Former Dorchester church official charged as child predator for incidents in the 1980s and 1990s
Michael Walsh, 80, was arraigned today in charges he raped and indecently attacked a Dorchester boy more than two decades ago, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.
In the 1980s and early 1990s, Walsh was an altar-boy coordinator at St. Brendan's Church in Dorchester and a coach in the Cedar Grove Baseball League. He is charged with one count of rape of a child and two counts of indecent assault and battery on a child for alleged offenses against a boy who was then in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades, the DA's office reports, adding the victim, now in his late 30s, contacted authorities earlier this year:
Walsh allegedly used his position of authority to gain access to, "groom," and ultimately sexually assault” him. Walsh was said to take the victim and other children out to eat and to the movies, and would drive them home; the abuse of the victim took place within Walsh’s car, his home, and his office.
Walsh was released on personal recognizance, but has to stay in Massachusetts, wear a GPS monitor and surrender his passport while his case is pending, the DA's office reports.
In 2006, the legislature passed a law that eliminated the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse charges as long as prosecutors could provide “objective, corroborative evidence” of the abuse.
Prosecutors say Walsh lost his job as a priest in Grand Rapids, MI in 2002, after he was charged with child sexual abuse during his time at the St. Francis de Sales Church in Charlestown - in a case that allegedly happened before the Dorchester incidents.
Innocent, etc.
Took WAY too long for him to face justice
And I refuse to believe no responsible adults in positions of authority in the archdiocese, little league, etc. weren't aware of what he was. It was probably common knowledge among the kids.
Of course they knew. They
Of course they knew. They didn't care then and they don't care now.
Justice is coming
The greatest trick of the devil was to disguise himself as priests. For those of you who don't believe in God at least say a prayer that Satan and hell exists for child predators.
"Walsh was released on personal recognizance"....Back to his home on Minot Street which is thick with little kids running around..... Scumbag
What a disgrace!
is absolutely disgusting! Why wasn't this guy, along with hundreds of other priests who've molested children ex-communicated? That would've been at least a step forward.
Walsh was an altar-boy
Last I checked, the Church can't ex-communicate somebody who's not a priest.
You mean...
.. "de-frock" (not allowed to serve as a priest) -- any Catholic can be excommunicated (not allowed to receive Communion).
So...they waited more than 20 years before charging this guy?
They waited more than 20 years before putting this 80-year-old Michael Walsh guy on trial and charging and convicting him of child molestation and abuse?
That is absolutely ludicrous!
When were the accusations made?
If they recently came to light, it makes sense.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around "Former Dorchester church official." I'm a loyal Catholic, but come on, he's a former priest (though I would prefer the phrase "defrocked priest.") There are lay leaders in the Church, but when a priest does it, it's a level of violated trust that will cause him to burn that much more in the afterlife.
Looks like he did not become a priest....
... until he left Dorchester and moved to Michigan. And that he was officially a priest for only a rather short period of time (before getting into trouble in Michigan and getting defrocked).
It's pretty vague
You don't see many lay employees of his age working for the Church and later becoming a priest, but you're right, it could be.
Maybe Because