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More condos proposed for Centre Street in West Roxbury


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Just as well, those front steps were a killer,Jerry , a killer ......

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Just as well, those front steps were a killer,Jerry , a killer ......
Fun Fact : Across the street from said office , was a former Ford automobile dealership,

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You mean White Hen, home of the original Sub Nazi?

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Dont think it went down that far , but the Boy's Club bought it( The Ford dealer building ) and it is now the Roche Bros Community Center I believe.

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Anything that can bring more foot traffic to Centre St is fine by me. Seems like a good proposal for the area.

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But the law office is benign. It doesn't bring in excesss traffic whipping into and out of the driveway. To really improve the area we need to get rid of Speedway Gas. A twelve pump super station has no place in a heavily pedestrianized city neighborhood.

And the lane of traffic alongside this stretch of Center needs to be for parking. I don't think future condo owners on Willow want to come out the front door to cars flying past eight feet away at 35 miles per hour.

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Get rid of that stupid dogie daycare, where every _____ picking up foofoo thinks its okay to double park at rush hour.

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Yeah, totally - just like the three gas stations in the Fens...

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Foot traffic is good, but there really isn't much retail to walk to. Many of the restaurants are take-out and most people seem to drive to them (and many double-park.)

35 mph? I'm pretty sure I've never managed to get up to 35 mph near Willow & Centre St., even on Christmas Day.

I'd like to see what the proposed condo will look like before I form an opinion. We don't need any more ugly box condos in the area.

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yeah, actually, if they are ugly, we still need the housing, actually.

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This isn't Disneys celebration or some gated community, people shouldn't get to vote on how their neighbors apt or condo looks if it follows the law. Should I get to vote on what color you want to paint your house, or what kind of plants you have in your yard?

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The development needs to improve the community. An ugly building can detract from the neighborhood. Smart zoning can take care of some it. For the rest we need to hope the developers have taste. Hopefully, they will use only native plants that attract birds and pollinators.

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Hollies are our friends.....

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There may not be too much now, but there area couple of good restaurants that do a lot more than carry out. There is also a martial arts studio, and if you need an old lamp fixed, you can have your nails done while you wait.

But one good reason to have more foot traffic, is to make pedestrians more visible overall. Maybe 35 is a bit much, but cars do speed and treat Centre like a through street instead of a neighborhood.

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I saw comments elsewhere about this that of course were worried about the increase in traffic. It's 12 units. They cannot generate any meaningful affect on traffic. Build it!

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However, if you say that for every project, over time it adds up to a lot more traffic, not to say that this shouldn't be built.

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I will take the minority view and say its a nice looking house. Since I would guess it would be replaced with something as equally ugly as the other proposed building, I think it is kind of a shame. I would rather keep that and add an extra floor (or three) to the one story buildings on the block first.

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That building is an eyesore and appears abandoned.

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But if it were rehabbed, given a nice paint job and actually taken care of it could be a nice looking property. I doubt that would happen though. The property is worth too much to put money into an old house.

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I like the older houses in the neighborhood.

And I do not like many of the condo buildings that are being built.

I suspect there will be many people at that community meeting who will agree.

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It's always better to save an old house if at all possible. Just please no vinyl siding!

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The lawyer office development will serve as a catalyst for the block beside it to get higher. Maybe the can get a Brigham's or Dorothy Muriel's to move in too.

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Don't forget Martell built that God
awful development on Baker Street.
It looks like a Barn,just hideous!

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Yeah... Those those two townhouse units that martell built on Baker Street both sold (in two weeks) for over $630 k each. He must really do lousy work.

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It just proves two things,the real estate
Frenzy continues unabated, And some
People have no taste. Looks like you
can throw up any box, Fill it with bright
and shiny accessories and it will

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More residents means more business for Porter Cafe and West on Center, two businesses that both have amazing food and staff.

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