Along with the persistent taste for Uggs and pajama bottoms as streetwear, year-round flip flops seem to be a local college fashion trope. The dead-drunk BU student who let herself into our house via an accidentally-left-unlocked back door, broke a lamp, and passed out on our couch during a spring-break escapade three years ago left one of her flip-flops in the shallow snow in the back yard.
(And, yes, we're well aware that there could have been far worse consequences to leaving the back door unlocked in that neighborhood - you can bet we triple-check it nowadays after every use.)
Flip-flops year-round
By Allstonian
Tue, 09/23/2008 - 11:55am
Along with the persistent taste for Uggs and pajama bottoms as streetwear, year-round flip flops seem to be a local college fashion trope. The dead-drunk BU student who let herself into our house via an accidentally-left-unlocked back door, broke a lamp, and passed out on our couch during a spring-break escapade three years ago left one of her flip-flops in the shallow snow in the back yard.
(And, yes, we're well aware that there could have been far worse consequences to leaving the back door unlocked in that neighborhood - you can bet we triple-check it nowadays after every use.)
No flip flops
By cynical
Tue, 09/23/2008 - 1:22pm
But what about Crocs?
-Ms. Cynical
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 09/23/2008 - 2:03pm
with socs? A fox in socs with crocs on blocs?
No Flip-Flops After Labor Day?
By Suldog
Tue, 09/23/2008 - 1:33pm
Then what the hell are the politicians going to do until November 4th?
By caravaggiste
Wed, 09/24/2008 - 4:11pm
or, no flip flops EVER. eek.