By adamg on Thu., 1/28/2016 - 8:30 am

The Herald interviews the father of Alvin Sealey Jr., found fatally shot in the head on Washington Street in Dorchester early Wednesday.
Alvin Sealey Sr. told the Herald his son, known to friends as Trizzy, played the piano and was working two jobs.
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Oh, Markkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
By whyaduck
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 11:34am
Judging a book by its cover....yet again and again and again...
Ok MarKKK, so a kid making a
By WildPill
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 2:19pm
Ok MarKKK, so a kid making a (possible gang) hand sign in a picture = deserves a death sentence?
No, dude. All kids do stupid sh*t. Respect this kids poor family, man.
By Ben
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 10:36am
You've discovered the "Young Money" hand sign! It was popularized by Lil' Wayne as a badass looking hand sign to associate with his record label, Young Money Entertainment. I think you've clearly established that this young man likes music that you don't like. Think of it like a rap version of the metalheads' "Devil Horns" hand sign or the hippies' "Peace" sign. Unfortunately, while many hippies aren't peaceful and many rap fans aren't gang members, all metalheads are, indeed, Satanists.
Is the YM sign still a thing after all these years?
By Markk02474
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 3:28pm
At least 6 years ago that sign was used and the record label goes back to 2005.
The Young Money sign is different. Its done with two hands, "Y" by right hand, and "M" on the left. The photo shows a "W" with the right hand.
By nona
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 12:09pm
Just So Wrong
By Black In Boston
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 2:36pm
Actually his hand 'gesture' is one meaning EASTSIDE hence the fact that he is from BOSTON where we throw up "3's" and "E's". May that Young man Rest in Peace.
By anonamizzle
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 10:54am
Holy shit. A 19-year-old wears casual clothing at times. So does my middle-aged ass.
Oh hm, my son has the same jacket. He wears it to places where casual clothing is appropriate. I hope no racists from Arlington think that means it's OK to shoot him.
Ease up
By Ahab
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 11:25am
Man, I don't know how you sleep at night. The guy's fucking dead and here you are with your bs. No mentions of this case in the news since all the pearl-clutchers in Brookline were the headline yesterday..
By DeeDee
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 12:11pm
Are you serious. You go to his fb book and took this for what. All of you guys are commenting like you knew him. YOU DON'T. He was an amazing person and he doesn't deserve this at. Just hope off and let his loves one mourn our lost.
RIP, young man
By anon
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 10:37pm
DeeDee, please try to mourn your loved one and have his close ones do the same. Try to disregard this commentary. You're right, no one here knew him and therefore don't pay any mind to the uninformed opinions expressed here. It's just noise and really isn't personal at all.
Sorry for your loss.
I have a question for you, Mark
By Waquiot
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 11:00pm
What's your fucking problem?
Seriously. Why was your first reaction, when seeing this story, to track down something that denigrates this kid? I doubt you ever met him or his family, so you have no vested interest in the story.
I figure it is one of 3 reasons:
1. You are a sociopath
2. You are racist
3. You are just an asshole
Some might ponder putting some form of ASD, but they just lack empathy. You are actively hateful on this. So which one is it?
Who knows, I might start following you around the UHub asking whether you want to be seen as a sociopath, a racist, or just an asshole. You can pick which one you are if you want. Of course, you could combine them and just say you are a racist, sociopathic asshole if you want. Your choice.
A kid is dead. Someday you will die. Perhaps suddenly in a way that will lead to a news story. Do you want people to shit all over your grave when you pass like you did to this poor kid?
You think I care what people will think of me when I'm dead???
By Markk02474
Fri, 01/29/2016 - 1:31am
Have you not figured out yet that I don't care what people who don't know me think of me now when I'm alive?
When I do die, I hope I can count on you to not let me be portrayed only in some unrealistically favorable light.
And how do you want your parents to remember you?
By Waquiot
Fri, 01/29/2016 - 9:46am
Should people take them to task when they mention some of your good points?
You're a racist, sociopathic asshole!
By Reina17
Fri, 01/29/2016 - 6:42am
Let me be the one to tell you that Google doesn't always know everything. So if your knowledge about gang life is strictly Google you gone be mislead over n over. I could show you 3 pics with that same hand sign from other parts of MA and they not 1 have anything to do with a W. But your implying if he is affiliated than he deserved this? You my friend are exactly why I hate the Internet.
Read what I actually wrote
By Markk02474
Fri, 01/29/2016 - 10:54am
How does that imply anything, let alone gang membership?
Interesting subject, black
By Scauma
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 10:24am
Interesting subject, black peoples who dress a certain way are looked at a certain way, period. I'm educated, and work a corporate job. On casual days I have to wear my 'white people approved' sneakers because there's an inherent belief I will be judged if I wear anything too black. Just the way the world works. RIP to this young man, who seems like he was a good kid.
By MChantress
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 12:58pm
Naw, there's no monolithic "Black" dress, you do how you do. And I got no time for you if you've never worn the hijab to work.. now crawl out from under that desk, take this day God has granted us and make some friends.
It must be a difficult
By anon
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 10:55am
It must be a difficult struggle to continually blame people for their own shooting death, but it is an important one because if it wasn't the victim's fault then we would have to look for another explanation and the one that might become apparent is that something is wrong that we should collectively deal with. If this person is not inherently different, then their death is frightening because then I could be that victim. This realization would ultimately require a lot more work than simply blaming someone's skin color and speculating wildly about their life.
Whom would you blame?
By Markk02474
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 12:53pm
Sorry, it wasn't a car this time.
Could be he was mugged and shot for his necklace and other jewelry, but that is for police to sort out. Police have not stated if any of his personal belongings or money was taken.
"Officer Mark"?
By bulgingbuick
Fri, 01/29/2016 - 8:08am
Is that you?
By Patricia Brooks
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 12:37pm
JANUARY 28 2016
Stop trying to drag his name thru the mud
By Anon
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 12:50pm
I knew this kid personally and he was a good kid. He went to school and he worked. He was in a relationship with a girl who truly loved him. And his friends also had a liking to him. Everyone, at some point in their lives, will fall victim to SOMETHING (ANYTHING) In the community they were raised in. It just so happened to be the reason his life was taken. He's just a kid. He was working hard and he was trying to be better. He had no other option and nowhere else to go. Its where he was raised. This is a fucked up community. And a fucked up person who took his life less than 2 hours after his birthday had ended. He was trully loved and cared for. And his life ended in the process of him trying to better himself. Smh @ the people in the comments.
I am so sorry about Mark the
By anon
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 2:34pm
I am so sorry about Mark the Idiot.
The blog owner cares about the people who are gone. We want to know more too. This is horrible and tragic. I deeply sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what his family, girlfriend, and friends are going through right now.
Stop trying to drag his name thru the mud
By Anon
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 2:10pm
I knew this kid personally and he was a good kid. He went to school and he worked. He was in a relationship with a girl who truly loved him. And his friends also had a liking to him. Everyone, at some point in their lives, will fall victim to SOMETHING (ANYTHING) In the community they were raised in. It just so happened to be the reason his life was taken. He's just a kid. He was working hard and he was trying to be better. He had no other option and nowhere else to go. Its where he was raised. This is a fucked up community. And a fucked up person who took his life less than 2 hours after his birthday had ended. He was trully loved and cared for. And his life ended in the process of him trying to better himself. Smh @ the people in the comments.
Sorry I heard the shots and screams
By Lexy
Fri, 01/29/2016 - 9:55am
I'm so so sorry for the loss of this child and the sorrow of his family and friends. I live up the street and heard it all. The screams of the girl had me screaming and crying too inside my home. I'm so sorry. I love my people and will not give negative people the attention they are looking for. I will pray for his beautiful spirit and that God rest on all his family and friends shoulders. I AM A LOUIS D BROWN PEACE INSTITUTE ANGEL
Everyone with a negative comment
By Alvin's Cousin....
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 3:04pm
So sad and pitiful all the people with negative inputs. I feel bad you have the time to be looking on his Facebook and making all these false judgements of a person you don't even know! Sad world I tell you. Some things are better left unsaid. Please let our family grieve in piece. In the meantime go get a life and worry about your own sorry lives. Have a great day!
By Patricia Brooks
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 4:03pm
A man lost his son, people
By Waquiot
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 7:10pm
I know Alvin Sealey, Sr. We're not friends, just people who know each other. I haven't seen him in months to explain the relationship. He's a good man. No one should have to bury his son.
I don't know the son, like most of us. I'm sure his dad thinks he's a good kid, and since this is the first time his name has come up here, I'd be willing to bet his dad's image of him is close to the truth.
I value life. This kid didn't deserve to die. Let's remember that his family grieves.
By Michael Kerpan
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 11:27pm
100 hundred percent.
please dont ban mark
By Scumquistador
Fri, 01/29/2016 - 6:56am
i will be the de facto worst poster here if you do
It's a slippery slope
By Sock_Puppet
Fri, 01/29/2016 - 7:54am
First they came for the decrepit racist sociopaths, and I didn't speak up because I was not a decrepit racist sociopath...
By Ashley P
Wed, 02/03/2016 - 12:20pm
It pains me that this went unnoticed. I live close to that area, and I never heard anything about it. It took a student of mine to tell me about it. A week later. And the fact that they specify that he had 2 jobs. What difference does that make? Are we supposed to feel bad because he had things going for himself? It doesn't matter if he did or did not. A young life was lost. Lord, help your children.
It's what the dad said
By Waquiot
Wed, 02/03/2016 - 7:12pm
It's him trying to figure out why his son no longer breathes. What if, instead of working 2 jobs, he was going to RCC or apprenticing in a trade? Would that have changed your view?
His dad will always think of him as his hard working son. Why do people have a problem with this?
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