Surveillance photo of the wanted truck, via BPD.
A woman in her 30s was hit sometime before 7:30 a.m. at Mass. Ave. and Beacon Street, was pronounced dead not long after. The truck was turning right onto Beacon from Mass. Ave.
Mel witnessed the crash:
EMS on scene. Girl has a pulse but not breathing. Open helmet smashed and contorted. Rough shape. Girl's head split open.
She adds the truck was a semi:
I didn't catch the plates but I'm hoping someone else did. He/she needs their license revoked ASAP.
Penny Cherubino reports it's a a flatbed trailer with a red sleeper cab and a broken front grill.
IntestinalFortitude adds:
White writing, lots of chrome, two chrome air horns, hauling a “heavy load†on a flat bed.
BPD released these additional photos of the truck:

Anyone who knows where it is can call detectives at 617-343-4470.
The scene at Mass. Ave. and Beacon (Photo by Rob Colonna):

Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
That intersection at Brattle
By Where's Marty B...
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 3:01pm
That intersection at Brattle and Mt Auburn isn't signalized it's a pedestrian crosswalk
By zz
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 12:10pm
Pedestrians are in Harvard Square are, literally, the worst. I say that as a native who is a daily pedestrian there.
Also, going ped-only would totally kill cross-town traffic; the street configurations without taking Mass Ave to Mt Auburn are a mess. If I could make one change to the square, it would be to ban the huge Harvard-visiting tour busses that unload their herds of oblivious tourists all day, every day.
Watch it there
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 6:38pm
I may be a pedestrian but I am not, and have never been, a drunken jaywalking cow, missy.
I watch bikers run red lights in front of pedestrian crossings flashing walk signs almost every damn day. So do you if you are a sentient being who walks anywhere in this city.
My husband and I came closest to being hit by a biker on Mass Ave in front of the main MIT building. We were on the sidewalk, at the crosswalk, waiting for the traffic light. I remember that we were holding hands, heading to Anna's. We had the green light and the walk sign to cross Mass. Ave. The biker ran the red light. He came zooming down the bike lane from the WRONG direction, heading to the bridge right under our noses as we were in mid-step. He missed us both by half a second.
I wish I could forget how gut-wrenchingly horrible it felt to see my husband come so close to becoming an accident victim but I cannot.
There is no way we were in the wrong. It happened about two months after a guy I knew was hit by a car crossing Memorial Drive while walking to work one morning. We were already being more cautious, remembering him.
By MostlyHarmless
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:31am
No you haven't.
Spot on.
By dMc
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 1:40pm
As a pedestrian, driver, and occasional biker in this city, I can say with confidence that everyone is out of control. A vast majority of the city's citizens are in a huge rush. Speeding is a huge problem in this city. So is running red lights. I'm referring to both cars & bicycles.
How did it get this way?
Very rarely do I see officers out on the streets, and almost always it is just a construction detail officer, often looking at their phone.
Since there is virtually no penalty for speeding, driving in the wrong lane, running red lights, driving through crosswalks with pedestrians still in them, etc., why would anyone expect this to stop? Don't even get me started on drunk driving, which occurs on Boston's streets every single night with no check points.
So would traffic enforcement have prevented this particular accident? Who knows, but one thing is for sure; reckless driving in all vehicles will continue to escalate until an authority presence makes the necessary efforts to curb it.
By Rob O
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 9:25am
Would anyone with more information share which direction the cyclist was travelling and which direction the truck was travelling? Mel?
Another Twitter feed
By downtown-anon
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 9:27am
Although this is after the fact. Odd that there were a number of accidents afterwards.
Truck was turning
By Rob O
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 9:44am
According to a video of BPD on scene, the truck was turning right onto Beacon from Mass Ave. Don't know where the bicyclist was, but it would seem she was on Mass Ave as well and got pinched/run over by the turning truck.
So the truck was turning
By anon
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 9:58am
So the truck was turning right onto Beacon St. after crossing the Mass. Ave. bridge. That's right where the hubway bike station is. A very busy and congested intersection where all modes of transportation converge. Quite frankly I don't quite get how the driver of the semi would not have seen the cyclist.
Ever driven
By roadman
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 2:15pm
or ridden in a large tractor trailer? If you can do so, you might be surprised at how difficult visibility can be, especially for somebody on a very small vehicle (bicycle) coming up on your right.
Over the years, I've had a number of friends who were professional truck drivers. On ocassion, I was able to ride with them. Gives you a totally different perspective on sharing the road with large trucks.
my issue with "i didn't see her"
By greenlinetobrooklyn
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 2:34pm
I understand how the driver could have not seen the cyclist while making the turn, but in my view, this is looking at the turn in a vacuum.
Both the truck and the cyclist were coming from the bridge. Trucks are faster than bikes. The Truck overtook the cyclist before making his turn. The driver saw a cyclist, passed them, and after passing the cyclist, turned and right-hooked the cyclist. fatally.
The driver should have known when he was making a turn that there was a cyclist behind him on his right, because the driver passed the cyclist. "I didn't see her" is a bunk excuse.
"Oh, I must have hit a curb while making my sweeping right turn. Or maybe it was the cyclist I just passed on the bridge... eh whatever, I have a delivery to make"
We don't know that
By merlinmurph
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 3:12pm
We don't know that, you're making assumptions.
By MostlyHarmless
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 3:29pm
But it's a pretty good assumption.
By nona
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 10:00am
A truck that size would have to move to the middle or left lane to make that tight turn, which then swings the bed close to the curb. I agree if he felt anything he may have thought he hit the curb. From the photos looks like she was right on the corner curb. She may have been struck by the tail end of the flatbed as she waited for the light. Just my speculation though.
Look again
By aldos
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 10:54am
The cyclist is visible in the above surveillance photo, behind the truck's passenger size mirror. :(
Truck has green light in the photo
By Markk02474
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:22am
So, the cyclist may have been traveling in the same direction and gotten right hooked, provided everyone was generally following the traffic lights. The trucker cutting her off implies he wasn't aware of her when turning, nor when hitting her as hitting curbs is routine now turning on streets being made theoretically safer with bump outs.
That doesn't seem to make speed a factor here. These trucks don't turn on a dime so must slow considerably. If the truck driver was not using his turn signal I would put him at fault. A cyclist ought to pay attention to a slowing truck or bus, swinging left, with right turn signals on, and not try to pass it on the right. Could be distracted cycling if she didn't notice those three characteristics of a right turning truck.
You're wrong, as usual
By lbb
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:38am
If a driver crosses a traffic lane -- and a bike lane is a traffic lane -- and strikes another vehicle, he is at fault whether he used his signal or not, whether he slowed or not, whether he swung wide or not, whether he yelled "IMA TURN NOW" or not. But you get points for consistency in yet again trying to find a way to blame the victim.
By Kaz
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:41am
1) If he wasn't aware of her while turning, he wasn't driving safely. "Blind spots" are situational. As in, there was a time and place earlier than the collision when the driver had the opportunity to observe the bicyclist and be aware of her presence and avoid her. If she approached him while he was waiting at the light, he could have seen her earlier. If they both crossed the bridge together when he passed her to reach Beacon first, he knew she was there. At *some* point in the timeline prior to the collision, she wasn't in a "blind spot". The only bike rider who could remain completely in a blind spot until dead is a suicidal ninja. Claiming that she was "in his blind spot" is just an excuse to say he never has to consider anyone around him.
2) "Hitting curbs is routine" is just a bullshit excuse to let him get away with leaving a scene of an accident. First, if he goes over a curb, I'd expect him to double-check that a) it was a curb and b) it was only a curb. Also, this intersection doesn't have bump outs so your bullshit excuse is naked on its face.
3) If we can agree that she didn't leave the house today intending to suicide by way of truck accident, then there are very few ways she gets hit here and was somehow amiss about the truck. I'm willing to agree that the truck driver didn't leave the house today intending to kill by way of truck accident, however there are still MANY ways she gets hit because he was amiss about her being there. Nearly all of which are preventable by him being more aware of bicyclists, being more aware when he's hit something so he doesn't flee the scene, and being more aware of the dangers of driving in a busy city. The onus is on the *truck* not to hit pedestrians and cyclists. It is *NOT* on the cyclist or pedestrians to avoid being where they are supposed to be. This is why the right hook law exists. Because even if he's making that right turn, he's got to be more aware of what's around him as he's the one with all the deadly force in the equation. His blind spots are *HIS* liabilities not hers. If she goes out of her way to avoid them, that's because she knows that he has every chance of screwing up, not because she should be required to do so as *his* only means of driving safely in the streets.
Self preservation anyone?
By Markk02474
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:53am
So now you assert nobody needs to look both ways before crossing the street if where they are where they are supposed to be?
Would you like a silver spoon with your nanny state?
By Rob O
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 12:07pm
I think Adam should do yearly superlatives for commenters.
I would like to nominate you for Best Troll. You do such an excellent job of seeming sincere while saying the most asinine things.
OK, now that Mark has made an appearance
By The Beer Guy
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 12:48pm
he's fair game now, right?
excellent job of seeming
By roadman
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 2:35pm
Wait, shouldn't we name it the Donald Trump Troll Award then?
By Kaz
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 12:11pm
I assert that I *should* look both ways because people like you exist.
I assert that when I die because you ran me over, whether I looked both ways or not is immaterial.
Check By The MIT Museum or Binney Street
By John Costello
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 9:31am
Those are the two big construction areas of Cambridge right now that would be getting steel.
The driver left the scene. That says a lot about character.
Check Harvard's Northwest Sci building deliveries
By aek
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 9:41am
yesterday. I saw a flat bed delivering crated loads, but I didn't pay attention to the color of the cab (was backed in the loading zone and facing away.
Bike Riders:
By anon
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 10:05am
PLEASE ALWAYS BE EXTRA CAREFUL, because you are no match for a car, SUV, truck,van. In a perfect world accidents wouldn't happen. In a perfect world, humans would never make mistakes. In a perfect world, humans would never be sleep deprived, emotionally upset because their mom is dying and they're destracted, mentally ill and unstable, psychopathic. WE DON'T LIVE IN A UTOPIA, A PERFECT WORLD, where none of the above applies. Things are supposed to work this or that way. Laws are passed. These things don't mean suddenly everything will be fine, and bad things will stop occurring. Your safety is ultimately be your responsibility, not some stranger you hope and assume will 'do the right thing', be awake and lucid, be mentally stable, follow the law, not make any mistakes.
I was a bike messenger in Manhattan for years. I grew up riding my bike around NY and Boston. You gotta be really, really careful in a big city riding a bike. That's just the way it is.
By Rob O
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 10:24am
We were unaware that cars and trucks kill a lot of cyclists.
"because you are no match for a car, SUV, truck,van."
By anon
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 12:16pm
What part of the above statement do you not appreciate? Did you skip over it?
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 10:55am
Obey the laws, stop texting, pull your head out of you asses, slow down, and look where you are going. YOU and ONLY YOU are ultimately responsible for where your vehicle goes and what happens with it.
If you can't manage that TURN IN YOUR LICENSE NOW and stop driving.
You're both right
By JonT
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:31am
Motorists and cyclists both need to be careful and pay attention to what they're doing. As do pedestrians, roller bladers, etc.
Can we all take a deep breath?
By CopleyScott17
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:12am
I’m amazed by the astounding level of vitriol and venom in this conversation. This was a tragedy. One life was lost. One life was likely ruined. No one’s suggesting anything about this being intentional, right? It was an accident, and it seems quite possible to me that the driver didn’t even know what happened. Maybe he or she broke the law. Maybe the bicyclist did. The facts will come out. But in the meantime, all this bitter sniping, character assassination, and rushing to judgment does no one any good, and just makes a sad situation even sadder.
By Sally
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 10:43am
This kind of thing hits me right in the gut, as I imagine it does a lot of people. We bike that stretch all the time and know how horrible it is--poorly marked, bumpy, potholed pavement, a lot of very fast drivers. I am very, very cautious in that exact spot but I know that that doesn't mean this couldn't have happened to me.
And of course a crash involving a healthy young woman biking to school or work on a fine summer day is heartbreaking. We can't prevent every accident but there's a lot we can do. I'm hoping that the death of a young person jolts Mayor Walsh into getting back on track in terms of making this city better and safer for people on bikes and on foot. So much has been accomplished but the past year we've lost ground--we can do better and we should.
you're amazed? you must be
By cleokid
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:05am
you're amazed? you must be new here.
this is the literal exact conversation, usually with the exact same commenters, that happens every time there's an accident involving a motor vehicle and a bike. and always, both sides are completely infallible and no one did anything wrong or needs to change their attitude.
Facts never come out
By Brookline Cyclist
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:57am
Why should we be angry? The facts never come out. These drivers are never prosecuted. She didn't do anything wrong. She was in a bike lane. The truck was making an illegal right hand turn, probably trying to get the turn in quickly because of all the traffic, probably saw the bike and said fuck it, I'm making this turn, and she'd dead. How many of these cases do we need? It's Christoper Weigl all over again. He was also in the bike lane. He was also killed by a semi making an illegal turn. This bullshit has to stop.
Facts never come out
By bocboc
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 2:50pm
I think should consider the possibility that this was an accident. Some accidents occur with out any negligence - from either party -. There is no reason to support your claim that the truck was making an 'illegal right hand turn' , nor to assume malice on the part of the driver.
Perhaps both the driver and cyclist where somewhat inexperienced; meaning the driver did not consider the possibility of a cyclist in his/her blind spot and the cyclist did not consider the possibility of the fact that the trailer turns at a different radius than the truck itself or that she was in the driver's blind spot.
Were you there?
By owlcat
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 3:48pm
Is that how you know exactly what happened?
bad infrastructure kills
By anon
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 10:27am
bad infrastructure kills
bad driving kills
helmets can't do shit about either one, as Mel had to see
can we get serious about fixing the real problems?
or are we going to end up with more victim blaming?
Victim blaming
By JonT
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:41am
[repost of what I wrote on the other thread about this incident]
I am a daily commuting cyclist, and I often ride on Beacon Street through this intersection.
If (God forbid) I am ever killed while cycling, and someone points out something I could have done differently that would have saved my life, DON'T YOU DARE CASTIGATE THAT PERSON FOR SO-CALLED "VICTIM BLAMING"!!
If someone else's life would be saved by learning from my mistakes, then my death will have had some meaning. But so often, when someone tries to point stuff like that out, people jump down their throats and yell "victim blaming". I'm sick of it!
Look, it's AWFUL that this cyclist died, and I sympathize with her family. That any lives are lost this way is a blow to all of us. I want to stop this from happening in the future just as much as the rest of us. There are many approaches that can be taken to prevent further deaths. Infrastructure improvements can certainly be one of them. We also have to show sensitivity to those who are affected by this terrible tragedy. But let's not cut of one of the ways we can prevent future deaths -- by learning what happened here and applying it to our lives.
Please see http://iamtraffic.org/resources/interactive-graphi...... to learn about some of the dangers involved with trucks and what we cyclists can do to reduce them.
you seem to not understand
By anon
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 2:50pm
you seem to not understand what victim blaming is
talking about ways to avoid truck crashes is not victim blaming
just saying "i bet it was the cyclist's fault" is victim blaming -- like that guy on the other thread did
OK, but...
By JonT
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 3:58pm
I do think there is a place for determining fault, especially in a case like this one. If the accident was caused by negligence on the part of the truck driver, or if the driver knowingly left the scene of this fatal accident, then s/he should certainly be prosecuted, and it should be made clear to all that doing such things have serious consequences.
But it is possible that the trucker was being careful and the cyclist made incorrect assumptions about where the truck was going and/or wasn't paying attention, and rode into the truck's path. If that was the case (and yes, it's a big "if"), then I don't think it would be incorrect to describe the cyclist as being at fault as that other poster did. And in any case, a reminder for cyclists to be extra careful near trucks is a good thing. Too often, advice to cyclists not to make such-and-such mistake like so-and-so did in a fatal accident is shushed with the epithet of "victim-blaming".
I think the likelihood is that what happened was somewhere between the extremes, and that neither party was as careful as s/he could have been, though the trucker leaving the scene certainly looks bad.
Personally, even as an experienced cyclist who doesn't hesitate to take the lane when the situation calls for it, I try to stay as far away from trucks as possible.
But to me, the important part is not to place the blame, but to prevent stuff like this happening again. Blame can have a role in determining whether criminal charges are warranted, and making sure guilty parties are charged and punished can play a role in stopping others from being criminally negligent. But even if it's 100% the trucker's fault, it's worth discussing what the cyclist could have done to prevent a collision. Such a discussion should NOT be shushed as victim-blaming, as it often has been here and on other forums. Such a discussion could save someone's life!
Why Drivers Get Away With Murder
By Brookline Cyclist
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 10:36am
I'm reminded of this NY Times article on pedestrian deaths and why drivers at fault (and I'm not saying this driver was at fault) almost always get away with it.
Also Freakonomics did a podcast on how the surefire way to get away with murder is run your target over with your car, because you won't be punished.
Trucks make that wide turn - turning right, from the left lane - usually across a car and bike lane, all the time.
Just Stop
By anon
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:18am
Just stop calling this "murder." Murder is a deliberate act committed with the specific intention of killing someone. An unintentional collision isn't any more murder on the driver's part than it is suicide on the cyclist's.
Also, thet NYT piece isn't an article. It's an opinion piece by a cycling advocate I actually agree with, but let's not pretend that the inflammatory headline is based on any real-world legal theory.
how about
By anon
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 12:32pm
negligent homicide?
careless truck driver killed a person through negligence.
Roads are getting less and less designed for trucks
By Markk02474
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:28am
and more and more requiring trucks to make right turns from left lanes.
Slip lanes are being removed. Turn radius of corners are being reduced with theoretical claims of safety which seem to increase accidents with trucks, including use of bump outs. Data of increased accidents from bump outs is missing because many are solo accidents with are not reported. Who wants to report one, have it ho on their license and increase their insurance rate for no personal gain? Hence, bumpouts are less safe.
As they say on Wikipedia
By MostlyHarmless
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:33am
[Citation Needed]
Even when charged, it's hard
By Steve Brady
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:42am
Even when charged, it's hard to get drivers indicted by grand juries:
Hard to tell, does anyone
By gotdatwmd
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:13am
Hard to tell, does anyone know what the colour and make of the bicycle was? I sadly might know the victim.
From another picture
By Kaz
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:27am
I think it was matte black with skinny black bags on the rear wheel.
Better picture of the bike:
Not the person I was thinking
By gotdatwmd
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 1:01pm
Not the person I was thinking of. I regret saying thankfully but.. ugh
LOOK AT the picture!
By Markk02474
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:55am
Zoom in. Way in. She is dressed in black against the black pavement on a black bike.
You can see the cyclist riding below/behind the right outside mirror of the truck. She is up to the cab of the truck in about the crosswalk, not down by the trailer.
He must not have seen her when passing her, because he should have yielded to her. It likely he was checking his left mirror to swing left to make the turn so not paying attention to the right side where the cyclist was. Still, he is at fault.