By roadman on Fri., 2/20/2015 - 5:06 pm
from the fact you're cancelling trains. Just don't post the cancelled trains on your information board. At least that's what Keolis did this afternoon, as the board at North Station now shows fewer trains, instead of showing the full schedule with the notation "Cancelled" next to those trains they don't run under the "modified winter schedule".
Not sure if I totally approve of the idea, but it might be better if they indicated at the bottom of the board that they are currently running a limited schedule, lest some passengers look at the board and think "I could've sworn there was a train to Beverly at 5:55."
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they have been doing that all
By anon
Fri, 02/20/2015 - 5:13pm
they have been doing that all week at Back Bay. No announcements about the delays at all. It just says "delayed." Helpful, no?
By Cappy
Fri, 02/20/2015 - 6:11pm
Do they really think we are that stupid?
By John Costello
Fri, 02/20/2015 - 6:25pm
It was great listening to Mac Daniel, the spokesperson for Keolis yesterday, duck and weave around the soft toss questions on Radio Boston yesterday and then hinting that they need more money to fix things.
The North Station board just proves how much they hold the passengers in their thoughts.
Hate to say it, can we bring back MBCR?
Wasting money on Commuter Rail
By HackAttacker
Fri, 02/20/2015 - 5:18pm
Maybe it's time to bite the bullet & just replace commuter rail line with bus service, pave over all the tracks and let the busses take over. If they can't buy trains that work & have competent people staffing them, why bother operating them at all?
Or maybe they're wasting too much money paying these morons who work for the t, commuter rail, Kelois, whatever. There is not a single employee who should be making much more than minumum wage. Probably none of them have college degrees, obviously the best and the brightest aren't being hired to work on a railroad... why would anyone with any type of skill waste it working on a train? These people are no more competent than the average grocery bagger, pay them as such.
Next, maybe curtail the management... why is there a separate company running commuter rail? This is strange to me. And it seems wasteful.
I hope Charlie Baker can end the madness of the T. I would dump anyone working there & start over completely. Let those morons get real jobs, maybe better themselves by getting an education and not being a second class citizen.
By johnmcboston
Fri, 02/20/2015 - 10:22pm
close down a few highway lanes. the highways are big money losers. i93 actually made zero dollars last year, but cost a fortune to plow, repair and maintain. Close two lanes and run expresses busses. the single occupant car is a failed model...
There are so many things
Fri, 02/20/2015 - 11:56pm
There are so many things wrong with this comment.
But the one that really sticks out to me - do you have ANY idea how much skill goes into running a train?
A LOT. Railroad conductors and engineers make good pay because it is a demanding job that requires a lot of skill and training, and subjects you to long hours (often at odd times), public harassment, exposure to adverse weather conditions, and potentially the unavoidable traumatic experience of striking a trespasser or stalled vehicle. Not to mention the fact that hundreds of peoples' lives are in your hands.
Sure, management consists of a few too many overpaid bureaucrats, but railroad employees deserve to make a decent wage. You can't expect anyone to be competent at such a demanding job for minimum wage. Running trains takes a lot more skill than bagging groceries, and making that comparison is insulting to every railroad employee out there.
Response Required to HackAttacker
Sat, 02/21/2015 - 12:07pm
I work for the Commuter Rail. I have a college degree. I work long hours, in a safety sensitive position, which requires my supervision and attention to ensure that not only do the trains arrive where they are supposed to safely, but that anyone who might be working on the tracks at the time are protected while occupying a live rail line. We go through years of training for such things, work under incredibly stressful conditions, and yet we are still villified & attacked by small-minded individuals like yourself who obviously has no respect for hard-working individuals like myself & my fellow workers. Whoever you are, I would hope that you'd feel ashamed for degrading someone you've never even met & spreading your ignorance throughout this site.
Oh, and that "second classs citizen" remark? I won't lower myself to retaliate over such an asinine statement. Instead, I'll leave your fate in the hands of karma. It hasn't disappointed me yet.
who gives a...
Fri, 02/20/2015 - 5:20pm
This guy has multiple Twitter accounts and is a "cool Boss."
This is a French Thing.
By be
Fri, 02/20/2015 - 5:40pm
It's precisely how RATP / SNCF keep up on their deliverables.
They're not showing those
Fri, 02/20/2015 - 7:58pm
They're not showing those trains on the departures board because they're not in the published schedule right now. The recovery schedules are official, at least for this week. They've been posted in the display cases at North Station, and are listed on the T website.
It's the same thing as when the commuter rail is running a weekend schedule on a holiday - they don't show the regular trains as canceled, they just don't show them.
There's a difference between posting a special schedule that the board reflects, and canceling a train by just deciding not to list it on the board.
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