A local movie buff forwards the following exchange between a patron of a local movie theater and the theater's manager. The manager agreed to release the exchange on condition names be excluded.
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 9:10 AM
Subject: Security
Dear Mr ____,On Saturday December 5 my date and I attended the 4:15 showing of Spotlight at the ***** . Just before the show started I was returning from the men's room , when I came across two Muslim women with large backpacks speaking a foreign language entering my theatre . I don't have to remind you what has happened in Boston, Paris , or San Bernardino lately . I then went up to speak to the manager, I believe his name was ___. He told me backpacks were allowed and took no action. Well I'm takes action , I will never attended you theater again until you have a policy the improves the security at you venue as many venue already have . I would be happy to see your response.
Thank You
The manager replied:
Dear _____,
As you can see by the fact that these two women enjoyed their movie and nobody was harmed, your fears are unfounded. You may also be aware that the majority of deadly terrorist attacks in the United States are carried out by white males, so imagine how these women might have felt surrounded by so many of them at the movies, especially given that white males are solely responsible for all of the movie theater shootings recently!
If my policy of nondiscrimination means you never step foot in my theaters again, I am happy to have one less customer who comes off as a xenophobic piece of racist garbage.
Hope that helps!
Merry Christmas,
Director of Operations
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
Well, the Paris attackers
By Saul
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 2:40pm
Well, the Paris attackers shot up some cafes and earlier in the year, a supermarket.
Obviously the solution is to have checkpoints outside every Starbucks and Shaw's.
Wouldn't it be so much easier to have a checkpoint outside every house, instead of being searched at every venue?
(No subject)
By chaosjake
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 4:12pm
If you see something, say something?
By anon
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 11:08am
San Bernandino would have been avoided if the neighbor spoke up about suspicious behavior next door but moonbats like yourselves are more worried about offending people than you are about preventing the next terrorist attack. If you're telling me you wouldn't be suspicious of a woman in a burka with a backpack in a movie theatre you are either living in la la land (strong possibility) or a liar.
SB and Paris were not accidents, its not like this was some one in a million freak incident. Radical Islam is a poisonous ideology that's stated goal is to kill us. The threat is real and its here. The FBI has already admitted that ISIS is trying to disguise soldiers as Syrian Immigrants into America thanks to you ideologues crying to let them in.
It doesn't matter that 99% of Muslims are good people, all it takes is one, and a woman in a burka with a backpack in a crowded place fits the description of a suicide bomber. Profiling is unfortunate but its absolutely necessary in a time like this.
Sorry if this hurts your delicate sensibilities
And all it takes ...
By adamg
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 11:09am
Is one white gun nut with heavy firepower. Remember Aurora?
i dont think calling him a gun nut
By Scumquistador
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 11:45am
really does anything for anybody. was he an explosives nut too because he rigged his apartment to blow?
nah, he was just a regular old mentally ill guy. mentioning the gun thing detracts from the overall lack of mental health imo, and shifts a lot of potential discussion from the status of mental healthcare in this country towards gun control, which maybe if we were good at one, we wouldn't have to worry about the other as much.
admittedly he did have a number of firearms, ofc, and that is an issue. but i would say he is just as much of a walnut or peanut as a gunnut
also the second you make something a gun issue instead of addressing the root cause, you immediately have a significant portion of people that will cover their ears and go la la la la
Mentally ill?
By anon
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:26pm
I would contend that the San Bernadino murders were also mentally ill. Why is it that when white Christians commit mass murder, it's called mental illness and when brown Muslims commit mass murder its called religious extremism?
And of course guns ARE the issue and the fact that automatic weapons are so easily accessible enables the mentally ill religious extremists, regardless of what you call them.
when the fuck
By Scumquistador
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 1:20pm
did i even refer to san bernadino in that post that was specifically about one incident? i don't disagree with you at all.
do you disagree with me about the stuff that painting all of these issues as simple gun control issues, does, in fact, over simplify the issue? because mentally ill people can and will still do things to harm themselves and others. i believe i was amply clear in my posts that i acknowledge that guns are an issue, while also harping on the fact that addressing the root cause of the issue needs to be done way, way more often and effectively in this country.
for example: the multiple suicide attempts that the aurora shooter made, sans guns. guns don't make people mentally ill, they're a tool that is too easy to acquire by the mentally ill.
A person with a lot of guns
By Kinopio
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:39pm
A person with a lot of guns is a gun nut. Sorry gun owners, but this guy is on your side of the issue. Take some responsibility for the bloodshed your fellow gun owners are causing. It sure as hell aren't non gun owners killing movie theaters full of people. Normal people collect baseball cards or stamps, nuts collect dangerous weapons.
i feel as though
By Scumquistador
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:54pm
you've very adequately managed to prove my point entirely
By Michael
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 11:09am
By Scumquistador
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:06pm
my sensibilities are fine
By Scumquistador
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 11:40am
you are literally too much of a moron to be capable of upsetting just about anybody i would imagine hahahahaha
seriously, i can't even begin to guess at how many people laugh at your ignorance on the regular, although in the interest of accurate reporting, i can only verify at this point that the number has started at 1.
(its me. im the 1.)
As a white woman
By anon
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 11:42am
I'm far more likely to get murdered by a white man while getting a pap smear or hanging out in a mall, so take your bullshit and shove it up your ass.
thats your fault
By Scumquistador
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:08pm
for having a vagina and valuing your own safety over the second amendment rights of the mentally ill. hth.
Really? Where the heck do
By Patricia
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:23pm
Really? Where the heck do you go for those things that would put your life in danger.
I've got news for you, you've more of a chance getting hit by a bus or car than being shot at getting a pap smear ( I'm really curious about that one) or at the mall.
You know there is a happy medium, seldom found, between being an outright bigot and breaking your arm while patting yourself on the back.
i guess your local planned parenthood
By Scumquistador
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:36pm
isn't in colorado springs? speaking of breaking your arm while patting your back, let me go grab you a cast.
Your chance of being killed
By Patricia
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:48pm
Your chance of being killed at a Planned Parenthood is less than walking out your front door.
Aren't we talking about needless fear? This poster is afraid of PP yet the chances are next to nothing that anything would happen. It's hyperbole. Same with being fearful of women in hijabs in a movie theater, the chances are next to nothing that you would be in danger.
That is all.
No cast needed, I've no reason to pat myself on the back and I'd be the first to say so.
By Malcolm Tucker
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 1:06pm
You think I'm more likely to be killed by leaving my house than I am by going to Planned Parenthood?
I believe the anonymous lady was indeed employing hyperbole, but to illustrate the fact that - in this country - there have been far more attacks on Planned Parenthood by white men than there have been attacks on movie theatres by Muslim women trying to see the biggest Oscar contenders.
Yes, that poster is using the
By Patricia
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 4:22pm
Yes, that poster is using the same hyperbole as the movie theater bigot.
Is some hyperbole OK and other not?
What the word "hyperbole" means
By lbb
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 4:50pm
"Hyperbole" means extreme exaggeration. If I talk about getting killed while getting a pap smear, that's hyperbole, because while women have indeed been killed by terrorists who have attacked reproductive health clinics, on multiple occasions, it isn't a very common occurrence. If I talk about getting killed by a Muslim woman bringing a bomb into a movie theater, that's not hyperbole, because there's no instance to exaggerate. Do you see the difference?
tl;dr: no, Patricia, it's not the "same hyperbole".
Yes, I get what you're saying
By Patricia
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 5:03pm
Yes, I get what you're saying.
What I am saying is both posters and the movie theater bigot have fears they really shouldn't have, and I guess I should've said just that.
since you ask
By Malcolm Tucker
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 4:52pm
Some is effectively conveyed in a way that bolsters the writer's thesis statement. Some is muddled and poorly expressed. I realize that these are just comments on the internet, and not works of literature, but perhaps those less adept with rhetorical devices should avoid them.
Maybe it's in Brookline?
By chaosjake
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 3:56pm
Violence at Planned Parenthood isn't something that only happens far away, in those scary red states.
"BROOKLINE, Mass. — Two women were killed and five other people were wounded in nearly identical shooting attacks at two abortion clinics here Friday morning by a man clad entirely in black and wielding a .22-caliber hunting rifle."
Yes, that story was in
By Patricia
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 4:21pm
Yes, that story was in December 1994. This is 2015 (21 yrs ago), so it's safe to assume it's not a regular thing and I (and friends who've visited the clinic since) feel safe visiting the clinic.
Hyperbole isn't needed.
You're right. Good thing
By chaosjake
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 4:44pm
You're right. Good thing nobody has tried to hurt anybody at a Planned Parenthood since then.
The 11 killed over a period
By Patricia
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 5:20pm
The 11 killed over a period of time, according to your link, pales in comparison to other crimes.
What's the rate of a weekend in Chicago now a days?
Both are senseless.
I would not be afraid to go to a PP clinic, would you?
My wife used to get her
By chaosjake
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 5:53pm
My wife used to get her annual OB/GYN checkup and birth control from the PP on Comm Ave back before we had health insurance. I always went with her to shield her from the rabid crazies who were would throw stuff at her and scream the most disgusting stuff at her. Knowing that they're instigated by the same Army of God and Operation Rescue rhetoric that convinces people to murder doctors, pushing through them always gave me pause.
Once inside, yes, I did feel safe, because of the locked door, metal detector, and security guards. Which were in place specifically to ward off the acts of violence you feel comfortable dismissing. Maybe you feel fine ignoring the dozens and dozens of violent attacks on women's health clinics that didn't end in death, but they don't do much to give me the warm fuzzies.
You have read the Koran and know what it says, right?
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 11:52am
Fish? Is that you?
By erik g
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:00pm
Since there's nothing I can say that could possibly reason you out of a position you didn't reason yourself into, let me instead ask: what's it like to live your life in mortal fear of things that are effectively guaranteed to never happen to you? Those .00001% probabilities are barely blips on the radar to most of us, but you apparently live your life trying to avoid death-by-low-probability-event. What does that look like, day-to-day? To keep yourself safe from motor vehicle accidents and falling down the stairs, you would have to lock yourself into an airtight room, refusing to eat or drink anything that you didn't sterilize yourself. Even then, you're still hosed, because ten thousand times as many people died from asphyxiating on food last year as died in terrorist attacks. So you'd have to administer nutrition intravenously. But wait, sepsis and blood poisoning killed twenty thousand times as many people as acts of terrorism last year, so that's out as well. You'll just have to resign yourself to joining the ranks of folks who died of malnutrition last year--which, again, is several hundred times as many people as died in terrorist attacks.
More people were shot by their own dogs last year than died in terrorist attacks. More people were killed by vending machines falling on them. Let's not even start down the road of things that are actual risks, like skiing accidents or falling off the roof while putting up Christmas lights (300 and 25 times as many deaths, respectively) There are a million different windmills you could tilt at to prevent unnecessary deaths. I wonder why it is that you happened to choose the one that entitles you to harass folks who aren't white.
This is the best.
By chaosjake
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 4:07pm
This is the best.
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 12/11/2015 - 1:10pm
people did call 911 BEFORE the Colorado Springs shooting
By anon
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:30pm
the operator assured them that people were allowed to open carry guns. The calls were made before the shooting started. Good thing the gunman was white so the authorities didn't have to act on it.
It doesn't matter
By lbb
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 1:36pm
So, it doesn't matter to you if someone else's civil rights are abridged? You're ok with pissing all over the Constitution as long as it's no skin off your rosy red ass?
Glad we got that out in the open, I mistook you for a far-sighted civic-minded altruist for a minute there.
Sorry if this hurts your delusional racism
By chaosjake
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 4:01pm
Take a few minutes to tally up all the innocent people who have been killed or wounded by pissed off, white, right wing radicals in this country in the past 20 years. The Southern Poverty Law Center keeps a list of every successful and attempted attack since the bombing in Oklahoma City. It will take a while to read through; it's a very long list. If you really think you have more to fear from a woman in a movie theater than from white men pretty much anywhere, you're out of your mind.
who said anything about a burka?
By Ron Newman
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 4:42pm
Not the movie theatre customer, nor the manager who replied to him.
Did he stay for the film at
By anon
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 11:37am
Did he stay for the film at his theater or not?
This really rings fake to me
By anon
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 11:40am
This really rings fake to me - the over-the-top grammatical errors in the complaint, the manager's completely unprofessional reaction, and the swiftness with which this surfaced on the internet - I saw it on imgur yesterday afternoon. Did you consult directly with the theater in question, or did you post this on your "source's" word that this was a real thing that actually happened, and not just something made up to make people get their justice boner for the day going?
The imgur thing ...
By adamg
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:14pm
Is a copy of my acquaintance's original copy of the exchange.
what imgur thing?
By Steve H
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:20pm
I don't see it anywhere on the page or in your comments, Adam...
There's an image floating around
By adamg
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 1:05pm
Which I didn't think to grab and post because it's just a JPEG or PNG of the text exchange I did post. If I run across it, I'll add it in a reply.
Imgur version
By adamg
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 1:26pm
Is here.
By Jeff F
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 5:28pm
i for one
By Scumquistador
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:22pm
don't care if it is real or not because that doesn't impact my ability to make snarky and terrible comments about it on the internet
plus, like, you know its happened anyway whether it was at that theater or not
"justice boner" Perfect!
By Patricia
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:25pm
"justice boner"
link to imgur please.
By Jeff F
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:43pm
over-the-top grammatical errors?
By Malcolm Tucker
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:55pm
I'm just gonna copy-paste some of the actual things my TCOT uncle and his friends have written on the internet, as a way to illustrate that sometimes people with tiny worldviews have a fifth-grade education to match their understanding of reality:
"My question to the Congress is if 174,000 isn't enough to live on? How do you expect me live on my SSI check for 1,084 and not get a coast of living raise next year. I'll tell how learn to go without learn to live with your means and make a budget. More than I can say for you Congress men and women. It is shameful how spend the tax payers money. And on your self, I think you should be minimum wage and collect SSI for retirement. And earn raises by job performance because right now you are doing a lousy job. Our forefathers turning over in their graves seeing how this Country is run."
"I know cupole of my friends have and I have myself. ...."
"There is a law against spitting in public places but hardly ever in forced. There should be a law against spitting on anybody. This law is to extreme it would insight
More hatred then Good. Let me ask you a question. What would JESUS do ?"
"He's not my president... He is Muslims president"
" thebM16 they gave our men in Veitnam was a peace of crap, the M14 was a1000% better"
By Scumquistador
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 1:00pm
the m16 was kind of a wreck at first compared to the m14 as far as i understand it
no doubt
By Malcolm Tucker
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 1:07pm
A real peace of crap.
Doesn't pass the smell test
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:34pm
You don't need the Masters in Criminal Justice to tell that this story is complete nonsense and never happened. Although the concerned citizen would have been justified in pointing out the oddity of bringing backpacks to a movie, (See Something/Say Something) the elimination of names and identifying characteristics and the "manager's response" dripping with liberal platitudes is just too obvious. Too incredible to be believed as a wise Superior Court judge once admonished a "witness."
By Scumquistador
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 12:35pm
i mean, not discriminating based on a protected class, thats some serious liberal platitudes. since you apparently believe this story is as real as the tooth fairy i am curious why you wasted your time with it.