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What happens when a mob of corking bicyclists runs into a mob of corking mopedists?

Critical Mass bicyclists like to block, or "cork," intersections so all the participants can get through, traffic signals be damned. Chan reports on a similar moped ride yesterday:

... about 30 of us on mopeds swarming through the streets of Boston...blocking intersections, blowing through red lights and pedestrian filled crosswalks...for once, as a mass unit, taking over the streets usually very unfriendly to moped riders (although we have every right to be on the street...just as much as cars, trucks, busses and taxicbs)...

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Hey! That's a completely awesome thing to do, in that "hey, as if Boston's traffic wasn't already snarled, let us take our Huffy three-speeds with lawnmower engines on 'em and sit in the middle of traffic, thereby screwing up the cycle for bicycles, pedestrians, and motorists!" sort of way.

I wish I could be that awesome.

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Really, really lame.

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What do they call this ... a Critical Gas ride? Can riding lawnmowers join in?

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You know... because we just haven't had enough variety lately.

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What utter jerks. People whose attitude toward life is "Get out of our way, we're taking over" should at least get a Harley, not a moped.

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I would like to schedule such an event with Big Wheels.

Or, possibly, Sit 'n Spins.

Who's with me?

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If you can get any distance on a Sit 'n Spin, I want to know your technique.

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Critical mass sit-n-spin at the statehouse or even at city hall. Goin nowhere fast!

That would be great fun to do - especially if there wasn't any cause attached to it. Watch the media sit and spin trying to figure it out!

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"We're just sending a message to City Hall."
"And what message is that?"
"A formal offer to sit and spin."

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We could put on fezzes and long white robes and whirl around.

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I occasionally see bladers on bike rides already -- why not have a whole mass of them?

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I want to see it done with a fleet of Mack trucks.

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That's not particularly original.

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Oh, maybe you didn't grow up with both kinds of music ...

I think that critical mass truck thing got done last weekend in the Back Bay/Fenway and Allston/Brighton neighborhoods anyway.

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It would be fun to organize a pedestrian mass when Critical Mass is doing one of theirs, and block all the bikes from going through red lights with a sea of people! Then we'd all stop when the Don't Walk sign came on. Yeah, that would be cool. And do it at every intersection.

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Downtown contains huge masses of people wandering on and off curbs without the slightest attention to the signals. A mass jaywalking extravaganza every morning, lunch, and evening. People don't even look up from their Metro or whatever, they just wander around obliviously crossing wherever, whenever, as if they plan on death soon.

I even came very close to plowing down a well-dressed mother and her daughter this morning. They stepped out into the road from between parked cars (major safety no no)without looking, 50 feet away from a crosswalk, and against the nearest light.

My comment as I swerved: Whoh! It's Teach your kids to jaywalk day!!

(kid says: "what's jaywalking?" oblivious mother, curtly: "I don't know")

I hope they plan a vacation in a west coast city soon, so they will learn before they get themselves killed.

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This must have been the same bunch that chained their mopeds to the iron fence around the Bunker Hill Monument on Sunday. I was kinda of thinking that a lot of people in that Charlestown neighborhood rode mopeds.

There are only two things in life, but I forget what they are.

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I ran into my own problem on my commute home last night, thanks to a State trooper who doesn't know the moped law.

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