The Worcester Police Department reports it has charged one of its officers with assault and battery for an incident Dec. 1 involving a man awaiting a court appearance:
The complainant and witness alleged that during the prisoner release process, the officer made a disparaging remark with respect to the complainant’s “black†skin.
The complainant further alleged that he was in the holding cell, handcuffed and shackled, when the officer entered the secured room. According to the complainant and witness, the complainant was forced against a wall, punched, thrown to the floor and kicked.
After an internal investigation, police say, Officer Michael Motyka was arrested today on charges of assault and battery, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon (shod foot) and violating the man's civil rights.
Worcester Police put the 17-year veteran of the department on paid administrative leave pending a hearing on whether to fire him.
Innocent, etc.
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"non-person of color"
By Malcolm Tucker
Fri, 04/10/2015 - 9:56am
I realize it's just an error in your writing, but you managed to show your racist ass with that one phrase.
By anon
Fri, 04/10/2015 - 11:48am
Not at all boss. That's exactly what I meant. Why does it bother you? There's NOTHING 'racist' with what I said. You just can't adequately respond, so you resort to using the race card (are you a 'person of color', or a 'person of non-color'?). What's that phrase about patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel. ..yeah, so isn't the race card.
And I didn't create the stupid, obnoxious, racist phrase 'people of color'.
check your hyphens
By thatoneanon
Fri, 04/10/2015 - 12:41pm
before you wreck your hyphens:
non-person of color means [[an unperson, not a person] of color]
.... boss.
By louielouie
Fri, 04/10/2015 - 1:23pm
No, but you came out with "non-person" without much effort, didn't you? The defensive tone & silly counter-accusations don't help much.
I have to agree, though, I imagine you simply wrote in haste. I don't know.
I rarely post here because I'm usually here during working hours, when I often don't have the time or attention span to craft my posts carefully enough to avoid being slammed by someone. (welcome to the internet, right?) When that's happened, it's usually for failing to express my main point carefully enough to avoid alternate (mis-)readings of minor points, and usually by someone with whom I ultimately agree. There are an impressive number of wordsmiths who post here regularly. I find this both curious, inspiring, & a big relief from threads at other news outlets. Those are less intimidating & more repulsive for their lower standards of ethics, anger management, writing, all of it.
exactly what you meant, eh?
By Malcolm Tucker
Fri, 04/10/2015 - 4:01pm
You're right. I only care because I am a person of color, and it just hurts my poor little feelings when you tell me I'm a non-person :'(
Please note sarcasm above. Sometimes people other than the ones being marginalized care about that marginalization.
btw I googled "person of color" for you so you could learn more about its origins as a phrase: I hope this has been an informative day for you, anon! Lots of love!
You are full of it
By anon
Fri, 04/10/2015 - 5:21pm
looking for signs if 'disrespect' everywhere. I OBVIOUSLY made a typo, and no, nothing subconscious was at play, you're just hyper-sensitive and/or looking for attention.
There is also this
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 04/10/2015 - 10:18am
Meaning: we already have a lot of white people released back into our communities who have done things that are as bad as those that minorities are serving time for.
What you fail to mention
By anon
Fri, 04/10/2015 - 12:02pm
Is black males commit a GROSSLY disproportionate level of violent crime vs their percentage of the population. White and Asian do not, it's actually lower than their percentage of the population.In most urban areas of the U.S. , where most violent crime including gun related occur, both percentage wise and proportionately, males 'of color' commit grossly disproportionate levels. Recent statistics out of Atlanta (notorious city for not cooperating with federal agencies regarding crime stats)Atlanta police publicly stated 100% of murders in Atlanta were committed by black males! Astounding. In NYC the vast majority of violent crime is committed by males 'of color', especially gun related.
SOCIOECONOMICS is the dominate factor if all else is equal, not race. In fact, you could say defendants 'of color' are a step above socioeconomically deprived white defendants, since they have far more 'advocates' vs defendants of 'non-color'.
Do they really?
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 04/10/2015 - 12:23pm
Or are they simply more likely to be arrested, charged and jailed for it.
You might want to look up "confirmation bias".
Confirmation bias
By anonamonster
Fri, 04/10/2015 - 1:06pm
Overweighting the value of new information which confirms your personal beliefs, as well as underweighthing (or probably more commonly, completely ignoring) the value of new information that disproves your beliefs.
Confirmation bias is not limited to the former.
Which camp do you fall into?
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