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Sullivan Tired

That's what Karl already is after watching Sox games - or to be exact, 60 bazillion Bob's commercials and enough Sullivan Tire commercials to last him a lifetime:

... This season's Sullivan Tire meatpuppet is Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia, and he somehow manages to make Francona look like Daniel Day-Lewis. Pedrioa displays the onscreen charisma of a cinderblock as he stares down his cue card. ...


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that dude gives me the creeps. i dont really care that pedroia cant act as long as he plays well, but the white hared guy has to go! he looks like the walking dead.and what is with these local companies putting their own kids/grandkids in the commercials? WE DONT THINK THEY ARE CUTE! "mr francona, did you ever strike anyone out?" ugh.

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This commercial is annoying because Sullivan is turning up the volume on the local accent and is either oblivious to or thinks its attractive to wear his unkept white hair like crazy Uncle Fester.

Commercial TV is chock full of repetitive commercials good and bad. Even the good ones become tiresome somewhere around the 23rd time you see it.

There's an awful new trend in sports TV. During a break, they'll continue to run commercials even though the game has resumed, such as during the kick-off after a touchdown. If something interesting happens during the play, you get it on re-run which stomps on the next play.

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"Cookie-Puss" the cat from outer space that's a frozen ice cream cake.

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Made for St. Patrick's day, I kid you not.

I think C.P. comes from the planet of High Creepy.

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Never tired of the Fudgie the Whale! Ah those halcyon, bygone days of youth. Back in my day… what was I saying?

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Carvel's ads proved that you could smoke 5 packs a day and still do your own voice-overs.

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Having your precocious 3 year hawk your product is almost as annoying as setting up a video camera at Faneuil Hall and asking pedestrians to sing (and butcher) your jingle.

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I believe it was Crimson Travel who used to have similar ads featuring the offspring. There is little more annoying on TV.

And yes, Anonymous, the trend towards more and more advertising during the game itself is one that deserves scorn.

Even more aggravating, for me, are the wretched sound effects that NESN is now using during the game. Wooshes, bings, ringtones (or whatever the fuck they're supposed to be) every time a run scores, or they change from replay to live action, or Paps throws a pitch above 90mph (which means almost every pitch, of course.) What genius thought that upping the ante on FOX's hideous baseball coverage was a good idea?


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sul, i think the sounds are being generated at fenway.i dont think its a NESN thing.when i watched the games in japan there was a lot of these strange dings and whistles.im thinking the ownership might be behind it all.does anyone remember the days when johnny kiley was the only thing you had to listen to.now you have the dropcrap murphy's and neil diamond the wave etc....i do like hearing dirty water after a win though.

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I know the sounds I'm talking about are generated by NESN. I couldn't take it anymore last night, so I shut off the sound and turned on the radio. No more noises.

I miss the days of John Kiley, though, that's for sure. Both Fenway AND The Garden.


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that is pretty lame if nesn is doing it.ive got a friend over there, ill see what i can do.also, ill be tuning into the masters this weekend to see if they pipe in fake birds chirping.they did it a couple of years ago.

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You're kidding, right? They didn't actually overdub fake birds. That's too bizarre to be true. PLEASE tell me you're kidding.


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A number of years ago, back on a business trip there (honest, Lotusphere '95 represent!), I went out for a walk around the grounds of my hotel (I forget the name, but the restaurant had a pirate theme) one morning. I was enjoying the sounds of the birds, so different from the dreary winter back in Boston.

Then I looked down and saw speakers buried in the plantings. And then I realized where the bird songs were coming from ...

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That's a true story, and a classic. Someone (with deep bird knowledge) heard a particular bird sound during the coverage and realized that was not a bird indigenous to the Georgia region. CBS later fessed up, let's not forget the boys from Augusta once added some blue liquid to the streams to make them look less muddy and attractive.

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