By adamg on Thu., 1/30/2014 - 9:17 am
Pointing to the recent spate of murders, the Japanese consulate in Boston yesterday joined France in urging its citizens to avoid the three neighborhoods:
The number of gang-related murders so far this year in Boston is significantly higher than in past years, according to a Boston Globe report on Jan. 28, 2014. Consequently, we advise Japanese nationals to avoid areas such as Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan, where violence has occurred.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
By Sally
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 3:18pm
It's not my favorite place to ride or anything--too trafficky, too many drifting pedestrians and kids on bikes riding against traffic, etc. I can't think of any particular reason I'd send a tourist there, any more than I'd tell them to go hang out in Brighton Square or Tyngsborough but no--it's not Beirut either.
Things to see?
By anon
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 10:12pm
A few monuments, a large pear, a large rock and an ugly overpass - whoopty effin doo. I'm sure the tourists coming to Boston will forego all the downtown attractions just so they can see those.
So stick to Faneuil Hall
By adamg
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 11:14pm
Sounds more your speed.
Nobody here (that I can tell) is saying the giant pear should be on everybody's Must-See list for their five-hour stopover in Boston, but for somebody who does want to get beyond the stereotypical Revolutionary War/Giant Art Museum experience, there are things worth seeing and doing on the other side of Mass. Ave.
Hell, with the right guide (i.e., somebody who really knows the place), you could do an interesting little tour of Hyde Park. Maybe once the Fairmount Line gets true subway-like service ...
Haha, Fairmount line
By Matthew
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 11:21pm
The Japanese tourists can come and marvel at our dinky trains ("only runs once an hour!"): ãŠã‚‚ã¡ã‚ƒã®é›»è»Š!
In my experience, Japanese tourists are much more interested in our beer. That's one thing we have up on Japan. Good beer. America, fuck yeah!
Oh, beer
By adamg
Fri, 01/31/2014 - 12:29am
You mean like at Sam Adams, which is, what, a couple blocks away from where some pretty violent stuff has happened?
Do you want to absorb the
By deepfreeze
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 10:08am
Do you want to absorb the local culture or not?
Dont forget to stop in to
By kvn
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 12:42pm
Dont forget to stop in to Simco''s !
"Roxbury? Why would anyone
By Hyde_Parker
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 10:21am
"Roxbury? Why would anyone want to go to Roxbury?"
There was a time when all roads led to Dudley Square in Roxbury
By kvn
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 11:16am
There was a time my friend. My first cartage job was picking up meat on the hook from the railcars in Newmarket, the Bury.
There was a time when all roads led to Dudley Square in Roxbury for the Boston Irish. They began settling in Roxbury in the 1850s, and by the 20th century a bustling community was anchored around St. Patrick’s Church and the Mission Church, as well as Catholic convents, orphanages and schools.
In 1906 Irish groups like Ancient Order of Hibernians recognized the need for a building of their own to hold cultural and social activities. They formed the Hibernian Building Association of Boston Highlands, and sold $10 shares to over 500 shareholders to support the building fund. They purchased the lot at 184-186 Dudley Street, hired architect Edward T.P. Graham to design a building, and in January 1913 contractors broke ground for construction.
By Sally
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 11:37am
I know that my grandfather and his pals spent a lot of time going to dances and such at the Hibernian Hall.
Hibernian Hall is still in use
By Ron Newman
Fri, 01/31/2014 - 1:43pm
and does host events from time to time that could appeal to savvy tourists:
Of fer Chrissakes
By MissDee
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 10:27am
Tell them not to go to JP, Roslindale, Hyde Park, Charlestown, Downtown, South Boston, the list goes on and on. Tell them to stay away from any MBTA stations lest they get robbed/mugged/masturbated to, don't go to any convenience stores or banks anywhere because it will prolly get held up at gunpoint...etc, etc. Hell they might as well tell them not to come to MA at all. Shit happens everywhere, no place is immune.
"Masturbated to"
By Sally
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 11:38am
ROTFL! Yuck.
Don't ROTF
By Stevil
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 12:03pm
In the T.
By Sally
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 12:12pm
I don't even like to hold the hand railings these days...
That is what
By MissDee
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 1:40pm
hand sanitizer is for....that and bleaching your hands in hot water after you get home (and your doorknobs and anything else you touched on your way in). The T is gross. I recently caught a bus after not having done so in a while...I like how the announcer says something to the effect that if you have a complaint/concern about the cleanliness of this vehicle please call/email the T. Like yeah right they're really going to send someone out pronto to clean it. If they do they will prolly come with a dirty bucket full of germy water from the last buses they cleaned, and wipe the extra germs all over it. The T needs to cut it out. The only thing they do efficiently is hound passengers to pay that damn fare (FYI I'm no fare evader but I've witnessed many)....but I digress...sigh.
You are a piece of work
By anon
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 2:33pm
And you are crawling - absolutely crawling - with mites and stuffed with all manner of microbes.
Or maybe you aren't, which is why you are so nuts. You need this stuff to be healthy and stay healthy. Google "microbiome".
Cleaning buses
By BostonUrbEx
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 2:50pm
I think you're interpreting the message wrong. Nobody is going to run out and clean the bus... it will just get special attention when it's pulled into a yard for the night. I doubt every bus is cleaned every time it enters the yard for a night time layover, but they may be able to target specific buses based on cleanliness reports from riders.
I'm not too sure why you'd be opposed to that.
Not opposed at all
By MissDee
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 5:52pm
Just being realistic here. I'd love if special attention were paid to those (and ALL) buses, but based on past history and experience, I highly doubt it. Having the buses, T stations, trains etc, PROPERLY cleaned would cost the T too much money, and since they're always boo-hooing about how broke they are, costing taxpayers more and more $$, for the same shitty service, I don't think cleaning the right way is in any shape or fashion a priority of theirs.
I once found myself stuck on
By Annika
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 11:05pm
I once found myself stuck on the Orange Line with a small mob of drunken (during the day) fellows who were of the 'rough' sort, if you know what I mean, and two of them were not at all shy about discussing their foot fetishes and discussing their preferences and pointing out other female passengers manicures. I was very glad that I had worn Doc Martens that day.
Why would they avoid those
By anon
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 1:15pm
Why would they avoid those other places? They are afraid of shootings and murders, not public drunkenness or sex offenders. Shootings dont happen in Japan and I know youd love to say that only gangbangers get shot but if that's what you think then Im not sure if you understand how guns work. These neighborhoods may not be the first on someone's list to visit but there are plebty reasons they might end up in dot pan or roxbury if not for these warnings. Its not a big deal at all anf I really dont get why you all get so bent up out of shape about it. Props to Sally for bring bikes into the discussion out of nowhere, by the way
So you're basically
By MissDee
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 1:55pm
So you're basically suggesting that tourists, fearing shootings and murder, should only avoid Dot/Rox/Matt? No one gets shot in the other areas? No one has been mugged/raped at knife or gunpoint in any of those other areas? Ahhh, I see. As long as they are only robbed, raped or THREATENED with a weapon, all is well. It's just actually being shot or murdered that counts? And FWIW, as a quick example off the top of my head, didn't someone just get shot in JP the other day? Didn't a Madison student get gunned down in Roslindale? Didn't two guys get in a fight in Hyde Park, with both stabbed and one ending up dead? I don't know how Charlestown is doing for murder these days, but I know the robberies are commonplace...and my best friend was shot to death in Charlestown several years back...all of the neighbors said the place is a drug/robbery den. Again, no place is immune. Let me not get into all of the suburbs where the lovely, nice, sweet, normal neighbor kills the wife/husband, kids, pets, neighbors, everyone. Or the pedophiles who were "just the nicest guy, I couldn't believe it happened in our neighborhood." Please.
I live in the hood. I grew up in Cambridge, Dorchester and Mattapan but as an adult have lived in so called "better" neighborhoods, but there's shit everywhere.
Okay, but that all
By anon
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 10:29pm
Okay, but that all conveniently ignores the fact that more (dangerous) crime happens in R/D/M, period. Anyone who argues that walking Newbury Street is more dangerous than walking Blue Hill Ave. needs a large dose of reality. And I mean, looking especially at the recent spate of crime in these neighborhoods, doesn't it seem all the more logical why the consulate, especially now, would want to warn tourists? If anything it's a reaction to the recent crime spike. No need to take it personally, it's pretty self-evidence.
Obviously crime occurs in all
By Quarantine
Fri, 01/31/2014 - 8:01am
Obviously crime occurs in all neighborhoods. I don't know why you bring it up as if it's not common knowledge... My point is that the most crime occurs in the aforementioned neighborhoods and these neighborhoods have the most murder victims BY FAR and you can't deny it. These are the most dangerous neighborhoods without a doubt and the other places you mentioned are really nothing to be afraid of. JP is absolutely fine and the only area s that are dangerous might as well be Roxbury since they are right on the border. Charlestown is not dangerous and robberies are not commonplace.. there is still some crime but one murder three years ago does not make it dangerous. You're exaggerating to try and prove a stupid point and I really don't get it. Anyone who wants to visit something in Dorchester will look further into the neighborhood and ask around to determine whether it's safe or not. This warning is in place to prevent a tourist from accidentally ending up in a bad part of town.
I really don't understand why you are so emotional over this. Do you want Japanese tourists to get mugged? Do you love Mattapan and think it's a really nice, clean neighborhood filled with upstanding, hard-working citizens? Do you think a huge rise in the murder rate should be ignored? Do you want Roslindale put on this list because of one troubled housing project? You think the fact that pedophiles live in the suburbs or the rare psycho kills his family is cause for Weston to be put on the same list as Dorchester? You should re-read what you wrote and think before you post next time
Roxbury, Dorchester and
By h00ks
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 10:58am
Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan ...
Still less hazardous to your health than Fukushima Prefecture.
And did you know about the
By kvn
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 11:28am
And did you know about the black paint too....
Pigment Panic! A Lack of Tuxedo Black! Or, Any Color BUT Black!
'' Pigment and paint factories in the northern prefectures of Japan have shut down, causing a global pigment panic and shortage of some key pigments.
Many car factories have told their buyers their orders will be delayed, or shipment of parts will be delayed, because of the northern Japan disaster.''
Breathe everyone. As an ofd
By Dbc
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 11:58am
Breathe everyone. As an ofd'er and still here totally can understand the advisory. I would do the same for my own friends and family. Visibly it also doesn't help that neighbors aren't always great about picking up their trash and the city / state tends to ignore poorer neighborhoods. However dot has some great safe neighborhoods that are getting better because it is one of the only affordable neighborhoods with direct train access (not just bus and commuter rail). If you were smart you would buy now instead of waiting til after the whole foods move in.
Dorchester is larger than Boston Proper
By Jess from Hyde Park
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 12:17pm
It's difficult to say to avoid a section of the city larger than Boston Proper! there are certainly some parts not everyone is comfortable in but avoiding Dorchester as a whole is unrealistic.
For a tourist?
By Sally
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 3:22pm
Not really. It's like telling a tourist in London to stay out of Clapham or Ealing--there's not much of a likelihood they'd go there anyway. It's far from the city centre, mostly residential, no major landmarks or sites, etc. if they really want to "drill down" into neighborhood life or have a specific interest in some local feature than yes, but really--why would they go?
Obey the subliminal criminal!
By Dhunya
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 12:25pm
Funny how the millions If not billions of dollars spent by foreign visitors is channeled between the perimeter of Chinatown, Downtown, and The North End. Same perimeter where native born minorities have the least amount of jobs and businesses! Just For the récord feel free to point out a native born minority business in the wealth mecca of Boston, excluding a barber, shoeshine, or sneaker spot.
Logical advisory by the Japanese and French. Chiara Levin?
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 12:27pm
Of course tourists should avoid these areas. Who could forget poor Chiara Levin, the innocent young valedictorian visiting from Kentucky who, while at a Boston nightclub, accepted an invitation to a Geneva Avenue after-hours party not knowing she was entering a hornet's nest. She died after a gunshot to the head. Good for the Japanese and French governments. The U.S. government should also issue an advisory.
Then they'd better avoid
By anon
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 1:28pm
Then they'd better avoid Allston too:
And South Boston:
And the South End:
And don't forget JP:
All of these things happened in the past 5 days. The case you're referring to happened almost a decade ago. Very, very sad nonetheless...
Yeah ...
By anon
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 4:55pm
Because I'm sure that it is really safe in Kentucky to go to a club and then head to a house party with people you don't freaking know.
Or anywhere other than Boston for that matter.
Squeeeeel like a pig!
Also, not to mention Darlene Tiffany Moore,
By mplo
Wed, 04/30/2014 - 8:12pm
An 11 or 12 year old girl from North Carolina who was visiting relatives up in Roxbury, and was sitting outside on a fence in her relatives' front yard one night, and was gunned down in cold blood, during a drive-by shooting. This happened sometime back in the 1990's, but it happened, nonetheless, and it was in the paper. So, giving people just a casual warning to be a little bit careful when they go through certain areas, and not to go through such areas late at night, isn't so terrible, imho.
By Zunk
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 3:22pm
It is interesting to me to see the reaction here on news of this warning versus the time when France issued the warning. When the French made the advisory, people took it as some sort of patriotic duty to defend the motherland and you'd think that that apple pie and Chevrolet were being challenged. This time people aren't taking it with such patriotic zeal (so far).
Admittedly, the French warning came before this one so maybe the second one is less of a surprise. Or maybe people just feel less emotional about the Japanese view of Boston versus the French view and feel less of a need to challenge it as their dignity is less under threat for whatever reason.
Not sure
By 413
Fri, 01/31/2014 - 3:04am
Almost 100 comments, people are still taking it over the top.
Too funny
By anon
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 7:36pm
A Japanese tourist who hasn't seen an armed criminal in his worst nightmare, let alone real life, walking down Blue Hill Ave with his $5000 camera, $4000 laptop and $1000 phone...
I'm going to laugh...
By John Costello
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 9:45pm
When someone named Rene Takashima gets shanked in Davis Square.
Beware of Sections of Bostn
By J Tuttle
Fri, 01/31/2014 - 1:52am
Harvard, MIT and most other colleges and universities also warn students to avoid Dorchester. Mattapan and Roxbury.
The Boston Globe, UMass and the JFK Library refuse to acknowledge they are located in Dorchester. The Kennedy's were very proud of their roots in in Dorchester.
I feel safer walking down Dorchester Ave than the Boston Common or Hancock in Quincy any day.
In Sept 9, 2009 Emerson College was name the most dangerous campus in the US, because it was downtown next to the Boston Common and near Stuart St.
Dot has great offerings...
By Brian G
Fri, 01/31/2014 - 7:40am
Yes, I know there are dangerous places in the city. But really. Why tell the French and Japanese NOT to visit the Kennedy Library, UMB, the beautiful waterfront, Franklin Park Zoo, or a quick round of golf at Franklin Park. I lived in Dot for 35 years (South End now) and loved it. Some great restaurants in Dot too. Do they make sure they don't go to South Bay and not stay at the Holiday Inn and Marriott?
Franklin Park Zoo
By Ron Newman
Fri, 01/31/2014 - 10:40am
While it's not at all dangerous to visit the Franklin Park Zoo, I don't think I'd send foreign tourists there. If they're expecting something like the Bronx, San Diego, or even Columbus (Ohio) zoo they'll be disappointed.
Better to stick with our regional strength and go to the Aquarium.
By BostonUrbEx
Fri, 01/31/2014 - 12:39pm
Sometimes I wish they'd just shutdown the Stoneham Zoo and move all the animals to a renovated Franklin Park Zoo. Although, access to Franklin Park Zoo kind of sucks. I think there's a bus route that runs Dudley - Franklin Park Bus Loop; this should be re-branded and become a lower-frequency Silver Line route, connecting to downtown. Grove Hall could sure use it, anyway.
Really, in 2009? That's when
By Quarantine
Fri, 01/31/2014 - 8:08am
Really, in 2009? That's when I graduated from school in Boston and the downtown area was pretty much completely safe by then. My brother went to Emerson in 2003-2007 and he said it was definitely sketchy in the beginning with lots of drug dealers and such hanging around Tremont but it was far from dangerous in 2009. I find it hard to believe it was more dangerous than Rutgers in Newark, Columbia in Harlem, Temple in North Philly, Johns Hopkins in Baltimore (even though it is in the nice section I'm sure the crime rate is higher than downtown Boston) etc. Can you cite where Emerson was rated as the most dangerous campus?
Make that "North" Dorchester.
By Verendek
Wed, 02/05/2014 - 5:13pm
Make that "North" Dorchester...section made up years ago to add another council seat.