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Citizen complaint of the day: John Farrell's bar bill
By adamg on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 8:55am
A concerned citizen files this request on Citizens Connect:
"John Farrell is not allowed to buy his own beer in this town ever again!" Please sign this ordinance into law immediately.
"Case noted," the city vaguely replies.
Free tagging:
This is great, but I'll only
This is great, but I'll only cosign if Terry Francona has a similar privilege. We're really lucky to have had him, and to now have Farrell!
Pretty sure that's already law
And if anyone says otherwise, they can catch the next Amtrak to New York.
Since this is your citizens
Since this is your citizens connect request, then did you really just reply to yourself?
That TV looks familiar
Oh, right...that's my TV. I was the one who submitted that citizen complaint last night. ;D
Well aren't
you just so cool! Wish i could hang out on Citizens Connect around 1 am.
Great job wasting the city's time and resources.
Lighten up, Francis
If I was stuck working the Citizens Connect work queue, it would make me happy to find something like this in the list I had to triage. Probably took less time for the worker bee to read and update the ticket than it did for your anon cranky-pants self to read this thread and add your whine.