 3:56pm
charlestown history backs up the facts. it cant be explained to someone who has not grown up with it. the bottom line is my sisters and mother never had to be afraid walking the streets of c-town. the only people who had to watch thier backs were the people who lived that life. granted, there may have been incidents where an innocent person was hurt, but not with the frequency that occurs today-
... backs up like a toilet
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 03/25/2008 - 4:48pm
until it forms Lake Townbegone, a halcyon place where there were no drugs, no purse snatchings, no organized crime activity, and no problems until all those "other" people moved in from outside.
The women were strong, the men were beautiful, and all the kids were just exactly average.
By mudder
Tue, 03/25/2008 - 6:07pm
again well said...
"the bottom line is my sisters and mother never had to be afraid walking the streets of c-town. the only people who had to watch thier backs were the people who lived that life.".....
this is what i miss most, WE never had to worry about their purses being snatched by some scumbag that gets a free microwave, no matter what time of nite it was.
if you went to a time down the knights and it got out late there was never any fear of walking home LIKE THERE IS NOW!
By mudder
Tue, 03/25/2008 - 6:00pm
I agree 100%....."there are alot more innocent victims today"
ignorance from a yuppie??
By i_lament
Fri, 12/26/2008 - 7:02am
Look... I can't speak for Mudder...
when did you move in to c-town? just curious... and do me a favor and don't speak of the 'white on white crime' of a place you don't really know and can never really understand. the truth of the matter is that charlestown WAS corrupt when i was growing up (70s-80s)... BUT i never felt ill at ease in my own town. the violence WAS sown by a criminal element and reaped by the criminal element, which actually represented a small minority of charlestown residents. the majority of charlestown's population back then were hard working, blue collar citizens: tax paying and law abiding.
my mom was very careful, as are many today, to keep her children out of the fray and uninvolved in the 'crime' you to which you refer.
By the way, Mudder... please remember that Terry Burhoe was an innocent victim (and a friend of mine) who ended up hanging around with a bad element, and there were many other's I could name. We can't forget the violence that did exist, just as violence exists in all communities that are under-represented and forgotten.
i think it is unfortunate that Mudder turns venom on the people placed in the Bunker Hill Projects... most of whom, i am sure, are as law abiding as my family was. again, there is the criminal element at work in the new "townies" just as there always has been, but they represent, again, the minority of the newcomers.
02129resident, you are an asshole far larger than Mudder. i grew up in Mishuwam and have very fond memories of my childhood. my friends and i all had strict curfews and strong catholic-school educations. truth is, i'd still live in charlestown except i can't afford it after the 'gentrification' by people like you. yes, Townies hate you for a good reason. you are ignorant and deserve to be harassed.
i miss the Boys and Girls Club, the 'Bunka', Papa Gino's, the monument (before it was littered with Yups, the Clinic, the Forty-Flights, Nanny-Goat, the Oilies, the Neck...
The Good Old Bad Days
By MattL
Fri, 03/07/2008 - 9:31am
Everything was always better 10 years ago. That is except, for 10 years ago when things were better 10 years ago from then.
Mudder....if a Black guy
By Anonymous
Mon, 03/24/2008 - 2:22pm
Mudder....if a Black guy fell down & Asian guy fell down....who would you help up? Are you racist? Eagle out!
I'd probably just laugh at
By stephencaldwell
Mon, 03/24/2008 - 2:23pm
I'd probably just laugh at both of them honestly.
It depends ...
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 03/24/2008 - 2:37pm
It depends on which one was a priest, a rabbi, or a minister.
seems the truth hurts
By mudder
Mon, 03/24/2008 - 3:40pm
i'm not a racist but i'm in favor of doing away with affirmative action.....i believe that the higher score should qualify for the job or better yet, admittance to a school...i'm firmly against handing out jobs just to fill a quota.... But you bleeding heart liberals /yuppies your all for job quotas until your purse gets snatched or you get smacked over the head (wait) that still might not work.......Dapper O'Neil was right, America's newest cancer "liberals"....
Could you please translate that into English?
By Ron Newman
Mon, 03/24/2008 - 3:45pm
The first five words
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 03/24/2008 - 3:52pm
These are pretty much all you need to know the general awareness level of the person you are dealing with.
Hello mudder
By Gareth
Mon, 03/24/2008 - 4:57pm
Hello fodder
For more jokes about the water
You ignorant moron. You
By Former Townie
Wed, 08/13/2008 - 5:00pm
You ignorant moron. You think all of C-towns problems stem from the projects. I grew up there and became somewhat succesful and live a good life. What about all the punks (and you know the names) that didn't live there but came to raise hell and go home to say....School, Baldwin, Sackvile or Mystic St. And you know it was their fathers bringing the drugs to town. What about the scumbags who killed their neighbor or friend....The two I'm thinking about had nothing to do with the projects other than they raised hell their but went home to Tremont & Sackville St.Some or most notorius dealers and bank robbers lived outside the projects. Charlestown has been a mess for years with drugs & violence. Don't pin it all on the project. And clearly your not intelligent enough to appreciate the newcomers and what they have done for your property value...Ask yourself what you have done to improve the town or help some poor kid with the odds stacked against him. Stop spreading your ignorance and racism and put your energy to something more positive.
Name names
By Marc
Wed, 08/13/2008 - 9:18pm
Former Townie,
You are posting under a pseudonym to a blog that is not too highly read. I think, if there were ever a time when you might as well name the names, this would be it.
I'm certainly curious (as a bystander not from charlestown), and maybe mudder is a little curious too.
Former Townie Moron
By mudder
Fri, 08/15/2008 - 8:55am
Hey numb nutz your the bleepin moron, i'm talking about this day an age. Maybe you have trouble with reading comprehension. The projects and the cock roaches the City of Boston placed in their is the root of the "Towns" problems (this day an age), so stfu an go back to your lily white neighborhood you bleepin fraud...As far as the "new" people comimng in spending their money and making our property value go up, their in it just for the money, they buy it then sell it every first of the month you can't drive threw any of the streets because of the moving trucks..These "new" people are the trust fund babies whose parents wouldn't be caught dead driving threw Charlestown or associate with anyone from the "town" (back in the day)....But you, you bleepin fraud moved out ACTUALLY SOLD out, and now your going to start your name calling from your lily white neighborhood and telling us who stayed here that the problem is on the other side of "bunker"...Nice call numb nutz....STFU, jackass!!
Hey Adam
By Rob O
Thu, 12/04/2014 - 3:15pm
Do you still allow people to post their racist ramblings on your site? I wish the OP had the gall to use her name.
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