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Roslindale getting city's longest slide
By adamg on Wed, 10/05/2016 - 11:12am

The new playground at Fallon Field in Roslindale is fast taking shape, with the possibility it could be ready by month's end for kids to play in.
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Sorry, but seeing this slide
I can't help but be reminded of what happened to Homer Simpson at Mount Splashmore:
"There's Nothing That Can Possibly Go Wrong"
Pleasantly surprised they still allow the rope climbing things
See saws and merry-go-rounds went away after I grew up (never managed to hurt myself on either, but I could see how my brothers might), but I never hurt myself worse than I did on a giant Eiffel Tower style rope climbing thing like the ladder of this slide. It was great fun most of the time, though.
See-saws et al not a thing of the past
There are still plenty of playgrounds in Boston (and Brookline and Newton and...) with seesaws and roundabouts.
Just like the really high / long slide at the Franklin Park Zoo, this one will be closed after a week.
I see this slide on my way to work, and when I first saw it I was thinking that it looked too death-trappy for my tastes.
Then I remembered that the playground of my elementary school had a hundred foot wood and metal slide with a decent enough gradient that on good days, you got to the bottom with lots of momentum, and I know of a few kids that broke their arms.
So yeah, this is probably a fine slide.
Not As Easy-To-Clean
With the old fashioned open-air slides, urine, feces, vomit, and blood would get washed away in the rain, or the slide could be simply hosed down for a thorough cleaning.
With an enclosed slide, you won't even know what was left inside by previous passengers until you're sliding through it.
I guess if you look at it that way
That was a bit of a buzz kill...
Speaking of hazardous playground equipment
Anticipation is building!
I hear a lot of feedback on this slide (I run the roslindaleplaygrounds.org site that Adam linked to and am an admin for the Roslindale Wants to Play Facebook group) and it has overwhelmingly been extremely positive. I was also standing in front of the playground to watch the Roslindale Parade and heard a lot of very excited comments from children and parents, many of whom were presumably seeing this structure for the first time. I'm really glad that Boston Parks and Recreation has embraced the idea of using the park's slope to build a bigger, better, and more challenging playground for Roslindale.
it shoudl be great
for 900K
Playgrounds are expensive
No question about it.
$900K is towards the high end in Boston, but it's not out of line with some other projects that BPRD is working on, and this really is a huge improvement to one of only two playgrounds in the neighborhood.
The City's longest public
The City's longest public playground slide? I guess so.
Not 100% sure looking at the photo, but I think the indoor/outdoor water slide at the Kroc Center is longer.
Pretty soon some confused protester is going to lock themselves to that thing.
The static shock at the end
The static shock at the end will make some priceless video.
It looks like Pacman is advancing up the slide. Excited for it to be done!
I always saw the Cheshire cat but I like Pacman too.