By adamg on Thu., 6/5/2014 - 11:41 am
The Dorchester Reporter reports the tire place near the T stop has been sold to a developer.
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Ad:The Dorchester Reporter reports the tire place near the T stop has been sold to a developer.
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ZOMG! Density, badly needed
By anon
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 12:05pm
ZOMG! Density, badly needed housing next to a MBTA station, and active street level retail! It's like developers want to build urbanity into the city or something!
Not really
By anon
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 5:42pm
Dot residents would love to see modern mid-rise housing with ground floor retail built along major throughfares as long as it's market rate apartments/condos and not the usual 0-60% AMI crap.
Yes (Sigh)
By massmarrier
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 1:04pm
Area badly need transit-orient development, particularly low and moderate units.
Very selfishly though, I mourn. Mike and the guys there have been our tire people for the longest time. They are fast, efficient and jolly. They offer fair prices, can always get what you need, not what they want to sell you, and will track down matching tires. They are wonderful.
This is fabulous news!
By Dot77
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 1:35pm
This is fabulous news! Transit-oriented development is desperately needed; especially development that's affordable to the ever-shrinking middle class in Boston. And Trinity Financial is a great outfit; the firm's owner lives in the neighborhood, has for decades and gives back to the community all the time. He wouldn't allow anything to be built that's not good for the area.
If people get up in arms about parking and shadows, I'm going to be so disappointed. As a community, we need to think about ways to keep our corner of the city vibrant and this is a wonderful way to do so.
One word of warning however: this development will increase prices in the area. There are a large number of people relocating to Ashmont-Adams from JP, Southie & the South End -- I get requests for information from friends weekly these days -- if people out there are considering a move (especially a buy), do it *soon* or you are likely to be priced out.
With all that said, I totally agree that Ashmont Tire is a gem; I hope they'll consider moving nearby. I would love to see them take over one of the old chauffeur garages on Washington St.
The development won't increase prices
By Matthew
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 1:55pm
But what you just said, and the way you said it, quite possibly could:
So, you just encouraged a group of people to start bidding on a limited supply of housing.
Sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy driving a speculative bubble.
Given the fact that prices in
By Dot77
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 5:26pm
Given the fact that prices in the surrounding area when up exponentially when the Carruth Building was built -- and that was during a downturn -- I think it's fair to say that that this project will further increase prices in the area. But the reality is that regardless of this project moving forward or not, prices will go up around here because people want to live close to transit, it's a beautiful and unique area & there are more amenities opening every day.
Agreed to the latter
By Matthew
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 10:08pm
This I agree with, and if the Carruth building had any effect on prices, it was because it opened up eyes and brought more people to realize this.
...on the downside, any
By SaveTheDucksFro...
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 2:18pm
...on the downside, any newcomers will need to get used to the yoots who frequently mix it up at Ashmont after school, and the odd shooting/stabbing in and around Peabody Square. But you have to start somewhere to turn things around. And gentrification argument starts in 3...2...1....
By Dot77
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 5:21pm
The same could be said for hanging around Andrew Square, walking down Tremont St. or, apparently, chilling on Beacon Hill.
Ashmont-Adams isn't Blue Hill Avenue. Both are in Dorchester but they are worlds apart in many ways.
What's wrong
By anon
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 11:02pm
With gentrification? That area is far enough from downtown so it will never become $3000/month for one bedroom yuppieville. It will, however, turn into a semi-affordable middle class neighborhood one day, which many would prefer over a crime-infested mostly section 8 shit hole that it is right now once you're a few blocks west of Dot Ave.
you don't seem know much
By anon
Fri, 06/06/2014 - 9:41am
you don't seem know much about the area; it already is a middle class neighborhood and is quickly becoming too expensive for many middle class families. Rents for a 2 bedroom right around the Ashmont station already hover around 2,000.00 and some go for more. A single family in good shape in the neighborhoods immediately surrounding the T station will run you at least $600,000.00. A house without a yard or one that needs a substantial amount of work will cost a minimum of $450,000.00.
There are also more condo projects in the works in the area. Think Somerville circa 2009.
You have never visited Peabody Square
By Waquiot
Fri, 06/06/2014 - 11:42am
and you don't know what is a few blocks west of Dot Ave.
Pay a visit some day. You'd be surprised.
Wa, you have no idea if the
By anon
Fri, 06/06/2014 - 1:24pm
Wa, you have no idea if the anon has or has not been to Peabody Sq, but both of you are right about the area west of Ashmont. The Albans, Ocean, etc area is one reality. But the Burt, Bailey, area is a very different reality, and it's not pretty. And by the time you get to Washington St, there's nothing good there.
And you definitely don't want to be anywhere near Ashmont Station in the afternoon after the schools get out and the yoots start acting up.
Burt & Bailey and the
By anon
Fri, 06/06/2014 - 3:07pm
Burt & Bailey and the surrounding streets are now being referred to by man residents as "Peabody Slope". It has its own neighborhood association complete with monthly meetings and several homes are being renovated.
I think most people who know the Dorchester of the 90s or even the early 2000s would be surprised by the number of hipsters buying places on Codman Hill -- which is the other side of Washington Street. It's pretty much your only option if you want a place for less than $400k.
The new "don't go west of…" line is most definitely moving.
Re: Bailey Street:
By Finn
Sun, 06/08/2014 - 12:13am
Re: Bailey Street:
How is this any different
By anon
Sun, 06/08/2014 - 3:24am
How is this any different than this:
Or this:
And that's just the South End in the past 6 weeks; have fun looking up Southie.
No one ever said stuff like this doesn't happen. It unfortunately happens everywhere in the city but one incident like this doesn't mean that the area isn't in the process of gentrifying. If it did, the South End & Southie would be on a serious slide backward.
I have
By anon
Fri, 06/06/2014 - 1:46pm
Been to Peabody Square many times, and last time I checked Codman Square was just a few blocks (north) west of dot ave. Drugs, gangs, shootings - all the good stuff. Few good patches but mostly section 8 riff-raff between dot ave and washinton, and a total war zone once you're past washington. East of dot is a completely different story, but that's not what we're talking about.
This is such a typical
By anon
Fri, 06/06/2014 - 3:50pm
This is such a typical response from a specific cross-section of our fine city: "I've been there 'many times' so I know what I'm talking about. Clearly way more than the people who live there,". The hubris in responses like this is palpable.
Sketchy stuff does indeed happen around Codman Square but it's less than the amount of stuff that would happen on a nightly basis on Mass Ave. in the mid-2000s.
All I'm saying is that the area is already changing. People who think that this project is going to be the thing that "gets the ball rolling" are about 5 years too late. It's already rolling; it's just gaining momentum.
By the way, I'd bet many of my overly-educated, masters-degreed friends living in and around Codman Square (and no, not on Ashmont Hill) would take offense to being called "Section 8 riff-raff" by someone who can't spell Washington (hint: there's a "g" in there).
Codman Square is not Peabody Square
By Waquiot
Sat, 06/07/2014 - 6:21pm
Heck, I'll give you west (north) of Washington Street, but just west of Dot Ave is nice. Wicked nice. Like, it makes Roslindale look like a craphole. It's just that Washington Street is a bit more than a few blocks away.
Ironically, if you had said east, I would have held my typing. Nothing against Dracut, Wrentham, Lydon, and so on- I know people from there- but if you are looking to the west of Dot Ave at Peabody Square and saying it's crap, east of Dot Ave there would be a slum.
Dude, are you high? You need
By anon
Sun, 06/08/2014 - 3:14am
Dude, are you high? You need to have a conversation with someone who actually lives in Dorchester before making comments like this.
Dorchester Avenue is considered east of Washington Street by pretty much anyone who lives in the area. Washington Street is 5-6 blocks WEST of Dorchester Avenue.
The areas you're talking about, Ashmont-Adams and/or Ashmont Hill, straddle Dot Ave. You are correct on one point though; they're very nice and the larger homes in those neighborhood cost close to a million dollars.
Not high, and can read, to boot
By Waquiot
Sun, 06/08/2014 - 6:06pm
I said, in other words, that the area between Dot Ave and Washington Street are nice, conceding west of Washington Street. I also noted that said area is nicer than the Dracut, Wrentham, Lydon area, which are not that bad.
Look, I have never posted purely anon, even before I was registered. I gotta assume you are the same guy, which makes you an idiot. If you are not the guy at the beginning of this thread, you're not an idiot.
I have Dorchester roots (St. Margaret's, not St. Marks), but regardless, I was walking from Ashmont to Codman Square a bit a few years back, and the areas "a few blocks west of Dot Ave" blew my mine.
Um, I LIVE a few blocks west
By anon
Fri, 06/06/2014 - 2:56pm
Um, I LIVE a few blocks west of Dorchester Avenue right near Peabody Square so I do know what I'm talking about and I do know what goes on. It's the same stuff that was happening 2 or 3 blocks away from me when I lived in the South End 7 years ago. And actually, it happened there more frequently.
I disagree the historical
By Dolly
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 5:49pm
I disagree the historical society made a mistake when they allowed Ashmont station to be torn down that was a landmark.....
I don't concur
By John Costello
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 6:55pm
The old station was bastardized enough in 1978 that really didn't merit saving per se, but that being said enough of the old station could have been reused and a decent roof replacement could have been done to get many more years out of a station that functioned, if not looked bad.
Historical society? Do you
By peanut
Fri, 06/06/2014 - 12:50pm
Historical society? Do you mean historical commission? The Massachusetts Historical Commission would be the state agency responsible for the oversight and preservation of historic sites and homes in Massachusetts.
What? The old Ashmont Station
By Finn
Fri, 06/06/2014 - 2:00pm
What? The old Ashmont Station was a complete ass-pit. Glad to see that pigeon-shit infested rat-hole gone.