By adamg on Tue., 8/25/2015 - 6:19 pm

Oh, yeah, there's a reason you're not supposed to let your dog run wild through the Arboretum. Joe Growhoski reports these fliers about off-leash killers are now posted at the Arboretum: They kill the local wildlife, bite kids and bike riders, trample new plantings and shit all over the place. Stop it, the Arboretum implores.
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By mrotown
Tue, 08/25/2015 - 6:34pm
It's really sad that it took something like that for the Arboretum to finally take notice. I've complained about this for years and the problem has only gotten worse. I wonder if it's dog ownership that attracts entitled jerks or whether owning a dog leads someone to become an entitled jerk.
Was with you until the end.
By Rob Not Verified
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 8:50am
Was with you until the end. No need to paint all dog owners with the same brush. I don't let mine off leash at the Arboretum and don't support people doing that. Their dogs come flying at mine and it's unsettling, nevermind if you have small children with you too.
The city needs to finally put at least one dog park in southwest Boston. It's way overdue and will cut down on this. I hope the Stony Brook reservation one proposed on DCR land eventually comes to fruition: If you want to help, they accept donations.
I don't think he's painting
By fox_orian
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 9:48am
I don't think he's painting with a broad brush. He was wondering if dog ownership can attract entitled jerks (that is, they're pre-existing jerks and need something new to feel entitled with,) OR owning a dog can lead a person to become a jerk (oblivious to the fact that they're acting like an entitled jerk.) He did not say "All dog owners are entitled jerks. And if you aren't one now, get a dog and then you'll become one."
He didn't say it right out...
By Daniel
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 12:24pm
He didn't say it right out...but he pretty clearly implied it. The implication was that dog owners are entitled jerks. Then he asks whether they become entitled jerks through owning dogs, or whether they were entitled jerks to begin with.
Not an entitled jerk but,
By Section77
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 1:08pm
It's funny how you defend yourself while insisting you need another park built for you where you are allowed to just this and asking for money besides.
By Rob Not Verified
Thu, 08/27/2015 - 10:09am
No sense of entitlement, anything but. Lots of people want one dog park, one, in the entire southern part of the city. So they've organized, lobbied, and even raised money to construct it on public land. If you don't like that, then don't donate. Problem solved. I'm also a nice guy, not a jerk. Troll on otherwise.
It is amusing to watch the
By Wtf021
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 12:04pm
It is amusing to watch the posters on here bitch and moan about off leash dogs but none of you have the guts to say anything in person. Just keep typing away you little passive aggressive winers.
By Slapshotgoon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 1:22pm
I'm a dog owner, and it pisses me off that people like you feel entitled to be jerks about their dogs being off leash. Why should I have to have a confrontation with an a-hole like you while I'm out walking in the Arboretum with my family? What, someone says leash your dog, and you're going to do it? No, you get all pissed off and make stupid comments like the one you've left here.
Off leash dogs are dangerous
By anon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 6:21pm
They scare people, they come over and sniff where they are not invited , they shit and the owner may or may not pick it up (if it's in the leaves, tall grass - usually the owners dont bother) and they can cause rollerbladers and bike riders to make dangerous evasive moves. And if i see an off leash dog at the park i wont go in with my kid because i dont want to take a chance at having a problem. It is the owners of course and not the dogs as dogs are just being themselves. The cops dont enforce the leash rule if they did they would make a tom on tickets.
Before you say it ain't so look up "dog shot park" in dorchester - it is a park for people but so man owners let their dogs off leash and dont pick up after them that now it is full of dog shit and non dog people dont go there. There was even a case where a dog attacked a pregnant woman and her infant.
It is on the water near Freeport street.
Here link to unleashes dog attack
By anon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 8:52pm
Oh no.
By Kathode
Tue, 08/25/2015 - 6:35pm
That's just awful.
Crows and raccoons are the
By Ryry
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 8:17am
Crows and raccoons are the single biggest predators of these birds in Massachusetts. Guaranteed that any Great Blue taken out by a dog was already sick and dying.
Not exactly
By Slapshotgoon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 1:37pm
Crows will try to prey on young hatchlings or eggs, but they will avoid GBHs otherwise. Same with raccoons. These herons are not easy to prey on, and are formidable defenders of their nests. I see enormous snapping turtles vacate prime feeding territories when a GBH arrives.
Avoiding 'GBH
By Donald Hump
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 3:27pm
I too avoid 'GBH and all public television. Government money should not be spent that way.
And hey, speaking of Big Birds, didn't Big Bird just move from public TV to HBO? Didn't see that coming, but Jim Henson's kids did!
Not exactly true
By Slapshotgoon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 2:00pm
I'm pretty sure that is inaccurate. Crows are opportunistic for sure, but Great Blue Herons defend their nests aggressively. Ive observed GBH rookeries here in MA, and never have I seen a crow attempt this. Even large hawk species avoid the damage a GBHE can inflict.
That is terrible.
By anon
Tue, 08/25/2015 - 7:08pm
I don't recall any real heated dog discussions but this seems like one of those things where people have some strong 'takes'.
This incident sucks - blue herons are awesome creatures to have living in our city. As with a million other things, 90% of the time, off leash dogs are fine and it's the 10% which wreck it for everyone. Sorry dog owners, you all have to pay this time around and I hope they enforce it.
Also please stop letting your dogs shit all over the soccer fields at Millennium.
That's the thing though
By mrotown
Tue, 08/25/2015 - 6:40pm
Unleashed dogs have always been prohibited at the arboretum. Dog owners just feel so entitled that they do whatever they want without regard to the rules of the park or the enjoyment of others.
That's painting with a pretty broad brush...
By LightswitchRaves
Tue, 08/25/2015 - 6:52pm
I enjoy public spaces with my dog on a leash, because I'm not a dick. I'm a fan of leash laws because they prevent poorly behaved dogs from trying to maul mine, and I respect others' right to enjoy their time without being harassed by my dog. It's not dog owners who ignore leash laws, assholes ignore leash laws.
Yes. This. All of what
By Katie
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 10:01am
Yes. This. All of what @LightswitchRaves said.
Because of unleashed dogs at the Arboretum and Peter's Hill, I've stopped taking my two leashed dogs. It's too dangerous for my dogs who are very submissive and for me. I'm sick and tired of an unleashed dog running toward mine with the owner shouting "He/She is friendly..." Dogs are animals; for leashed dogs, an unleashed dog running toward them is very stressful and can be interpreted as aggressive.
My dogs will bark when an unleashed dog barrels toward us as a message of "Hey, can you give us our personal space?" Then I look like the asshole with two barking pit bulls although I'm the one playing by the rules by keeping them on their leashes (short ones, at that) and my back pockets full of (empty) poop bags ready for action. Don't even get me started about the snide remarks I hear from the unleashed dog owners about "vicious pit bulls."
So we go to the Blue Hills and hike around that area. The people are friendlier, most dogs are leashed, and we have a better time. I'll miss the arboretum but I won't miss the self-entitled jerks there.
This is a bummer.
By Sally
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 10:20am
And yes--the "he's friendly!" call while the person's dog is bounding towards you or your dog is NOT reassuring at all. And yelling back "she's NOT!!" makes you feel like a jerk even though your terrified, leashed dog isn't doing anything wrong.
I've heard that before
By anon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 10:57am
"Don't worry, he's friendly". I don't care if he's friendly or not. I don't want your dog touching me, jumping on me, or licking me, even if it's "friendly".. Can't you, the typical dog owner, understand. Get your friggin dog the frig away from me. Keep it on a leash, or move to a frigging farm somewhere where you can let the dog run free. If you feel the need to keep a dog in the city, then you need to keep it on a leash.
By Mary Jo
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 1:35pm
Yes, it pisses me off when I have to yell "She's Not!" about my pittie, Buttercup, but it happens all the time at the Arboretum. In fact, she is very friendly to people, but she does not like having random dogs run up to her when she's on leash.
Thanks if you really do use a leash- all the time
By anon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 10:32am
I haven't got to the point yet where I'm going to stop going to the Arboretum, but unleashed dogs are a huge problem. And some "responsible" dog owners are in denial.
In response to a dialog on this very same subject about a year ago on Uhub, I decided to count how many dogs I saw leashed and unleashed one day in the Arboretum. I forget the exact count, but about 2/3 of the dogs I saw that day were unleashed. I reported that in a comment and was challenged by a poster named "Sally" . She claimed it was nowhere near as bad as I stated, and criticized me, calling me "sad", because I counted unleashed dogs. In the course of a back and forth conversation, she stated she had a dog, always kept it on a leash, EXCEPT when she determined she didn't need to.
I recently took a walk in Boston with a friend who has a dog. I always thought he was responsible, and kept his dog on a leash. However in a small grassy area in his neighborhood, he let his dog run free. When I pointed to the sign on the grass and reminded him of the leash law, he said it's ok, everyone lets there dogs off the leash in the area.
I've seen it in the Arboretum too. Dog on a leash, but then the owner removes the leash.
From my perspective, most dog owners feel entitled to do whatever they want, but think they are responsible dog owners, because they know better than the leash law, or the posted signs.
By Sally
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 12:52pm
I'm sorry you were so traumatized by some comment I made a year ago. I could easily post here that I have never let my dog off leash ever but I'm choosing to be honest and say that yes, sometimes I do let my very timid, small dog off leash in places where I am certain that he will not bother anyone. As I posted elsewhere here, I don't go to Peter's Hill or take my dog to the Arboretum very often so I'm not familiar with the scenes of canine mayhem that you and others describe and I am 100% certain that my dog has never appeared in your "count." In the wake of this incident and to support enforcement of what is apparently an out of control problem in the Arboretum, I will no longer let my dog off leash there ever. Happy? Maybe now you can find a more effective way to channel your deep unhappiness about this particular issue.
Just a little defensive?
By Slapshotgoon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 1:53pm
Uh, and this is why some dog owners (I have a dog too) get a bad rap. You get all defensive and haughty when called out and try to pathologize and blame others. Really? That just makes you look like an idiot. I'm not saying you are, but you then come across as the one being unreasonable and blaming.
There you go again
By anon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 5:06pm
Wow Sally. According to you....
I am traumatized and deeply unhappy.
You have a dog that is timid and small.
You only let the dog off the leash when you carefully check to make sure everything is ok.
You don't go the Arboretum often so its ok if you don't follow the rules.
You claim will now keep you dog on a leash 100% of the time and that I will now find a new way to channel my deep unhappiness.
I'll let the readers figure out if you are an entitled dog owner with a bad attitude. I think the answer is obvious.
Dear Anon
By Sally
Thu, 08/27/2015 - 12:12am
I am sorry that our conversations here have caused you such distress. I also hope that your relationship with your friend has not suffered damage due to your discovery that he is also an "entitled dog owner with a bad attitude." I'm sorry also that you seem disappointed in my decision to keep my dog leashed at the Arboretum--perhaps you're concerned that this will affect the results of any future "counts?" Perhaps you could try counting picnickers, discarded beer cans, or people playing ball games.
Dear Sally
By anon
Thu, 08/27/2015 - 10:05am
I am neither pleased nor unpleased by your alleged decision to keep your dog on a leash. . But you only said you will keep the leash on in the Arboretum. So may I assume you will continue to take the leash off in other locations?
Your obsession with my counting dogs on and off leashes shows how you approach the issue. You promote the idea that there is no problem, then you admit you are part of the problem, but you get upset because I actually try to quantify the problem.
Your continued defensive sarcasm is mildly amusing but not really useful in solving the problem.
As a dog owner, I 100% agree
By chaosjake
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 1:46pm
As a dog owner, I 100% agree with you. I long ago gave up on the Arboretum, Millennium Park, and the Common, for that matter. They're just overrun by offleash dogs being overseen by oblivious assholes.
I'm so sick of somebody calling out "he's friendly" from almost out of earshot, sometimes out of sight, and so often out of range of any recall command their dog may or may not have. Their "friendly" offleash dog then barrels directly at my leashed dog at full speed, causing my dog to go into full on snarling fight-or-flight mode, and causing me to half strangle my dog to prevent either dog from getting hurt. And then they always treat ME like the bad guy.
So, yeah. Assholes ignore leash laws. Fuck them.
Minor nit: Common has designated off-leash areas
By Bob Leponge
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 2:01pm
Minor nit -- there are 2 legal off-leash areas in the Common.
(which is not to disagree with your main point: people are incredibly self-centered about letting their dogs run)
And there are offleash dogs
By chaosjake
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 2:30pm
And there are offleash dogs in all the rest of the Common, too. For a long time, the stretch along Charles was kind of a defacto offleash area, and that's where I mostly saw offleash dogs. In fact, I expected the addition of legal offleash areas to make the problem better, but as far as I can see the yutz dog owners took it as tacit approval and now just let their dogs roam anywhere.
But yes, there are legal offleash areas there.
Dog owners just feel so
By Biggie_Robs
Tue, 08/25/2015 - 8:41pm
It's not just dog owners, isn't this the way everyone behaves in Eastern Mass?
Entitlement -- EXACTLY
By CopleyScott17
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 6:39am
I love most dogs, and most animals for that matter. I save my ire for the exact breed of entitled dog owner you talk about. Just the other day, this woman was parading her very handsome dog through the local Whole Foods without a care in the world. It's a grocery store, for Pete's sake. The pup was perfectly well-behaved and didn't soil the store, at least not as far as I can tell, but lady, leash Fido outside like everyone else, or leave him or her home. And PLEASE don't give me any lectures about service dogs. Anyone can get a letter from some doctor saying pretty much anything. This was not a service dog, this was a pet. And the owner was inconsiderate and oblivious. Management should have done something, but I imagine they're preemptively cowered by the threat of some kind of entitled-yuppie outrage-a-thon on Twitter.
As someone who works with a
By anon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 7:49am
As someone who works with a population that has a high usage rate of ACTUAL service dogs, fake service "emotional support" animals make me RAGE. Keep your goddamn pet at home and stop making it harder for people who legitimately need assistance to be taken seriously!!!!
Emotional service dogs important too...
By Slapshotgoon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 2:50pm
Hey, I know what you mean, and there surely are a few people who abuse the system. But, as a clinician who works with PTSD and vets, and others with psychological issues, I've seen how important emotional support service dogs are. And, in some cases, they are also trained to let their owners know that they are about to experience seizure activity--most often related to TBI caused by IEDs. Most people with emotional support service dogs have them for good reasons that are not necessarily obvious.
I don't think anyone is talking about vets
By Sally
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 4:47pm
with PTSD. More like these folks. Very funny article.
What you say about emotional service dogs being important
By mplo
Fri, 08/28/2015 - 4:13pm
What you say about emotional service dogs being important is very true, Slapshotgoon. Even a person who has an ordinary pet, as opposed to an emotional service dog, however (or any kind of pet, for that matter), finds having a pet is very important to him/her, whether s/he has emotional problems or not, because pets become so like and so part of the family, if one gets the drift.
0% of the time
By AdamB
Tue, 08/25/2015 - 6:45pm
Dogs are ok off the leash 0% of the time. That's why it's against the law. It's pretty clear:
I walk my dog off the leash
By HairyMary
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 6:28am
I walk my dog off the leash in the city. I let him go swimming at the beach during the summer when the beaches are closed to dogs. I play fetch with him at the park off the leash. All you little whine bags on this site can go pound sand!
(I do pick up his shit every time.)
We have an epitome!
By anon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 8:31am
This is the very essence of mean dog crone. Note the sense of entitlement, the imbecilic rebelliousness and the intense emotional cling to pampering poochie, as if nothing else could be more important.
Oooo she picks up the shit... now that gives her a pass for everything.
And yet, Mean Dog Crone is oblivious to private property behavior ethics as if they are something men dreamed up to thwart free will.
Can I go over to Mean Dog Crone's house, put my muddy boot feet up on her coffee table and smoke a pack of Pall Malls while chugging 40s of 211?
Probably not.
Mean Dog Crones don't generally ascribe to the social contract.
Their behavior is hilariously consistent from one mean dog crone to the next. They were assholes in the graveyard I mowed in the mid 90s and they are assholes everywhere I find them now.
It should be noted that there are women who observe the various mutt rules thoughtfully and it makes them nearly heroic alongside their repulsive sisters.
Oh, my...
By whyaduck
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 8:39am
I am glad you pick its shit up every time. Kudos to you.
However, your attitude is the problem, not your dog frolicking.
By all means just don't bitch
By anon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 10:14am
By all means just don't bitch n moan when I barrel through your dog if it's blocks my line of travel when I'm full speed jogging. Or better yet as it chases me (since most dog owners are terribly out of shape, I'm there everyday trust my data ) and I lead it far far far away. Why would anyone want to barrel a dog, well when you are running/biking, minding your business and some mutt jumps in front of you all of a sudden and you have to smash into a tree to avoid it then yea you'll say f*** em and their owners.
One of these days someone
By tofu
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 10:57am
One of these days someone will drop kick your worthless yappy shitpooch for attacking them and it'll be completely deserved.
Summary disagrees with the text
By Bob Leponge
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 2:06pm
The summary "When your dog is off your property, it must be on a leash" is inconsistent with the text of the law, which requires leashes in "any street or public place." Obviously, your dog can be off leash anywhere the property owner permits it.
By Sally
Tue, 08/25/2015 - 9:46pm
This makes me ashamed as a dog owner. And enraged too. I don't go to the Peter's Hill section ever so I really haven't seen as much of this behavior in the Arboretum but I just about lost my
mind last winter with how filthy the streets, the SWC and Franklin Park got with dog shit that people decided would be cleaned up by magical fairies.
These are such magical looking birds--the last time we were at Turtle Pond, one flew right over our heads. I hope someone was actually caught and held responsible for this, but it doesn't sound like it.
Well, do you?
By lbb
Tue, 08/25/2015 - 10:16pm
Do you let your dog off leash?
Do you fail to clean up after your dog?
Then you've got nothing to be ashamed about.
Leave it to you
By Sally
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 10:16am
to parse the crap out of anything I post. As I've confessed here before, I do occasionally let my dog off leash in certain areas but I guess I have my own rules on this--I admit--wrongdoing. I do not do it ever when there is anyone around, including other dogs. He is very small and would never rush up to anyone or another dog, but I understand that even a small dog can startle or frighten someone. And he does not go out of my sight, ever, so I am not letting him poop "unseen" or harass wildlife--he really stays at my side on whatever path we are on. Not cleaning up after dogs is my biggest pet peeve--I was on the beach last week when an elderly dog let loose while the owners "weren't looking." It was like something out of a horror movie. Cleaning it up after they blithely left the beach was a true joy.
So no--I am not ashamed of my own behavior in this instance but as you can see here, we are judged as a collective, just like children eating at restaurants, bicyclists, etc. I just want people to act with decency and common sense and not give other people a good reason to loathe us. Get it?
To Be Fair...
By Rose
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 2:29pm
I'm sure not unlike yourself most dog owners that break the rules think, "Well, here's why MY dog is different..." That is why behavior rarely changes- no one actually sees themselves as part of the problem.
There needs to be patrolling and ticketing of people breaking the rules, and more areas where dogs are allowed to go off leash. But until changes are made, people won't change their behavior because of a few signs.
And leave it to you...
By lbb
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 5:44pm pick a fight and have your head explode over someone saying to you, "If you don't do these bad things, you've got nothing to be ashamed about". You are a piece of work, Sally. Get it?
My favorite dog SWC encounter
By anon
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 10:18am
My favorite dog SWC encounter was with some oblivious lady with unleashed dark coat dogs at night decide to dart in front of me, I have to skid to avoid running it over , like cmon lady ppl bike on this path and here you are waddling around as if it's your own, she then tries to huff n puff and scare me,meh I'm not really fearful of yuppie hipster transplants (except maybe when they get all privileged n litigious )