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Hackers get into Postal Service computer networks: Data about employees, customers who called for information at risk

The Postal Service this morning sent a memo to workers about a data breach in which hackers gained access to a database containing the names, addresses, Social Security numbers and emergency contact information for all its workers.

The hackers also accessed another database containing the names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of customers who called or e-mailed the USPS between Jan. 1 and Aug. 16 of this year.

Injury claims for a small number of workers may also have been downloaded, the USPS says in its notice, adding it is currently unaware of any malicious use to which the information has been put.

The Postmaster General himself is sending personalized letters ("via First-Class mail," of course) to affected employees with an access code to start a one-year free subscription to a credit-monitoring service. In the meantime, the FBI and the Department of Justice have joined the postal service in investigating the data breech.

Under the heading, "What Should I Say If Customers Ask About This?" the USPS tells workers to assure customers that "post offices are functioning normally and that packages are being delivered as normal."

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The hackers only obtained the SSNs for the workers.

The other 99% can relax.

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Newman: "I'll handle this, Violet. Why don't you go ahead and take your three hour break?"

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Helllooo Newman.

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Your mail gets delivered to a neighbor?... or delivered to an a different similar address?,,, or delivered to the same street address but in another city or town?...

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Cyber crimes. If you want to hack, have brains, money, equipment, connections-(internet and people) you can do quite a bit.

I'm no rocket scientist... If you read up on the techniques out there. Trapdoor, Backdoor, Infostealers,Sonars, Trojans, etc.

If someone working there planted the software?.......hmmmmm?

Go to the library or online you can learn hacking (freedom of information act)
*too much information available if you ask me.

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Under the heading, "What Should I Say If Customers Ask About This?" the USPS tells workers to assure customers that "post offices are functioning normally and that packages are being delivered as normal."

So, in other words, it's anyone's guess as to when the bills for the fraudulent credit-cards taken out in your name are going to arrive....

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