The four teens old enough to be publicly identified. Photos from Hull PD.
Hull Police report an officer on routine patrol caught a group of teens red-handed after they allegedly spray painted graffiti all over Fort Revere on Boston Harbor around 12:30 this morning.
A Hull Police Officer was patrolling Fort Revere when she noticed a large amount of different colored graffiti, which included vulgar, sexual and racist language, on the walls of the site. The officer then located a group of teenagers at the site, who had spray paint on their hands and bottles of spray paint in their possession.
The town and the state DCR had just repainted the fort - where a number of French soldiers who fought on the American side during the Revolution are buried - and police have been regularly patrolling it since. State Police have made a number of arrests for vandalism and trespassing over the past couple of weeks, police say.
In a statement, Police Chief Robert Sawtelle says:
Fort Revere is part of American History, located right here in Hull. It is also hallowed ground for the French, and we will not tolerate its disrespect, destruction or desecration. This is a quality of life issue for our community, and we stand with our partners in the Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Massachusetts State Police in the protection and conservation of Fort Revere.
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What a bunch of dopes.
By Rick C
Fri, 07/15/2016 - 9:38pm
Innocent etc.
By Anonymous
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 4:46am
innocent, etc.
Innocent, etc.
By anon
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 8:03am
It's there for a reason. I think half of UH would fail 9th grade US Civics.
There's a difference between personal opinion and legal standing
By Jeff F
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 12:23pm
Outside of the jury box, people are free to think whatever they want about the described/pictured teens (although 'thugs' is kind of a stretch, given it's definition). In some cases, it might be unwise to jump to premature conclusions based on brief second hand reporting - but that is a person's perogative.
It is within the context of a criminal case that innocence is presumed. And it's only judges and impaneled jurists who are required to set aside pre-judgements.
And there's a reason for that
By anon
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 1:43pm
It's because we don't want to penalize people for crimes for which they might be innocent.
Mouthing off publicly with our personal presumptions of guilt is also penalizing the accused.
Not really
By anon
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 6:20pm
Making fun of people for getting caught been dumb teens isn't penalizing them in any real way. If I were an admissions officer at BU (see below) and decided to revoke admission due to this incident prior to the court issues being settled THAT would be penalizing the accused without guilt.
Yes it is, because other
By anon
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 9:59pm
Yes it is, because other people will read what was written and potentially base their decisions/actions on it.
People who publicly smear others' reputations by making an alleged crime sound like the person is already guilty get sued for defamation/slander. Just ask Glen Beck if you want a local example.
No-one is basing any decisions on UHub comments
By anon
Sun, 07/17/2016 - 8:28am
Step 1 - someone is arrested for vandalism
Step 2- this is reported on the news
Step 3 - this is posted on this bloc
Step 4 - we make fun of these people for apparently being chuckleheads
In my example above, the BU admissions officer is going to ignore steps 2 and 3 and it us here at step 4 that are causing the damage. Please spare me.
While these comments are yes, public, the amplification is the key thing. If Yvonne Abraham writes a column about how these kids are bad news or something in the Globe, then you have a point. If someone here calls them white trash from Marshfield or whatever, so be it. I suppose you also think I was out of line when I said the kids who drink in the Arbs and litter are garbage?*
* clarification - it's the littering that I have a problem with - please drink all you want in the woods, just back your empties.
Finally, please log in with a user name. Then if/when these kids plead guilty, you can give us the green light to make fun of them.
Let's conduct an experiment
By anon
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 10:21pm
You get arrested for something you didn't do (but no one knows that), news sites post your name and photo around, it also get posted and mocked on numerous civics-challenged people on social media, and we see whether this actually creates immediate and ongoing penalties for you.
I would say funny you posted this
By anon
Fri, 07/15/2016 - 9:41pm
And not BLM defacing of Christopher Columbus park, but you're are you and you hate being white and probably Jewish.
Said a white Jew!
I would say sad you don't know how to use a search engine
By adamg
Fri, 07/15/2016 - 10:35pm
In the meantime, lookie here. And, geez, stop pretending you're MoT.
Instagram filter?
By anon
Fri, 07/15/2016 - 10:38pm
Did they use the teens' own smartphones for the mugshots?
Their parents must be so proud.
By Anon
Fri, 07/15/2016 - 10:55pm
Hopefully the parents make their darlings pay for everything from their own funds and not enable their kids.
Dunkins must be so proud
By BostonDog
Fri, 07/15/2016 - 11:22pm
It's going to take a lot of early morning shifts to pay this off.
Judge LaTulippe's verdict
By Will LaTulippe
Fri, 07/15/2016 - 11:19pm
I actually read this somewhere once, and I'm borrowing it: They all have to watch Saving Private Ryan.
By Dave
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 12:05am
Motley crew
By Neil
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 12:20am
Good lord.
Vive la France, our original and oldest ally, in these trying times.
Throw the book at 'em with a chance of redemption if they see the error of their ways.
To paraphrase Dean Wormer:
... drunk and stupid is no way to go thru life
To add some insight
By anon
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 12:58am
Fort Rever is covered in graffiti and is a hotspot for teens to write love notes, stupid shit and even suicided letters. These fools just got caught.
Maybe the arresting officer was having a bad day, because if they cleaned it tomorrow it would be covered by next week.
Feel bad for this kids, because of all the graffiti they probably assumed it was ok, now they all have an arrest record. And if I'm correct, defacing a monument is a felony.
What a bunch of dimwits.
By mplo
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 7:49am
They deserve to get into trouble.
You guys just don't want it's
By anon
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 8:01am
You guys just don't want it's like to grow up hard.
In Hull.
By anon
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 5:41pm
They're from Marshfield, not Hull.
By anon
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 8:37am
The state of public education is so bad that often times when these vandals strike they can't even spell their message correctly. Ride the red line from Quincy and you will see the work of vandals who flunked spelling in grammar school.
Guess what?
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 11:14am
These are not the cream of the crop.
Furthermore, MA has the best schools in the country, the rival of many European systems. https://www.boston.com/news/education/2016/01/07/a...
It wouldn't surprise me if these ladies were related to those oh so lovely young men my sons encountered on the waterfront in Marshfield whose casual beer chugging racism, rendered in poor grammar, kind of shocked them. Idiot families too often replicate their idiocy in their children, regardless of school system quality.
You can shorten that up
By tachometer
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 12:52pm
"Idiot families too often replicate their idiocy in their children"="The inbred children of adult alcoholics"
All bicyclists are bad. Medford is full of the Mafia.
By John Costello
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 1:26pm
How's that for a generalization Swirls? I didnt't have you in the pool to be the first to cast a sweeping indictment of my adopted town but there you go.
If these girls are convicted of what they have done, then good. Knowing how Hingham District operates community service will be the sentence on top of a clean up of the site.
I have held back commenting here because I know the parents of one of the women. Expect additional punishment from them on their daughter. I can almost guarantee it.
As far as idiot parents replicating idiot children, people screw up. One of the girls was really good in the drama department at MHS and another is going to BU in the fall. Cut the sweeping indictments and let the judicial system handle this. You come across as a draconian hag with your put downs. Teenagers are sociopaths from time to time. So are people who threaten others with bicycle locks.
Practice what you preach please Saint Swirls.
Proof is in the pudding
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 2:45pm
Friends of yours? Wow. QED
Somebody gave them the idea that it is okay to be stupid ... and somebody else didn't manage to use their critical thinking skills on something beyond an admissions application.
Putting a lot of energy into very actively spraypainting slurs on a monument is not "screwing up" - screwing up is passive (forgetting to take the garbage out, waking up too late for a job interview, missing a turn and hitting a pole). There is absolutely no situation where one could say that they didn't know better than to spray paint hate speech on a monument. None.
They didn't "screw up". They planned this and didn't manage to stop themselves at the many points along the way during the execution of it where they could easily think twice about it - or just think once about it. That's way beyond "screwed up".
I have kids this age, remember. They aren't perfect. They aren't stupid or vile, either. And while they haven't been taught to say no to drugs, they have learned when and how to say no to idiot friends.
You might want to keep your high horse in the stable
By Waquiot
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 3:42pm
Aka, there but for the grace of God, since there is always the chance that one of your sons gets connected with the wrong, yet somehow popular, kids, bows to peer pressure, and ends up right here in the Hub for vandalizing The Stone Zoo or some crap like that.
Kids do fucked up things in their teens. Even the Supreme Court has realized that a 17 year old can make horrible choices but right themselves. Heck, I had a classmate who used to relentlessly hurl homophobic slurs (not just words, whole phrases) at a classmate and someone who he probably considered a friend. It turns out the friend won an award a few years ago as the top gay reporter in New York, while Mr. Homophobe gives lectures on workplace acceptance of LBGT employees. Oh, and he was one of the few black kids in my graduating class.
So yeah, kids do stupid things. Parents can only engage in risk control.
Wait, What???
By itchy
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 3:55pm
Doing your job as a parent = high horse?
Teaching kids that actions have consequences and decisions matter = martydom?
Where I come from, that's called "being a competent parent" and "preparing junior for the real world of real consequences".
Is this "I can't be expected to teach my kids self control" and "so its not my fault if my kids don't have any" a thing now?
Very sad.
You missed his point entirely
By merlinmurph
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 7:04pm
The point is, any kid can screw up, regardless of how good a job the parents did.
By Waquiot
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 7:14pm
This kids could have shitty parents, or maybe they got caught up in some bonehead teenage shit. Costello knows some of the parents and vouches for them.
Murderers are typically not raised by murderers. My homophobic but not homophobic friend was raised by good parents, hence how he turned out long term.
Lastly, I don't want to defend what these kids are accused of. Vandalism is wrong, so they should be punished.
By Ward8Mahatma
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 1:29pm
I make no apologies for the Marshfield teens who defaced the fort, but I just want to note that people you meet on the beach in Marshfield are not necessarily from there. In fact, during the summer, they more likely are not, what with rentals & daytrippers. Sure, the days when kids from Boston would crowd the beach and bring their territorial city beefs & drunken belligerence with them have vanished along with their graffiti, which used to adorn the old seawall. But there is still a significant influx, especially on weekends.
Not during the summer
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 1:40pm
October. My boys were helping their cousin winterize the cottage that their grandfather helped to build in the 40s and board it up ahead of Superstorm Sandy.
Did You Save Some Nails From The Cottage?
By John Costello
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 2:03pm
So you can keep nailing yourself to that cross?
Someone stole them
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 2:43pm
They said it was for yours.
Don't you have some rosaries to do?
By Secular Sue
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 3:23pm
How does raising kids that don't get into trouble doing complicated things that they know that they shouldn't, and aren't rapists or racists make a parent a martyr, saint, Jesus, etc.?
That's just basic parenting 101 - teach your kid to navigate the world. That's a parent's job.
My observation
By Ward8Mahatma
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 8:13pm
could still be relevant. The old days of people boarding up their places after Labor Day & the coastal neighborhoods becoming ghost towns are long gone. Seasonal rentals now go right through Halloween &, with many places winterized , further to Memorial Day. Though the likelihood is higher in summer, in general seeing someone on the beach does not necessarily mean they are from Marshfield. This is not idle speculation on my part. I have been going there summers since I was a fetus & lived near Brant Rock fulltime off & on over the past 20 years.
By Ward8Mahatma
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 8:39am
When did this "tradition" of
By faegirl
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 10:24am
When did this "tradition" of defacing Fort Revere start? Seems like there needs to be some kind of either education or fear put into these kids.
I'd say a long time ago! I
By Lmo
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 7:10pm
I'd say a long time ago! I enjoy going to Ft. Revere, but it's covered in graffiti.
By Ruth Les Yupi
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 11:23am
The Beans of Egypt.
By maria c
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 12:03pm
The Beans of Egypt.
Render those photos in faded B&W ---
By Bob Leponge
Sat, 07/16/2016 - 2:39pm
--- and you'll have the illustrations from a 1930s pro-eugenics text.
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