The Dorchester Reporter alerts us to a June 2 Zoning Board of Appeals hearing on a proposed medical-marijuana dispensary at 21 Milk St., whose owners hope to open by year's end.
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Boston Common is already a
By anon
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 9:00am
Boston Common is already a pot dispensary... walk around there anytime day or night, weekday or weekend.
Cancer patients shouldn't
By Kinopio
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 9:22am
Cancer patients shouldn't have to buy marijuana off of strangers in a park. Its ridiculous that 3 years after the voters handily approved medical marijuana the government is still dragging its feet.
Totally agree! That's why
By anon
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 9:38am
Totally agree! That's why medicine should be sold at pharmacies, not places where druggies will fake illnesses to get drugs for recreational use. It is not fair!
You might want to research how the dispensaries work
By adamg
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 9:43am
You can't just walk into one, fake cough a couple of times and waltz out with a fresh bowl. You'll need to convince a doctor to write you a prescription first.
By MattyC
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 9:47am
Please tell me where fairness matters unless you run a CVS and think its unfair that you wont be getting a cut of weed sales.
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 9:54am
You mean, like people getting addicted to legally produced and vended oxycontin (Obtained at pharmacies, of course) and then switching to heroin?
I smoke pot. I'm not a
By anon
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 10:35am
I smoke pot. I'm not a druggie. I should be able to buy it legally as well. Are you an alcoholic when you drink your beer? Move out of the dark ages with your thinking.
Call me crazy
By SC from JP
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 9:47am
But nobody should have to buy marijuana off of strangers in the park. Just legalize it already.
On what grounds are voters
By anon
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 10:13am
On what grounds are voters qualified to judge the medical benefits of a drug?
Boston biotech Vertex has a new cystic fibrosis drug; if the FDA gives them problems on the drugs benefits perhaps they can ask for a ballot question to gain approval from the voters.
It looks like in several states the voters may soon get to decide whether childhood vaccinations cause autism.
Also, Federal law trumps state laws and pot is not legal at the federal level.
In some southern states legislatures approved state voter id laws contrary to federal laws; some Southern senators from coal producing states said that the states can just ignore federal clean air regs. Mass voters have joined their fellow travelers in the south in voting that following federal laws should be voluntary.
Democracy, dear
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 11:02am
Go read up on it.
It shouldn't be a matter of medical use, anyway. It should just be legalized. Remember: alcohol prohibition was both enacted and repealed through the democratic process.
Excellent, dear!
By lbb
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 1:23pm
Let's have the electorate vote to repeal the law of gravity. We'll call it "democracy".
Nobody said laws had to be effective
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 3:08pm
They can, however, be made by the people they impact.
Legalizing weed is supported by scientific analysis. Outlawing gravity and declaring climate change nonexistent are not.
On what grounds are politicians qualified?
By Ubermonkey
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 11:10am
Study after study after study shows the efficacy of cannabis and cannabis-derived products on a variety of medical conditions.
We the voters are clearly MORE informed than our jackass "leaders". All we ask is for them to get out of our way.
By Brian Riccio
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 9:01am
Are these Minutes?... Minutes of Public Meeting of Zoning Board
By theszak
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 10:25am
Are these Minutes?... Minutes of Public Meeting of Zoning Board
What records of public meetings must be kept?
If the Zoning Board haven't proper Minutes how can their determinations be reliable?...
By lbb
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 9:55am
...for once, just shut up.
I'm curious...
By Brian Riccio
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 1:41pm
Why? Why does he have to shut up?
"Have to"?
By lbb
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 2:20pm
He doesn't "have to" anything. But he constantly posts irrelevant crap relating to his personal obsessions, and common decency would require giving it a rest from time to time.
Some people are uncommon. It
By Dot net
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 2:24pm
Some people are uncommon. It doesn't make them indecent.
Well, then!
By Brian Riccio
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 5:01pm
Good thing you weren't around in the glory days of Doug Bennett! You'd probably need a joint the size of a baseball bat.
If we are treating marijuana
By MattL
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 9:52am
If we are treating marijuana as a medical drug (which we should), why can't we just distribute it the way we distribute other medical drugs? We have the infrastrucure for that already. Why are we taking 3+ years to reinvent the wheel?
No need to answer; I already know. Just venting about this ridiculous process.
Let em smoke
By JimGaffigan
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 10:00am
But seriously pot heads, you smell like a fresh turd baking in the sun. People can smell you from 50 feet away.
Maybe some bio engineer can do something about that and make a fortune along the way.
Really? I wish my sh*t
By anon
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 10:37am
Really? I wish my sh*t smelled like much sweeter it would be.
Mmmm, and ciggies smell so
By anon
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 10:37am
Mmmm, and ciggies smell so good!
Shit smells bad too
By BullDetector
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 11:51am
Whats your point here?
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 11:00am
Ever hear of edibles? Very popular in both the medical and recreational dispensaries.
As for "bioengineer", that's overkill. All you need is a kitchen and a lot of butter.
Actually, there are
By anon
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 7:43pm
Actually, there are scientists working on a version of medicinal pot that gets rid of the stoned effect for the people who would prefer just to get the medicinal benefits... so I wouldn't be surprised the skunk stink could be engineered out of it as well.
I'll tell ya...
By Brian Riccio
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 1:42pm
Nothing more attractive than booze and cigarette smell.
It'll be legal in a few years. It's over.
By anon
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 1:21pm
This is just masshole attorneys, , insurance turds and politician consultant cronies milking the snot of this thing for billable hours.
In Seattle they had it up and running very quickly upon passage and it was well thought out but then our tradition of crony hack money grubbing rituals are unknown to them in this arena.
There were a few trial balloon initiatives floated in several town last cycle regarding legalisation with two tiers.
1. Sale regulated like alcohol 70% Favor.
2. Sale regulated like tomatoes 52ish % Favor.
A statewide ballot is a sure to be on the list soon.
By workingdefinition
Fri, 05/15/2015 - 2:06pm
The main opposition to this dispensary is the Downton Boston Business Improvement District (BID). This is the group, comprised of large landlords, that sponsors the ambassadors who clean up and help people get around downtown.
If you support moving medical marijuana forward, and believe that downtown is a good location for a dispensary, please come to this hearing! When big landlords align against this, rationalizing their opposition on "proximity to children" and general refer madness, the ZBA will need to hear the voices of individuals who would benefit from development.
Call your friends! This is going to be a fight.