The guy changes directions like 3 times and at first pretends to look at his phone. I'd say most people who didn't do anything would not walk away and wander aimlessly like this guy appeared to.
Watch the video and tell me that's how you'd react. There's no surprise, no outrage--just nervous, guilty avoidance. He knows he got nailed. And if it weren't true then he could dispel the whole thing almost instantly by turning over his camera which he very clearly doesn't want to do. If I'd been mistakenly accused of filming my neighbor taking a shower instead of the fascinating nesting habits of the bluejay family on his windowsill, the first thing I'd do would be to say "oh no--see here? I was filming this mother bluejay--see the egg hatching here?" Case closed.
Walk down the street and randomly ask strangers to see the pictures on their phone and see how that works out for you. Guilty or innocent nobody has to show you their pictures just because you ask.
Right. Turning over your $1,000 camera or phone or whatever to an individual swearing at you and following you down the street is always the prudent course of action. Anyone who doesn't react this way is clearly guilty of something.
Then you might need to tweak your basic human skills. That said, if he's innocent, no need to turn over his camera. Ffs--hold it up so she can film it. Call Channel 5 or go on Reddit and show the time stamped footage showing you...innocently adjusting your viewfinder. Otherwise you're just confirming what your actions and body language convey--total guilt.
Maybe he just got this camera as was testing out the zoom. If there are women walking around, chances are that a guy will test out the zoom in this way.
Kidding, right? Do you seriously think a normal man would "test out the zoom" on his camera by zooming in on women's crotches? Not, for example, some interesting architectural feature across the way, or a storefront, or a tree down the block? Anyone who would "test out the zoom" in that way is seriously damaged goods.
Because it's not possible she hoped secretly filmed shots of a teenaged girl's crotch by a grown man illegal and she only found out it wasn't after asking te police to pursue the guy first?
By the way, something has to be untrue to be considered slander.
Whether it's legal or not right now isn't as important as whether it's appropriate or not. I don't want to beat the dead Privacy Horse too much but as computers continue to enter every space of our lives, and as lenses become smaller, and software becomes more accurate, we may all wish for there to be legal protections against unlicensed public surveillance. Just because young women are the most obvious victims now doesn't mean that you and I won't become victims to it in the future. Consider the growing talk around using biometrics to verify identities. You might come to consider digital video recordings of your body within a certain resolution threshold to be rather intimate, and not within the Public Domain. But clearly we couldn't call for an immediate end to video recording in public spaces. The solution is going to be drawn out and nuanced. This is a privacy discussion that's harder to have than one about NSA personal data collection because most of the victims now are good looking women.
The solution is going to be drawn out and nuanced.
The solution is going to be for people to act like civilized human beings who don't need an explicit, iron-clad law to prevent them from following every antisocial impulse.
Before publicly shaming someone, she really needed to have video showing him doing what she claimed rather than just video following him around like a nutter. If he did do what she claimed, he did behave creepy for sure, but that's still not illegal like somebody wanking on the T.
Second, If you look at her Facebook page, you will see her claim a former boyfriend tried to kill her in 2005, so she has been traumatized and is still dealing / discussing.
Her music career necessitates self-promotion, so that invites skepticism. Its one thing to tell some guy he is a creep, another to follow the guy back and forth around the street yelling at him. Another level to have your phone out simulating that you are recording him. Another to actually record him. Another to post it to your Facebook page. Another for it to be marked Public, not just for Friends. Then, to contact/agree for an interview/use by Cosmo starts to really look like attention seeking at someone else's expense.
Cosmo? Really? "25 Ways to get Hot Guys to notice you!" Cosmo? That Cosmo, which exploits young impressionable women to sell magazines and advertising aimed at them?
[more edit: This also seems derivative of the viral video of the woman walking NYC streets receiving unsolicited verbal attention. Those guys got busted in the act but weren't confronted. Plenty of other videos were made of guys getting busted and confronted. This one is a guy not getting caught in the act, just confronted]
She defamed an individual with no proof? I've made no accusations against her, other than looking for publicity, which is true if you look at her FB page, but if you can find something else then please let me know.
Jase Dillan
July 23 ·
i met Lauren 2 months after i moved to NYC in late August of 2004. we were introduced by the music producer i was interning for, and i remember thinking 'YES, another girl into music, another friend in this city where i have none.' she was friendly and lovely and supportive. when my boyfriend put his hands on me in December, she helped me book a flight home. when my boyfriend tried to kill me in January 2005, i moved home to Boston and never saw her again. but she heard, through our friend, what had happened. and she contacted me to tell me a story about an elevator ride... Lauren was the first woman i knew who had gone through something similar, and the ties that bind will always connect us. but we connected first through so many other avenues, and i'd like you all to read this beautiful piece she wrote about her experience so you, too, can know what i know; not that Lauren is also a victim of violence, but that she's an extraordinarily talented writer, and a supportive friend, and the rare type of person who always looks for the good in everyone. we are not our experiences. they simply change us in many ways, bad and good. i'd like to think we are both better in more ways than we are worse for what we each went through. i know for a fact that she is.
Before publicly shaming someone, she really needed to have video showing him doing what she claimed rather than just video following him around like a nutter.
Nonsense. It would be better if she had physical evidence, but she saw what she saw. She was a witness to a creepers non-criminal anti-social behavior. She called him out on it.
I can appreciate that you don't know for sure if he did what she thinks she saw. But, the idea that she can't take any action without physical proof is crazy.
Yes, there are two levels here.
1. video depicting him clearly aiming recording device at crotches. Harder to prove when someone is doing more artistic / old time street photography angles when cameras typically had a top mounted view finder and the camera was held at waist or chest level. Think Hasselblad, Rolleiflex etc.
2. The actual images of crotches/asses having been filmed. Even so, with so much actual nudity on the Internet among millions of daily new uploaded images, I don't understand the possible fascination.
She had neither for her public shaming, then there is:
Reading all these men question a woman's right to confront a creep is so sad. Almost everyone of you is working to invalidate her experience. Your imagination detailed and so telling. You are all so upset she got frustrated and broke her silence. Why?
As a man I want to raise a daughter who would be strong and brave and confront injustice. As a man I support women to stop being silent and to confront men this.
You want your daughter to post videos of herself swearing at and following guys on the street, claiming they're a perverted creep without any evidence other than her own word to back up the claims, and admit the guy did nothing illegal yet still asking for all her followers to find the guy and shame him?
I would never photograph unknowing subjects on the street. that being said if she started chasing me like that? 'LEAVE ME ALONE! I BROKE UP WITH YOU 2 WEEKS AGO! STOP FOLLOWING ME! IT"S NOT ME ITS YOU!!
find a cab to hop into and never go back on newbury street again.
I'm going to take her accusations as fact for the sake of argument.
At one point she demands that he delete video of her noting "I did not give you permission." Yet she is recording him while making that statement. I mean, the guy (per accusation) is probably a perve, but there is a lack of consistency in her argument. If she doesn't say that, it's a powerful denunciation, but then she gets a bit hypocritical (rather than leaving the hypocrisy on the other side, where it belongs.)
Either people have the right to take video of people without their permission or they don't. She seems to want to have it both days- taking video without permission yet demanding video get erased since she didn't give permission.
Aside from that, the whole "how does it feel?" angle is a great one.
"just another day on Newbury Street". Not sure that Newbury is the haven for perverts but anywho...
She says that she could see his viewfinder, from three feet away, and be sure enough that he was filming crotches and assess. She must have very good eyesight.
Aside from her assumptions, we do not know what he was doing. Maybe just filming for class assignment? And what if he was? So now his picture is all over the internet as an assumed sexual predator. And, yes, there is no law against filming on a public street. And she really has no right to tell him to delete the film. Yeah, before you lop my head off, I get it. No one should be filming the private parts of women and girls. But we only have her side of the story and his embarrassed reaction.
Be if better if she just called the police, if she had concerns, and had them handle the entire situation.
again, we don't know where he is aiming his camera. If indeed he is aiming at anything. And whether she is ok (or not) with her own butt being filmed is not the same as some alleged pervert taking snaps of women's vajajays.
But how do you know this videographer is not also a perv and is not zooming in while claiming to review shots? How do you know? I mean, look at the evidence: a guy standing mere feet from a woman, aiming a camera at her backside. And we even have the photographic evidence to prove it. Proof!
Do we really need to explain to you how Cosmo magazine doesn't equal "she wants it"? 21st century here, having posted a picture of herself doesn't mean you are off the hook. You just keep on cyber-stalking and trying to convince yourself that the perv was entitled because her FB profile is public.
Check your inconsistencies
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:04pm
Note how many times that you are engaging in the same behaviors which you are decrying in her actions.
Again, the similarity is striking, and the differences in the way you label them are also striking.
By Pete Nice
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 12:32pm
The guy changes directions like 3 times and at first pretends to look at his phone. I'd say most people who didn't do anything would not walk away and wander aimlessly like this guy appeared to.
You miss that he was being
By anon
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:07pm
You miss that he was being followed. He could have been changing directions to see if he could shake her off.
Where is supposed to walk to anyways if he was already near his destination and only walking away from this woman?
Yea your right.
By Pete Nice
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:23pm
Nothing suspicious or telling about how he acted there.
What is this page, the twilight zone or something. Geeze.
By Sally
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:35pm
Watch the video and tell me that's how you'd react. There's no surprise, no outrage--just nervous, guilty avoidance. He knows he got nailed. And if it weren't true then he could dispel the whole thing almost instantly by turning over his camera which he very clearly doesn't want to do. If I'd been mistakenly accused of filming my neighbor taking a shower instead of the fascinating nesting habits of the bluejay family on his windowsill, the first thing I'd do would be to say "oh no--see here? I was filming this mother bluejay--see the egg hatching here?" Case closed.
Go outside
By zetag
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:41pm
Walk down the street and randomly ask strangers to see the pictures on their phone and see how that works out for you. Guilty or innocent nobody has to show you their pictures just because you ask.
By Saul
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:47pm
Right. Turning over your $1,000 camera or phone or whatever to an individual swearing at you and following you down the street is always the prudent course of action. Anyone who doesn't react this way is clearly guilty of something.
Saul and Zetag.
By Pete Nice
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:59pm
Let me ask you this. If you had to put a number on it (%) what would you say the chances are that this guy was doing what he was accused of doing?
I say 96% chance he was taking photos of girls buts, 4% chance he was just adjusting his phone.
Now you guys: go.......
You weren't there
By zetag
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 2:09pm
And neither were we. She also doesn't post any sort of proof of her accusations.
I'm just still waiting here for SG to point out all my "inconsistencies"....
I know we weren't there.
By Pete Nice
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 2:15pm
I'm just curious, what do you think happened there? I understand there are several issues here, but one of them is about reading this mans reaction.
If you don't think this guy acted guilty as hell
By Sally
Sat, 10/31/2015 - 8:08am
Then you might need to tweak your basic human skills. That said, if he's innocent, no need to turn over his camera. Ffs--hold it up so she can film it. Call Channel 5 or go on Reddit and show the time stamped footage showing you...innocently adjusting your viewfinder. Otherwise you're just confirming what your actions and body language convey--total guilt.
...kidding, right?
By lbb
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 2:43pm
Kidding, right? Do you seriously think a normal man would "test out the zoom" on his camera by zooming in on women's crotches? Not, for example, some interesting architectural feature across the way, or a storefront, or a tree down the block? Anyone who would "test out the zoom" in that way is seriously damaged goods.
By wp1648
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 11:38am
Because it's not possible she hoped secretly filmed shots of a teenaged girl's crotch by a grown man illegal and she only found out it wasn't after asking te police to pursue the guy first?
By the way, something has to be untrue to be considered slander.
Your lack of thought or logic shows.
This is a good thing
By Matt
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 11:29am
Whether it's legal or not right now isn't as important as whether it's appropriate or not. I don't want to beat the dead Privacy Horse too much but as computers continue to enter every space of our lives, and as lenses become smaller, and software becomes more accurate, we may all wish for there to be legal protections against unlicensed public surveillance. Just because young women are the most obvious victims now doesn't mean that you and I won't become victims to it in the future. Consider the growing talk around using biometrics to verify identities. You might come to consider digital video recordings of your body within a certain resolution threshold to be rather intimate, and not within the Public Domain. But clearly we couldn't call for an immediate end to video recording in public spaces. The solution is going to be drawn out and nuanced. This is a privacy discussion that's harder to have than one about NSA personal data collection because most of the victims now are good looking women.
Thanks for posting this news item, adamg.
The solution
By lbb
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 2:45pm
The solution is going to be for people to act like civilized human beings who don't need an explicit, iron-clad law to prevent them from following every antisocial impulse.
Direct Link To Video / Article, Without Going Through Facebook
By Elmer
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 11:32am
Off her meds?
By Markk02474
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:44pm
Before publicly shaming someone, she really needed to have video showing him doing what she claimed rather than just video following him around like a nutter. If he did do what she claimed, he did behave creepy for sure, but that's still not illegal like somebody wanking on the T.
Second, If you look at her Facebook page, you will see her claim a former boyfriend tried to kill her in 2005, so she has been traumatized and is still dealing / discussing.
Her music career necessitates self-promotion, so that invites skepticism. Its one thing to tell some guy he is a creep, another to follow the guy back and forth around the street yelling at him. Another level to have your phone out simulating that you are recording him. Another to actually record him. Another to post it to your Facebook page. Another for it to be marked Public, not just for Friends. Then, to contact/agree for an interview/use by Cosmo starts to really look like attention seeking at someone else's expense.
Cosmo? Really? "25 Ways to get Hot Guys to notice you!" Cosmo? That Cosmo, which exploits young impressionable women to sell magazines and advertising aimed at them?
[more edit: This also seems derivative of the viral video of the woman walking NYC streets receiving unsolicited verbal attention. Those guys got busted in the act but weren't confronted. Plenty of other videos were made of guys getting busted and confronted. This one is a guy not getting caught in the act, just confronted]
You are?
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 12:33pm
Better call your doctor, then. Maybe get a refill or discuss the side effects that are bothering you.
Otherwise, keep your sexist and ableist "prescriptions" to yourself.
By zetag
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 12:55pm
You're still wrong.
Take off the Fedora
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:02pm
And go back and read your own comments.
By zetag
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:12pm
She defamed an individual with no proof? I've made no accusations against her, other than looking for publicity, which is true if you look at her FB page, but if you can find something else then please let me know.
Wow, I am agreeing with a
By Saul
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 12:34pm
Wow, I am agreeing with a post by Mark!
former boyfriend tried to
By anon
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 12:43pm
former boyfriend tried to kill her in 2005
Is this a substantiated thing?
Public Facebook post
By Markk02474
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:37pm
Before publicly shaming
By anon
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:34pm
Nonsense. It would be better if she had physical evidence, but she saw what she saw. She was a witness to a creepers non-criminal anti-social behavior. She called him out on it.
I can appreciate that you don't know for sure if he did what she thinks she saw. But, the idea that she can't take any action without physical proof is crazy.
Internet court of public opinion
By Markk02474
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 4:03pm
Yes, there are two levels here.
1. video depicting him clearly aiming recording device at crotches. Harder to prove when someone is doing more artistic / old time street photography angles when cameras typically had a top mounted view finder and the camera was held at waist or chest level. Think Hasselblad, Rolleiflex etc.
2. The actual images of crotches/asses having been filmed. Even so, with so much actual nudity on the Internet among millions of daily new uploaded images, I don't understand the possible fascination.
She had neither for her public shaming, then there is:
3. Just the undocumented claim.
Watch closely, folks
By lbb
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 2:47pm
MarKKK's next hobbyhorse: we're all awful people for internet-shaming MarKKK for being such a dipshit.
Finding a way to live with it..
Reading all these men
By anon
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 2:59pm
Reading all these men question a woman's right to confront a creep is so sad. Almost everyone of you is working to invalidate her experience. Your imagination detailed and so telling. You are all so upset she got frustrated and broke her silence. Why?
As a man I want to raise a daughter who would be strong and brave and confront injustice. As a man I support women to stop being silent and to confront men this.
You want your daughter to
By Saul
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 3:10pm
You want your daughter to post videos of herself swearing at and following guys on the street, claiming they're a perverted creep without any evidence other than her own word to back up the claims, and admit the guy did nothing illegal yet still asking for all her followers to find the guy and shame him?
Just because something isn't
By Felicity
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 7:16pm
Just because something isn't illegal doesn't make it right.
video woman
By bostnkid
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:00pm
I would never photograph unknowing subjects on the street. that being said if she started chasing me like that? 'LEAVE ME ALONE! I BROKE UP WITH YOU 2 WEEKS AGO! STOP FOLLOWING ME! IT"S NOT ME ITS YOU!!
find a cab to hop into and never go back on newbury street again.
A cab when you need one? Laf.
By anon
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:17pm
A cab when you need one? Laf.
Her new music video is called
By relaxyapsycho
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:16pm
Her new music video is called PredatoryPrey. Funny.
Here's the oddest thing about this for me
By Waquiot
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:22pm
I'm going to take her accusations as fact for the sake of argument.
At one point she demands that he delete video of her noting "I did not give you permission." Yet she is recording him while making that statement. I mean, the guy (per accusation) is probably a perve, but there is a lack of consistency in her argument. If she doesn't say that, it's a powerful denunciation, but then she gets a bit hypocritical (rather than leaving the hypocrisy on the other side, where it belongs.)
its...kind of the point. That
By wp1648
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:48pm
its...kind of the point. That's why she keeps asking "How does it feel?"
What's the point?
By Waquiot
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 2:56pm
Either people have the right to take video of people without their permission or they don't. She seems to want to have it both days- taking video without permission yet demanding video get erased since she didn't give permission.
Aside from that, the whole "how does it feel?" angle is a great one.
She doesn't zoom in on his
By Felicity
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 7:13pm
She doesn't zoom in on his crotch and buttocks.
So permission is only needed in some cases?
By Waquiot
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 10:08pm
Let's be clear: I'm not defending this guy or criticizing her for making the video. I'm just calling out a bit of hypocrisy with her approach.
Have you ever seen the B reel played when the TV news does a report on obesity? Yes, not what this guy was (allegedly) doing, but still.
I am amused by her comment
By whyaduck
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:56pm
"just another day on Newbury Street". Not sure that Newbury is the haven for perverts but anywho...
She says that she could see his viewfinder, from three feet away, and be sure enough that he was filming crotches and assess. She must have very good eyesight.
Aside from her assumptions, we do not know what he was doing. Maybe just filming for class assignment? And what if he was? So now his picture is all over the internet as an assumed sexual predator. And, yes, there is no law against filming on a public street. And she really has no right to tell him to delete the film. Yeah, before you lop my head off, I get it. No one should be filming the private parts of women and girls. But we only have her side of the story and his embarrassed reaction.
Be if better if she just called the police, if she had concerns, and had them handle the entire situation.
Some information on modern digital cameras
By lbb
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 2:50pm
Many modern digital cameras have a non-optical viewfinder that is a digital display. It's really not that hard to see from three feet away.
You're the lazy dumbass kid who always told the teacher that the dog ate your homework, aren't you?
other posts of hers
By Saul
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 1:54pm
Look where that creep is aiming his camera.
I guess it's fine when it's for your own self-promotion.
Possibly just reviewing a shot
By Markk02474
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 2:03pm
and not aiming the camera to take one.
Yes but
By whyaduck
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 2:04pm
again, we don't know where he is aiming his camera. If indeed he is aiming at anything. And whether she is ok (or not) with her own butt being filmed is not the same as some alleged pervert taking snaps of women's vajajays.
By Saul
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 2:06pm
Clearly sarcasm gets lost on the Internet.
But how do you know this videographer is not also a perv and is not zooming in while claiming to review shots? How do you know? I mean, look at the evidence: a guy standing mere feet from a woman, aiming a camera at her backside. And we even have the photographic evidence to prove it. Proof!
Guy looks like Tony Romo....
By kvn
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 2:25pm
Guy looks like Tony Romo....
She posted her own photos of her ass
By Markk02474
Sat, 10/31/2015 - 3:33pm
via her public Twitter feed promoting her music video:
The guy didn't even need to bother taking photos. The first one is zoomed in, just the way he is accused of liking.
By relaxyapsycho
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 2:59pm
Oh marc, so much to explain.
By section77
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 4:15pm
Do we really need to explain to you how Cosmo magazine doesn't equal "she wants it"? 21st century here, having posted a picture of herself doesn't mean you are off the hook. You just keep on cyber-stalking and trying to convince yourself that the perv was entitled because her FB profile is public.
On what planet do you spend most of your time?
By Felicity
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 7:21pm
You're such a stupid asshole!
Planet Earth, not planet Hypocrite
By Markk02474
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 7:57pm
What exactly are you calling stupid? Her self promotion?