DM Nelson reports Thunder's morning job used to be to go out to the driveway and retrieve the morning Globe. But now, "he's ready to file for unemployment."
It should never have been an issue int he first place, but ok, there was a huge F up.
THis is not rocket science. Newspapers have been delivered on these very streets to these very homes for what...a couple of hundred years?
A recent article I read said that 6000 papers never even left the distribution centers. Clearly, either someone forgot to assign them to someone or the someone forgot to pick them up or there were communcation problems. None of these things seems to be difficult to solve.
It's not that they forgot to assign drivers. The problem is the delivery company, ACI Media, has been unable to find drivers for those routes. At least, not at a pay rate that would make ACI's contract profitable.
A little over a year ago, the Boston Globe ran a Pulitzer Prize-winning series of editorials documenting the challenges facing food service workers-- wages too low to live on, minimal job security, few organizing rights, and the risk of wage theft.
More than 200 people commented on the SundayGlobe story, many of them wondering how the liberal newspaper could fail to practice what it so often preaches on its editorial pages. "I remember when the Hyatt outsourced its housekeeping, the Globetook on the social/corporate aspect like a dog with a bone. Why is this different?" asked one commenter. Another said he planned to increase his tips. "I am ashamed to be a participant in this abuse," he said.
There was also a short letter from a commenter toGlobe owner and publisher John Henry. "Please sell the Globe to Arthur T. Demoulas. He knows how to run a business, treat his employees fairly, keep his customers happy, all while making a few bucks."
full article
Looks like me
I'm still doing the same thing - no paper again today.
However, I did get an email from the Globe encouraging me to read the e-paper.
I feel Thunder's pain. I received my paper most days in the first week of January, but now I have been forsaken. No papers this week. :(
I got my bill right on time.
After 3 weeks of no paper, maybe I will pay it in imaginary money.
Monopoly Money
I wonder how they would process that?
An e-paper
is just not very satisfying for a dog.
Normally, I'm not..
.. a picky person. But as a dog lover I am obligated to point out that the proper spelling is "doggie".
missed opportunity
Waiting for Dogot
To add insult to injury
I received one of your papers on Saturday - we have a Sunday-only subscription :(
Wasn't my paper!
Stopped my subscription ages ago.
I can't even fathom
How this is still an issue.
It should never have been an issue int he first place, but ok, there was a huge F up.
THis is not rocket science. Newspapers have been delivered on these very streets to these very homes for what...a couple of hundred years?
A recent article I read said that 6000 papers never even left the distribution centers. Clearly, either someone forgot to assign them to someone or the someone forgot to pick them up or there were communcation problems. None of these things seems to be difficult to solve.
This has been going on for weeks!!
The routes are unassigned because they can't find enough drivers
It's not that they forgot to assign drivers. The problem is the delivery company, ACI Media, has been unable to find drivers for those routes. At least, not at a pay rate that would make ACI's contract profitable.
Globe hypocrisy - Commonwealth nails it
Globe highlights its own hypocrisy
Monday, January 11, 2016
A little over a year ago, the Boston Globe ran a Pulitzer Prize-winning series of editorials documenting the challenges facing food service workers-- wages too low to live on, minimal job security, few organizing rights, and the risk of wage theft.
More than 200 people commented on the SundayGlobe story, many of them wondering how the liberal newspaper could fail to practice what it so often preaches on its editorial pages. "I remember when the Hyatt outsourced its housekeeping, the Globetook on the social/corporate aspect like a dog with a bone. Why is this different?" asked one commenter. Another said he planned to increase his tips. "I am ashamed to be a participant in this abuse," he said.
There was also a short letter from a commenter toGlobe owner and publisher John Henry. "Please sell the Globe to Arthur T. Demoulas. He knows how to run a business, treat his employees fairly, keep his customers happy, all while making a few bucks."
full article
Groucho Marx
Reminds me of a great line from Groucho Marx,
"Outside a dog, a book (newspaper) is a man's best friend, inside a dog, it's too dark to read."