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When the children of cheesemaking Duxbury residents go off to college

One of the first things they do is start whining to administrators that their $50,000 a year should buy them common areas where the couches aren't haphazardly arranged, the Globe's Sarah Schweitzer informs us, in another of her exposes on the seamy underbelly of the overclass.


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Shower. Coffee. Boston.com. Lead sentence
of Sarah Schweitzer's piece on dorm rooms
and "window dressings". Finally, universalhub.com,
where to my immense satisfaction, it was the lead

Spring is here. Time to replace the French Toast
alert systems with a Garlic Scape and Artisinal Cheese
Distant Early Warning. UH, a NORAD for the new

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... but the Campus Crib story is already on Boston.com's most emailed list.

So, either there are a lot of people marveling at the story's absurdity, or some folks find it interesting ...

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But it was an important lesson for me, almost as important as the classes themselves. Students should not live luxe! That's for when they make their own damn money.

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When my grandfather went to school, he shared a huge dorm with 50 other students. When my dad went to school, he lived with a roommate in a tiny room with institutional furniture. My brother was lucky enough to have cable in his. I had internet access.

Compare what we have now to what our grandparents had. Everything evolves. There is nothing wrong with change.

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In my day, when we didn't like the way the couches were arranged in our common areas, we re-arranged the furniture ourselves. And we liked it!

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