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On your mark, get set, go save a space!
By adamg on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 6:01pm
Chistopher the roaming UHub photographer spotted these space savers at the ready at Armington and Islington streets in Allston this afternoon.
Almost made it
Almost made it a month without stirring up a space saver controversy. You just couldn't resist could you?
I could not.
No Snow Emergency
The City has not declared a snow emergency. Perhaps we should give this person the benefit of the doubt and assume that the chairs are waiting for tomorrow's trash pick-up.
Possibly, except ...
Trash pickup in that neighborhood is on Wednesday (source: Boston trash pickup day find-o-matic).
But, yes, there could be a reason other than getting the space savers ready for those chairs to be sitting there.
Wait a sec
How do you guys know that this guy did not, in fact, spend their entire Sunday morning shoveling that whole block out. It looks pretty clean to me.
queue the faux outrage (yawn)
queue the faux outrage (yawn)
Christmas is coming early
Christmas is coming early this year.
Grab those chairs
That's a free $20 on CraigsList, once new students start moving in.
I'm sure those chairs are there as a....
respite for weary walkers before taking the long hike up those oh so challenging steps in the back ground. Such a kindness.
I'm pleased to report that the chairs were gone as of this morning and were not in evidence on the street being used as space savers. False alarm, apparently. Call off the dogs.
Better safe than sorry.
Better safe than sorry.
how can you know for sure?
It's on the sidewalk.