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those youngsters sure do have style!

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by way of Lilly Pulitzer.

The kids in their various costumes look nice. Good on 'em. But who is writing this claptrap?

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I have been filling my wardrobe with Lilly and Lilly knock-offs these past couple of years - I love them! It's such a shock of brilliant color that can't help but make you feel silly and carefree. And a girl can never have too much shocking pink!
Plus the fact that the average person on the street isn't expecting it so you get the surprise part as an added bonus.
Thank God for eBay!

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She looks as though she could use some help learning how to apply her make up. It appears that she got it all over her hands and chin.

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I wore bell-bottoms. I will never make cracks about the fashion sense of young people.

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I look at some of the photos of me from my teen years and I wouldn't dare jump on anyone else. Orange hair down to my shoulders, ripped jeans, deerskin dope pouch hanging from my wide belt with the oversized star buckle, big Elvis sideburns, boots with three inch heels. Nope. Not a peep from me.


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My brother was fond of maroon bell bottoms matched with maroon sweater vests over a sky blue shirt.

The joke was "I thought I'd take a fashion risk today - have you met my brother?"

Then again, with the astigmatism-inducing pleated miniskirt, a shirt reconstructed and approximated with safety pins, close-cropped purple hair (to cover the green from swimming), and eye makeup confabulations to put Little Ms. Original Goth to shame, I've got no room to talk.

(the funniest part of that gothetta photo: she looks almost exactly like the person on the poster behind her!)

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Reminds me of the slogan I wrote for an editorial cartoon in high school: "Hey kids! Be a nonconformist -- everybody else is!"

Of course, I probably was the 652nd person to have come up with that thought in a rolling five-year period, but still.

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Did you ever run across this book as a kid? I think I still have my copy somewhere.

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Come on, man. At least she's trying to carve out her own space a little bit. Give the kid a break.

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It's at least something different than the identical Aberzombie and Hollister shirts every other teenager is issued at HS registration time.

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That exact style was around when I was in high school... in the 90s. Kind of that Marilyn Manson/"The Craft" thing. Looks EXACTLY the same.

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heck, it was already old in my high school days of the mid 80's. we laughed our asses off at those kids while being too stupid and high minded see the hypocrisy of our punk selves wearing uniforms too.

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