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Medical-marijuana dispensary eyed for West Roxbury


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What's the point of having medical pot shops if it's going to most likely be legalized soon?

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The Medical is pure pot, its regulated, and there is no added additives. With regular pot, there could additional additives that may effect your high.

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It might take years before legal pot shops are able to set up. If you can set up your own medical shop with a customer base, you are ahead of the game.

Plus, there are already established grow facilities for medical weed in MA, so the source of good product is already intact as well.

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It will take YEARS before we ever see any pot shops open. Its not gonna be super instant like people think. This state, and its politicians will drag their feet as long as possible.

I still applied for a pot card month or so ago anyways. I figure it will be several years before any legal shops open, so why wait until then? I also qualify THREE times for a card... (for three very different, well documented, ailments). So why not?

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Fine by me. Put it smack dab next to one of the banks:) If people are ok with liquor stores and bars in neighborhoods then they should be ok with dispensaries.

And before any outcry read actual facts (if you are not familiar) with marijuana use and dispensaries. No "Refer Maddness" please.

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That awful ad with pot shops everywhere is for people who never travel outside the commonwealth (unless by cruise ship) and can't use google street view to save their lives.

Take a virtual tour of Denver or Aurora, or suburban Seattle, or Vancouver, Washington, or Portland, OR. Nothing like that Reefer Madness FEAR THE WEED ad at all! You can even google for places to buy to see what they look like on the street.

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A friend of mine who lives in Colorado posted this one day.. (well same store, but not this picture)

IMAGE( http://newschronicle.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/GassGrass.jpg )

I don't care really, voting yes on 4 anyways... I just thought the name was funny.

But then again, in some states (and even here in MA), we have gas stations that sell beer and wine so what's really the difference?

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Put at the corner of Center and Lagrange - once an inhaler supplier, always an inhaler supplier.

Oh wait, I'm sure that's not an appropriate location for the sale of an addictive substance given the proximity of the playground and St Theresa's school. (other than, you know, Blanchard's)

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*hiss* zing!

Good one :-)

So I take it the strain of pot they sell will be called "Primatine".. maybe they will sell a THC vapor product called "Primatine Mist"

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...that marijuana is addictive?

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I am just envisioning the complaints of concerns neighbors.

I'd welcome a dispensary in Roslindale to breakout up all the empty storefronts.

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Where just about every parkway kid has their first legal drink.

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          ( So, the drug makers got the FDA to ban it completely. )

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I love their excuse "Chlorofluorocarbons".. right.

And apparently Primatine Mist has tried to come back with a non CFC product. They submitted it in 2013 and still have not gotten FDA approval.


Now one monkey wrench to your theory is this.. you can still buy Ephedrine tablets OTC. However, they do not have the 'instant' effect the mist had. And obviously, that would not help in a epipen situation.

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It was a low cost alternative to ALBUTEROL INHALERS.

It was also a LOW EFFECTIVENESS "alternative".

Nonsense and hogwash.

The CFC problem was totally a different thing - and it had to do with extensive emissions from antiquated factories.

Get your facts straight, please.

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Elmer right.

Active Ingredient in Primatene Mist is Epinephrine .22 mg

Active Ingredient in an EpiPen is Epinephrine .33 mg

Not all that much of a different. You might need two sprays instead of one with Primatene Mist to get the same instant effect as a EpiPen.

Im sure .22 mg is about the legal limit for selling Epinephrine OTC.. anything more, and you'd need a prescription.

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I was ready to eyeroll "concerned neighbors" but it sounds like the Committee had some decent questions and weren't being especially knee-jerk about anything.

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Bring legalization and more people will be smoking because now more will have excuse thinking because government allows it, it can't be that bad....

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Read up on the stats coming out of Colorado, Washington, and Oregon before typing this nonsense, please.

Teen use is down, and the only group with increased use is people over 65.

I love it when someone comes up with "theories about what WILL happen" rather than looking at actual facts, data, etc. As if Massachusetts was on its own planet or something.

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Ummmm did I not say to learn the facts before you comment? This is just untrue. Stop talking to Marty Walsh.

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Yes, please bring this to that location. Eventually people will realize that this does help people and it's not just to get high. Why does every medication need to have uncomfortable side effects anyway? Yes, to West Roxbury for medical dispensary and I and my family have lived here since 1950, so I've seen many changes. This is not a negative.

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Because of course, there's so many intoxicated people who are always hanging out, consuming alcohol outside all the liquor stores?

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