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One toke over the line: As Boston goes without, Newton approves medical-marijuana dispensary


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Wait, what? Newton has 23 Aldermen??! Why??

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Good question. I'll bet that it has to do with the distinct villages that Newton is composed of.

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We actually have 24 aldermen. One was absent last night. But "why" remains a relevant question.

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Hence 25 Aldermen.

Now the question of why Newton has 25 wards is another issue. Boston has 22 wards, and back in the day we had 22 reps. Hopefully these Aldermen aren't raking in $87,000 a year. But then again, I'm not a Newton taxpayer, so they can be paid baller money for all I care.

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Sec. 4-2. Salary of aldermen.

In accordance with chapter 39, section 6A, of the General Laws, each member of the board of aldermen shall receive annual compensation of nine thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($9,750.00), payable monthly.

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Newton has eight wards, three aldermen per ward. Not justifying, just sayin'

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Just thinking about the old 22 member Boston City Council and got lazy.

An election every year and 3 year terms?

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has a nice ring to it, no? At least it would put an end to all of those Rosenblum jokes in favor of much funnier ones. Can you imagine the youtube videos? They would be like that classic Smirnoff Tea Partay one.

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that voters still don't have even one dispensary after voting for them years ago.

Typical MA BS keeping people from medicine.

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Here's the place. Nice hat by the way....


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Man, right by the Commuter Line?! Can I get an ETA on those DMU shuttles, please? Asking for a friend...

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Keep the stoner kids in the suburbs where they belong. The city already has enough problems. If you want medical pot for a medical ailment, then you should be able to get it at a hospital where serious conditions are treated.

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This doesn't fit nicely into the popular storyline that "these dispensaries will be only in communities/neighborhoods without wealthy people to fight them" does it?

On a related matter, I suppose it's good to know that the City doesn't have stoner kids.

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Last this I want to see on my way to that big ass Marty's Liquors on Washington Street is a bunch of stoner kids. Bad enough I have to deal with those pesky bottle kids at the trailer park.

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